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yes any excuse me i'm sorry before you get into that could you just introduce
yourself and tell us what do you work for the people decide accordingly don't
know yet
grandma a little bit of a bio here i'm sorry it's uh...
website geology ring watch dot org
uh... michael murphy and myself as a few of us that are part of that site
have a background with bechtel power corporation in renewable energy
work toward the first solar commercial so what works for the continental u_s_
myhome was on the world's largest renewable energy magazine that's how i
got on to this issue
i'd been told about it but was frankly very skeptical
and when i moved northern california expecting clean air
uh... with with a very large
completely off great home
uh... and then start to lose of sunday's fifty sixty seventy even eighty percent
of my solar uptake from
these statistics trade patterns
clearly something was wrong something's going on in the sky
quickly came on the subject geo engineering and my life has been on hold
ever sent
uh... over a decade prior to this site
my area of of study and research was
um... climate change
and the atmosphere and that of course paled right into this and
uh... so pisses off boom the majority what i've done for the last
ten years not a battle i wanted in any sense but one i just simply
felt uh... if it was not
stopped nothing else would matter i feel that
more than ever
if if on the temperature anomalies we see farm
i'm sure everybody seen these wild swings in temperature did it's it
very apparent now they are doing massive manipulation with the jet stream in
conjunction with the air assaults
uh... my age
conclusion on that and we can go into cutie here in america died i like that
best anyway but
i believe that the planet isn't full-blown meltdown
i'm not an al gore fan i'm not a carbon credits and but that does not change the
reality on the ground
q jeering
appears to be
from my research largest single causal factor we've been not very kind of the
planet i don't think anybody could argue that one but
but you know jeering at his
by far largest original works that
appears to have triggered
climate feedback loops one of those feedback loops
this methane explosion which appears to be
released or triggered at this point
um... that in conjunction with shredded ozone layer certainly the result of geo
uh... we are in uncharted territory in that be methane explosion is not a
century longer that that's not a decade-long of that
it happens over the course of a few years activity
all available data cake is happening now in this is a global game changing event
and the paradoxes
with again julie jeering
appears to be one of the largest
single causal factors the largest causal factor
because you injuring alters when patterns along with harper which then
alters ocean currents
now we have
social currents that used to turned south from the atlantic before they went
into the arctic now to go straight to the arctic that's
part of the reason the methane hydrates applied
shredded ozone another reason if god
at the mapping releases
uh... many people might have heard a methodist twenty times were put into a
to z_ greenhouse gas
but in fact that's over one hundred year time horizon over a
ten-year time horizon it's over a hundred times more potent
so the magnitude of this cannot be overstated
the reservoir thus releasing any siberian shelf of the article
fpd it has the potential to extinguish life on earth
that reservoir alone
um... again the paradoxes
the the more they spray
dorm or the
apparently feel they have to spray
in order to cover up the damage they've already got it spits
paining a straight into a corner but it's all they know how to do to alter
they're geared to do its that's what they're
money-making bonanza iso
uh... anyway i
i feel at this point
and are going to kill a day here in a second pic
that we are
really at the apex here and the temperature to changing radically
there's temperatures
in some place in the arctic right
and in the last uh...
thirty forty five days that have been
fifty degrees above normal
there's huge swings as other areas has been blown over like alaska
but it just depends on whether i still creating which
if anybody doesn't know what that is
it appears that almost every precipitation that now is being ice
nucleated that chemical nucleation
it's a chemical process by which no can be created it
according to the patents we have of up to fifty degrees we see the same thing
happening on the ground
shouldn't be so at those temperatures obviously but
as this nucleation process continues it appears to cool the air mass below it
and in northern california we had
temperatures as low as twenty degrees below
something two to three weeks back uh... not far from where i live
and now were
uh... pushing eighty degrees
and uh... through the same thing bladder little over a week ago atlanta georgia
with eighty five degrees
uh... snowed three days later
people should really
question this obviously in
these new creation process appears to be their last card
we don't know what's in these chemicals were seeing very anomalous noted
stays frozen
and uh...
the ponder pack with the stuff that's the frozen long after freezing
temperatures are gone
the chemical nucleation process appears to continue on actually
gassing some of the water apples ponds they're doing over siberia right now is
completely buried in snow
uh... the radar we could see the rice nuclep feet would
was arraigned sell the classes out the snow that's
it's got this material built on it so
anyway uh... i'll go to kill a neighbor died by believe right now that what they
have triggered
is so cataclysmic and and video data backed it up a new climactic climatic
they have now are
in total desperation
trying to
what they've helped the cause
and now the stakes are as high as they could be and even to to put this in
perspective the arctic methane emerged a group
a may give the acronym
lot of geosciences fares miller
ken caldera has one if it was really with his name but
their latest proposals to stop this methane are to use the ionosphere
heaters which of the harper surlis around the globe
and try to use opposing frequencies to nuke the atmosphere in in it
and completely destructive attempt to degrade the methane
before it completely saturated atmosphere so
this is total desperation mode and i i think that we're all info
quite a ride from here but i my belief
from all of my research is that if they don't stop geo engineering if they don't
allow the plant to respond if they don't allow hydrological cycle to resume quick
poisoning the boreal forests quick
shredding the ozone layer
victorville on the planet responded so and i believe are
our future looks bleak
indeed and it was just a couple months ago i first heard about the methane
i'd never heard that before
induct could you explain how that works to people never heard about that i think
a lot of people that even heard about that before
maybe you haven't howard a talent displaying actually facilitating the
methane release in a positive feedback cycle
again you know
electric i can't
and in good conscience saying it completely around the neck appealing to
your enemy we certainly have done great harm to our planet but that being said
it does appear that you engineering
is the single greatest causal factor again
there are certain issues that are crystal clear
that you engineering particulates shred alos own period
there's absolutely no debate
scientifically about that fact
we have mapped of northern estimate southern hemisphere ozone holes really
all available data
points towards you engineering being the cause not
geo jeering if they've been at this for about six decades and that's about the
time the ozone holes route southern immature star development of the
hemisphere shortly after
and um...
so if you have
more of the sun's thermal
penetrating the atmosphere now
you have although they can create and they do with between harp
maneuvering the jet stream
iced nucleated particular and the simple blocking of the sun they can and do
creek massive cooling events overshoot jerry s
but it ep absolutely appears to be at the cost of a much worse and overall
it truly is cutting your nose off despite your face
you know the alternative mention jerry
the altar wind currents which alters ocean currents now you have warm water
going to be arctic
the greatest source
uh... that has the potential jury from the atmosphere bar none
this one reservoir alone
in the east library shelf is fought to contain some ten thousand giga tonnes of
nothingness frozen
napping on the sea floor
if only sixty that ten thousand giga tonnes relief that would increase by
four hundred percent
the total greenhouse gases
only sixty of that ten thousand so you get an idea of the magnitude of that
if any signifi percentage of that reservoir releases its it's game over on
planet earth
um... city i don't think they can hide this prolonged that's changing
temperatures by the day
i think but they will try to spin geo shearing into some lasted stable and
supported it
enough people understand it is not
a tear
but occur so that when they try to sell this to us
people will already know better but that's how the mapping is released
but happening for
many decades bermuda triangle that's methane released not aliens
list when these methane fields released at a rate of the ocean like a bottle of
champagne ships have no blame to go to the bottoms of the student happening for
a long time
the article
uh... reports very very large
and it's also testifying the ocean is the methane releases
much of it dissolves in the in the sea water is it
reaching the surface and portions are still fighting
right now at breakneck speed so this is a multi edged sword
then uh... none of the good thing
okay so
so to make this simple for people
their shredding the ozone layer more sunlight is reaching the methane depots
are these mapping uh... reservoirs and then the methane is being released
causing a further heating
which has been increasing it's accurate positive feed back in just increasing
the your whole cycle that basically right in that show
yes but it's more of a sense thermal energy is not necessarily direct
sunlight because again
a global gaming right now another term many are not familiar with his
um... fully twenty percent on planet earth that means
over the last five decades twenty percent of the sun's direct raised no
longer reach the surface the plan to get a result of geo jeering
i mean it the amount of destination because they'd you injury he can't be
quantified again it's reading the ozone
altering wind currents releasing methane
poisoning everything that lives the boreal forests which are the longer the
planet the northern latitude for us
so very took to the court west by every night
i spent my life in the fourth and index it in looks absolutely correct and i
just came in
prior to making this call it
the devastation is this
it's cataclysmic captain
so now you have these force that were the ones on the planet that were a
carbon copy cat
that absorb carbon now they are a carbon source the remaining proper because they
are dying
i mean there's nothing
that's not being harmed by geology ring is harming
but the sun's thermal energy russell again is not
uh... always in the form of direct sunlight it's like a cloudy day in the
beach you know you can still get sunburned
in another part of the feedback loop is the arctic ice cap many people in the
the global warming debate rages on him it really should not
although there is a small section of antarctica that has in fact
increased the c_i_d_ slightly
we fully believe is from ice
nucleation area city did not snow before did no precipitation because it was too
the water begin there didn't contain enough moisture kiss to precipitate
it does have enough moisture disperse a particular sea ice forming that that
doesn't mean it's getting colder not getting colder it in the case of the
arctic ice ***
it almost
completely imploded this year media is not covering this
it during most of the nazis in the arctic ice cap was losing a hundred
thousand square kilometers of surface area eight days
near the end of the ice steven
the nazis and it was a hundred thirty thousand square corners that day
not expected to last more than two or three more years no light
again back to the methane
you instead of a the surface of the ice reflecting ninety percent of the sun's
thermal energy now the city absorbs ninety-plus percent about thermal energy
so add
that increased absorption of sunlight from the
open sea water
add the portion currents that are now delivering warm water abby increased
thermal energy from the sun from the shredded ozone
bad mix that combination mapping releases
causes heating
more ice melts more absorption positive feedback loop very very clear easy to
pat toomey let me ask you some hard questions real quickly i know people
everybody is asking themselves is in that respect what you think
image they'd like to know what you what you think i think
how long until this
process effect every solar
along towards that an actual and you know something that nobody even the
people were trying to deny most in gone with the lights have to deal with
based on the day dicey i'd
it don't believe they'll be able to hide this
past the end of this year
um... perhaps not even that long
eight i'd believe that
the ramifications from this event are
unfolding so rapidly that
by i'd phillips
apa certainly a strong
probability that
some event might b
laid on a stew
the key to just distract from
everything unfolding you know maybe two maybe they'll start world war three
maybe a false flag event or something to spill e speculation i have no
knowledge of that obviously but bait
based on the ramifications of
the imploding environment and and again to put this into a little more
perspective uh... ross
the species extinction rate
somewhere between
one hundred
thousand percent
of normal
background extinction
and a million per cent of normal background extinction that's between one
thousand and pan thousand times
normal background
we're losing as much as two hundred species a day
uh... we are in the six great mass extinction on planet earth
right now
you can't hide that
furlong you have uh...
fish stocks imploding ninety three percent of global collegiate catfish
stocks bar
uh... now depleted ninety three percent the not now the bottom of the food chain
macro haring
uh... those are just starting to implode now completely
um... the
previous methane gas explosion okay we have of period it had to go on here
from fifty five million years ago the parent of a pagan scene you've seen
thermal maximum with a mathematics portion of that
that it's felt that there was about that you know it depends on what model what
study look at but
isn't as much as seventy percent terrestrial extinction
and perhaps over ninety percent potion extinction so
you know this is no joke
and uh... it's going to change but
but again
if we stopped
if they stopped at g_ o_ engineering that is our best chance that the whole
they could only hurt their worst climate systems that are trying to compensate
what's happening
but when they see the atmosphere they stop cyclic rotation is tapos only
generation they fought the hydrological cycle
the poison what rain it does fall
it's doing nothing but harmful culinary needs to stop
well you have sent a word about the docs collegiate today he said
uh... politic fish populations soldiers those are the the greatest
food stocks additional the tune of the mac roller
for those of police occurs
okay so that's the word
we're losing that out of that is going out there they're ninety three percent
plead globally already
ninety three percent i mean there
though it may catch anything is because the fishing methods are so
credibly sophisticated but you have the ocean the certifying at the same time
uh... in addition to fukushima radiation and you know without other things but
uh... kosher certification is is um...
happening person perhaps uh... thousand times faster than the pattern that that
i just mentioned fifty five million years ago so
we're on a jet engine ride to a a whole new reality in
and again i i don't like that it is very dire my conclusions are very dire but
uh... first have to matter to us
uh... try to raise awareness on this for every single individual who reach that
passed the matter in of itself that that makes the effort matter
no one can say how this wonderful no-one and
and again are best
spends backed by forest for the planet to be allowed to respond for people to
understand what's happening
and not for these
uh... completely clinically insane people
too quiet
untold thousands of jets around
day-in day-out
and completely sporting
all of us life support systems and that's exactly what they're doing
if to say that i agree with you and it was just speculation about probably they
may have distractions
or false flag or something that will distract her body that's
putting all pieces together i have to agree with that speculation that that's
probably what they're going to do
now so by doing chem trails by that by doing this so called dual engineering it
sounds like they're there obviously making the problem worse
can help with the believe they know it directly what they're doing what do you
they know they make it worse but maybe there's some reason behind it
or or anybody i don't do that
could be a couple angles i mean i think that
uh... in one on one hand they know it's going to collapse period and so they
don't care
uh... and and i always have to bring up the
eighteen hundred plus nuclear detonations on planet earth i mean what
what the same
uh... group of people would do that i mean exposing themselves absolutely
positively your strontium ninety in all of our bones
you know everything
was contaminated for those eighteen hundred detonations blowing up beautiful
south the items why would anybody do that i mean
you know there's no sanity in this equation certainly but height
i believe and having
spoken to
kean college era and in uh... having
spoken to david keith
uh... that maji leisure calm person
san diego that
from my perspective
uh... my i don't think there's a lot of
rational thinking integration
not at all they live in bubbles were the the you know the the consequences of
their actions don't appear
to be relevant to them
and so what we're dealing with
in my opinion
uh... complete lack of
deductive reasoning here with no comprehension as to the consequences of
their actions so
it's hard to say ross but i but but i believe also that the vast majority of
people baldness programs the bat vast majority
have no idea
what they're doing
they are being told they're doing something it's going to save the planet
something benevolent
something necessary and both of the people we need to reach knows the people
who need to understand
that they are sucking the noose around their own mecca
along with the rest of us
and and
i would hope that once they realized that they would refused to participate
in this insanity
japanese greathigreat
uh... you had mentioned uh... uh...
we go to kill a just a second but a couple questions i've heard from a lot
of people
we keep seeing this pattern a-bomb
there's been everything is dying i had uh...
four different vegetables doctor two weeks of intense spraying
uh... this summer
guard never regarding last week's which i love
and all four thousand four differentiable tides just they all died
and that i was rates it became bright with two weeks of the spring
you just that you came in with a you get your work with the dozer your scene
decimation of force what do you see without the plant life there in the
house i can play into this
again you know they're g engineering in the elephant in the room in simply
remain causes destination in me
and many if not most
uh... forced serious right now
back to the species extinction as much as two hundred species a day going
extinct this has been this an important factor of this
it is thought that seventy-two eighty percent of those extinctions plant an
animal are formally related
so when you poison the soils when you start rate them with
biol available toxic
deadly heavy metals
you kill
the soil microbes to kill the life of the soil
and what moves in when there's a clean slate
targeted decimating everything from the oak trees to the to the uh...
some of the conifers and
you know what every other thing from top to bottom including people fungal
sinusitis epidemic now fungus is a very slow insidious
problem and that
it's it's absolutely connected the decimation of four certainly received
our pursing trees mid-week
went trees in many other organisms tents when their roots sent biol available
aluminum of their studies on this in particular
so use aluminum is example but
the shutdown to protect their d_n_a_ from damage
so the they don't uptake nutrients
saly dietary slow protracted death in case of the force in the pacific
northwest everybody says oh it's just the beatles
the beatles are only a symptom of a week
treated has been point so you know all roads lead back the geo engineering
again uh... i i mean
uh... if if they had not been doing this for sixty years i believe we would be an
explode in chile better
shape now doesn't mean that we have a damaged the planet again etc
any notion that uh...
has not occurred is this just uh... not looking at reality bites
but geo engineering i believe them
biggest single causal factor in if they had never started this believe we would
in in a much better position but as it sits right now alarm we are in free fall
to an unknown reality
okay you mention the bio
biologically available although menem now salam actually have a lot of bauxite
woodside which they get aluminum from through manufacturing
process but that's completely different because that doesn't help stacked the
play at the same way newly introduced
free biologically available woman does is that correct
weekly correct because it just comes up so many times you meet these geology
ring disinformation sites of people in
and um...
aluminum is eight percent of your scrutton it is
aluminum does not exist in the environment in freeform
always bonded to other elements not
bio available certainly doesn't blow around in the wind that they have tried
you know right when i first bill dannemeyer researcher would later talk
to a uh...
hydrogeology were the first people i talk to and he was
aghast at the the aluminum reading i hadn't my range that you know he should
anything you know even one part per billion enduring unless you live next to
at alcoa factory use his words exactly
my first tested the ring with seven parts-per-billion aluminum already very
high considering for a live
subsequent tests over the next six years rose as much as
are almost fifty thousand percent from that already high reading
two thirty four hundred fifty parts per billion a single rain event i mean this
is a highly toxic rain snow
where this aluminum accumulator off the site of much else is measures i sixty
one thousand parts-per-billion
uh... in nobody's talking to people in all right i mean i i thought the north
side of the six months ago off the record paid absolutely no light
i'd just had another meeting with uh... barbara waste northern california
therefore you test for the sacramento where were the first
spiking aluminum but they're afraid if anything it's like a you know
word about three to five job lol
sinking at breakneck speed
into total extinction literally
so i hope
if we can reach critical mass
and academia knows i mean i i don't think there's a meteorologist often
doesn't know what's going on around or a biologist that's
involved with any type of forced reissued
if we could just break a delegate would break from a hundred different erections
okay could you mail
got a certificate
we contacted seems almost
impossible you know you can't that the legislators or senators to do anything
you can
you know what should be our next gap once were where and
you know quantified
extremely important question
uh... how i would say this to legislatively willl never get anywhere
the systems bought sold paid for it they've been setting it up for this
permittee decades
i think they truly believe they could carry this on building
uh... could not be further from the true so
uh... the entire system is rigged not to show these particular so
we need to reach the people and not blister time with agencies
everybody can do that from their own home computer
groups so that would come here cathy
only have a clue
farm groups
environmental groups
a_t_t_ alzheimer's autism uh... brown
some the big fishing organizations or when the weather poultry richard lugar
hurled dying
you know that bitburg the list is almost in list of people that would care if
they had inclu
it credible data
stunts in the mika credible email with a couple good articles like all these
flaming arrows we all need to be shooting these flaming arrows for work
from home computer journalists that focus on environmental issues too
but something very thought-out credible article site for more data bo jio during
washed dot org our site is is one site
uh... you can address input article or two in there
uh... that those costs less to do it
and we all have that them
tutor so few of us
the best thing we could do this to try to start the spot fires with people
who are absolutely personally being politically affected would care
if they really
got it if they really uh... accepted this is going on and
and to add to that i would say
that they will no longer have the option of denying this because
i don't think it's local fit under the rug much longer so
even if it
doesn't start me mediafire it'll smolder there when they start to see everything
employing around them
i believe huh
those seats will find fertile ground
so we can all come if there's an organized campaign to locate groups
organizations and individuals that would care journalists
if they knew and and send outdated just keep sending it out
you know enough female films
uh... make copies of working film of what twenty five cents a copy for dvdrw
but just continued to shoot out those flaming arrows with the feel that there
are that's the most effective thing we can do