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lots of friends are gonna jump into the game here everytime fire nobody else
there but current i'd heads-up
montana so was fine
this is the former vice president of the united states of america right
and he sells his news network
anti-american newschannel called algis you've had watched
uh... how you can be made carries his critics
on khalili intersted
yes like i said i don't know that you got you
aka the sister is the end of it is their words did uses that
clearly anti american of said the guy in an incredible brigid fred
qatar hands the
the larges
the u_s_ military base in the middle east
card yes on sponsors your
uh... we have been
in maisie relations with qatar the u_s_ government has now you can criticize
that relationship and there's legitimate grounds to do so but the claim that
print card is somehow anti american when they have the lord's military base
and this
decades long regulation for the u_s_ is
plays ito clearly and uh...
but now a little earlier clearly particularly doubt it's if i had
interest in the eighty american you know when i do by said of the largest
american military bases in the region to love our last three
orders have watched from there
reading about it
aren't we a lot more on that
for thinking about that
it's it's not that they were there only don potential buyer you had other people
trying to court correct t_v_ and one of them was glenn beck and the blaze but
apparently their philosophies in just a little for out would be comfortable with
frederick well also strickland a
done that wants to buy this this evening that wraps up houses
filled with very sensitive to the networks not allot not being online out
point-of-view in other words
catalogs glenn beck ok bigelow the sheik them but i don't have it is the right
that's the impact of your if you can see more do without this year i think that
that mister red white and blue
like this to there's a lot of first of that
packet back explain himself on the radio show i try to buy the network right he
and gore wouldn't that be yes he would meet with you one because the you he
doesn't agree with a word to say
that makes sense he's actually being
it because i i would argue thought that was on the back
that's right
so now there were two it is
you have no money piperlime beggars broker an agreement to be a five hundred
million dollars to buy that their station well actually later in the same
radio this segment of baghdad he admits he didn't have the money he said i mean
that we thought about whether we can raise the money in other words you don't
have it
and we decided that it doesn't work for a cinematic money 'cause it be touristy
and would be doubled and other people
in other words
your knowledge in a buyer at all
because if you see the trial the station but what can i
but if you want to mess with court buses for was smart enough not the media story
as what can you believe you wouldn't sell them on that
the iraqi believe described
without prior
scientific assessment one when glenn except self-discovery talwar
did make an offer
do out like how you know christian by the way
that use of these they make fun of ulster
and a half
and what i level band is there a time
when he so tell me that like
today so that the
uh... you itself saleable
there but it does
them once did
the army's dot about this divided and actually told me this is that work bala
he's got a
and electrical all
pat but thats
sabra corporate catholics both the left hand on his right so i i was window
right while we're gonna lose awards do they only want to do in two thousand
rather than half of this is just out there and watch program
that computes the means some of the
best words insurable losing our hours after the journalism
or do you have an orange reidy
so uh... goes all the words of one of course licenses and i said in a mention
factor just maker of the word all the seriousness of the kids are about singer
that never returns for the was the guy that
does that work for the backup
many i don't know how dramatically different is that the bbc
and so i don't know what independence without the stories about the
uh... platter attempting to influence of the roundout successfully but i'm sure
that that issue they have to deal with is a worthy thing that turns people are
talk about obviously that's not something that cable talking about
what one last thing
out since their upon fight state cambodia's instead invite activities in
the dept out there
accepted their is one of the cable news word that has a second larger
shareholder who might be a
do you know when
cable news programs memories that will grow and i said the syria now c_n_n_
adding another what about the
no that would mean
foxnews dot
well it was america's this gentleman prints
how lol
poking appa rupert murdoch
this guy is the largest shareholder
in news corporation and a whole row
foxnews dot
pandemic it definitely make for
because i think that the properly and for relevant so all arguments
by just using the word of desert buffet although it's a good point out that
alternatives era of