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Hi, I'm Paul with southernoutdoorcinema.com,
and we are the largest
producer of high quality outdoor movie events in the country.
Today I want to continue to
talk to you about preparing your viewing area for your movie event.
One of the things you should think about, is putting out trash cans.
Also consider when putting out
the trash cans, where people will
be sitting, and put them
out evenly dispersed, and not too close to where the screen will be.
Consider having some lights on
hand if you don't field lights
for your location, or parking
lot lights so you can turn on after the event.
Make sure you got some portable
floodlights that you can bring
to your event, so people can see when they are leaving.
Also make sure that you have
bathrooms available, whether they
are in a port-a-potty version
or a brick and mortar version,
at least have them clearly marked.
Also make sure that you have enough power.
Especially if you're running concessions,
make sure you have enough power for
all of for all of your concessions,
because things like popcorn machines can pull a lot of power.
Make sure that you have all
your visibly marked so they are not tripping hazards.
Also, make sure when
prepping your location, that take
care Any additional things
on the field area such
as goose dropping or
dog dropping or anything
else that somebody would not to
step in or sit on Also,
make sure, in addition to
marking your courts, also mark
any unsafe area such as
a sudden dip in
the land or a ditch
or something somebody could easily
walk into when it's very dark outside.
If you found these tips
helpful, then share then on Facebook or Twitter.
Also, leave me a comment.
I want to hear from you.
Until next week, I'm Paul with southernoutdoorcinema.com.