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You're having trouble making up your mind to do something? Well, here's something
really easy to do. Make up your mind to be happy. Can you do that? Oh, will tell
you how. I had a neighbor who lived right next door, next-door neighbor that I
could hear every single morning whistling. Winter, spring, summer, fall. (Singing starts) Oh,
you got to do (Singing ends). That's James Taylor. Yeah, I didn't whistle that one on. This guy's name was
Fred. Still is, he's still alive. But whistling and I'm telling you, this was
we lived next to him for nine years and this is one of these people who would
whistle no matter what. I knew some of the things that were going on in his
life. I knew some of the issues, some of the challenges, some of the familial
discord, maybe not discord so much but just challenges, mistakes and things that
had happened to this family. So, what you're saying is, he made up his mind,
regardless of what was going on in his life, to be happy. Happiness is a state of
mind. And really that's kind of the underlying principle behind all of these
videos that Jeff and I make. About how to be happy and the 7-ups of happiness. And
today's episode is about making up your mind. Yeah, it's in your head isn't it?
Yeah, I think so. I mean, no matter what you're going through, you know, whether
it's something minor or something large, in large respect, it's just look... Whatever
is happening, I'm going to make my mind up to be happy. Yeah, I mean, you can do
certain things to kind of keep a positive attitude. That's the key. Here we are by
the way, in this beautiful theatre. All of them empty which which probably is really
quite I proposed even the subject of the stage. Yeah. This Scott and Jeff's 7 ups of happiness. You know we did invite an
audience. Yeah, they made up their mind not to... There's Sharon.
Yeah. Take a look at Sharon, can you see her? There's Sharon over there. Whoo!
See, how happy she is? Sharon's happy because she's opened up the theater for
us to come in here and shoot and she probably didn't want to do that. I'm just
kidding. So, they're very, very happy people here. But the point is, is that
happiness really is a state of mind. Because you can choose happiness. Now, I
know that we have no shortage of people watching. Who
absolutely are giving an amen and if you are, remember to like the video at some
point here, right? Maybe you can share it. But singing, singing a happy song,
whistling a happy tune, smiling. Yep. Smiling has been proven just the
endorphins that go as the muscles that make up your smile start to constrict
and and move and endorphins are sent to the brain. Go ahead and try it. Of course that's
smiling but it also goes without mentioning that laughing. And I've got my...
My wife will attest to this. It's, I laugh at some of the
stupidest things but it's the way that I laugh. I will be sitting there with my
little seven-year-old daughter, hi Sydney. And we'll be watching a video and I'll
just "haha!" That's my laugh. And my wife, it'll make my wife laugh and then pretty
soon everybody's laughing. But I will just, I'll be driving in the car all by
myself and I'll see a stupid billboard, "haha!" and I don't know. It's... Who's... Where does
that laugh come from? I have no idea. I think it comes from somebody, I think it comes
from Charles Lynn Frost. We would, we would be doing a scene together
in high school and it's all dark, we couldn't see anything but we would hear
that F "haha!" in the back. Oh my gosh. One laugh in the back row because you know all
directors sit on the back row because they figure, you know, if your voice is
carrying back here,it doesn't have to go any further but it at least has to
project. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's kind of a Pee-wee Herman. So, so yeah. So, just laugh,
start laughing out loud and don't care what anybody else thinks, right? Unless
you're, you know, in church that might not be good. And music is a really, really
great way to... It's like, what I would call a quick upper as it works quickly. Let's
face it the power of music, especially positive music, but also negative music. I
mean you can be in a really great mood. Let's say you're already having a good
day and you hear a song that reminds you of a really bad breakup. Like the
Macarena. Or a really tender time in your life, you know what I'm saying?
Yeah. oh it's... All of a sudden you've manufactured of an emotion that you really weren't
experiencing before the song came on. It can ruin your day. So, the converse is
true which is, if you want to be happy and get picked up, deliberately make your
playlist, obviously, out of songs that do that to you. Now, our top 3. That's
where we're going to today to finish up this one. I've got like 4. Alright, well,
give me some. I've got four and... This is the top songs that raise our spirits. So,
Steve Winwood, right? You know the ones... That's on my list.
Is it really? We don't share the lists.
No we don't. That's right there. "When you see a chance, take it" - Steve Winwood. Again,
Spotify, it just... Listen to it is such an uplifting cool song. Yeah. From the very
opening strain of that... It has that soft, warm, fat organ, ohh, man. Oh yeah. Great song (Starts singing). Anyway,
we all know what it is. If you don't, like he says, look it up. Yeah. What else did I
have? Oh, I had... There's one song that's kind of a little bit, not obscure but
it's a Mike and the Mechanic song. Ooh, I know it, I know it. I don't think you know this
one because they have a lot of really uplifting ones but this one's
called beggar on a beach of gold. Okay, I know it. Yeah. Just look it up. The title
itself is about a guy who, you know, he's sitting on a beach of gold and he's
still complaining about all the things that he doesn't have that other people
have. And then at the end, it brings it all around to the most important thing
to him is his family and his children. Ooh, yeah. That's good. You know that's
emotional but it's positive way. Yeah. Okay, alright. So I'm going to shift now, not so
emotional but this is just you get pumped up. No, no, no, no, no. But
Iggy Pop *** for life. I mean, it's, you know, it's Jim Rome's... So, I
used to listen to that song a lot before I'd get, you know, in front of a big crowd
or a stage or whatever just to get pumped up. So, just a great, great song.
That's one of mine. Yeah. One of my... And then my other one that I have, I just
reminded of, is let the day begin. By? it's "The Call". Ooh. You know that song? I know
the call but... (Starts singing) Here's to the beer to the dude, here's to the baby other hand. Hey, shake
a tail, here's to you my little love (Stops Singing). It's got a big, it's rousing, it wakes you up. Yeah. It keeps you
happy. If you can somehow manage to eliminate the downer negative songs that
keep you low and help you manufacture these depressive thoughts, if you really
want to be happy, put the happy ones on. Yeah.
Instant uppers, they work right away. Yeah. Put a smile on your face. Did we get all
of yours? Uh, no. I'd say I got a bunch coming to me and I'm walking on
sunshine. oh okay. I get where you're going. It's a
good one. Katrina? Katrina, yeah, but she's... Okay, here's my favorite one but by far. Might as well
with the go-go's. Yeah. Here's, I'll do a replacement, alright? Todd Rungdren,
*** the Drum (Stats singing). *** the drum all day (Stops singing). Again, just get the blood pumping, you know, good
workout type of a music. it'll just change the way you think. Because
honestly you could be going through practically anything. But happiness is a
choice that you make sometimes by even deliberately, manipulating your own
temporary happiness. And then ultimately, we get into more permanent states of
happiness. That's for another episode, that's all I am saying. Sure. But for now, just
choose to be happy today. Smile right now and watch what it does.
Don't look at him smiling, that won't make you happy at all. Well, I don't know
if our rambling here on the stage has been of any service to you at all but if
it has, please remember to like and subscribe to our channel and tell a
friend while you're at it. And remember choose to be happy today, laugh a lot,
smile a lot.