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OK so now we have everything we want to in our
OpenStudio model we have our boundary conditions set and we are ready to run a simulation so
what we're going to do is go to our RunManager
I'm going to uncheck design days those are something you would use to help size your system by having a day summer and winter day
where the loads in the building are
everyone is in the building for a longer amount of time and the machines are running and you make sure your system is sized
that's one of the reasons for design days but right now we are just going to
run the weather simulation file
and I have to load an EPW so I'm going to go to my computer
and C. drive
I'm going to go to EnergyPlus weather files we have a few that install
with EnergyPlus button and hear I haven't geo located my model that's going to be a separate tutorial
but I have quite a distance between where my model was located and
where I picked a weather file so I'm going to say yes you can relocate my model to Golden instead of what I believe is Chicago.
and if you need more weather files you can click here to download them and you can look on Google earth actually as a KMZ file
so I’m going to set this to run a month
instead of an annual simulation and I’ll explain that in a little bit.
this looks different than it has in the past right now this is the actual IDF text that EnergyPlus wants for requesting these variables which right
now are just the inside surface temperature and the outside I’m going to run a simulation and it is going to give me a file
called an RDD that is going to list all these other
variables I can use so it’s something you didn’t have easy access to before but now I'll show you how to load in
all these other variables and then you can actually on a separate
tutorial I'll show you where you can find the a change the settings for hourly to something else like the monthly or daily
so anyway right now I'm going to hit apply and save my model the reason I did that is just in case for some reason if I forget to save later
this will now associate that weather file or that path to the weather file with my openstudio model so when I come back later
I won’t have to re-tell it what weather file to use.
because sometimes you are between two weather files and
you chose one for a reason and you want other people who open your model to know that so they don't re-run the simulation
using a different weather file this read vars will create
will create a CSV file and this RVI file will
it let you customize the order of the columns and the data on so that important if you
want to load data into excel and analyze it on your own
we have ResultsViewer as well as the SketchUp plug in
and tabular data that opens up webpage that you can use and I think that'll be adequate for a lot of users but some who want to take it farther
use these but we're not going to do we're just going to click run
and a status dialog is going to run up and you notice it was briefly green and then it stopped it said idle
that doesn't mean our simulation is done
we're working with an OSM file EnergyPlus needs and IDF so what finished initially was the conversion of the OSM to an IDF
and then down here we can actually see EnergyPlus it is running but we also see local jobs running one
and I could look at the standard output it's what we are used to seeing.
that would normally be in the on DOS command or the terminal if you're on a Mac so I'm going to go back to details
it's still running but we should be done here in just a second
okay so now it's done this went to zero this is an RDD file I'm actually going to address that and just another video
so this one doesn't it get too long and it will show
you test request extra variables then after that will do a video that looks at the full simulation results.