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Good morning.
My name is Sabatino Sirica. This morning let me show you how to prepare the baba.
Now, let me list the ingredients of this of this delicious Neapolitan dessert.
Here we have salt, sugar,
baking powder, eggs
and butter.
Lets add the first... the first ingredients in in the machine.
Lets add the flour,
Lets add the salt,
Lets add a part of the eggs,
And lets start to knead.
Lets add the yeast.
All leavened dough need to... we we need to get the eggs incorporated...
Gradually, apart from final fats with sugar,
Because they need to have to have consistency. they need to be very elastic.
Another important thing is that all leavened dough should never
should never exceed.
20 minutes kneading
Because they're heated and when they're heated, they lose...
that kick. You see, this dough is now coming off
the pot.
It means that its already making this gluten mesh.
Gluten mesh does nothing but thicken the dough,
in order to make it... more
more compact.
You see its getting more and more compact as eggs are getting absorbed....
Quite easily.
Why? Because like I explained previously,
I ensured that those eggs be not be not be added all together
Dont add them all together because
Huhwhen you prepare these... when dough... huh... there are some rules to,
Huh they need to be added... gradually... because if you add all eggs and...
liquids together, everything will collapse.
The gluten mesh shrinks and loses consistency.
Now, lets add the rest of the ingredients:
Lets add sugar,
a little butter, gradually.
Why adding the butter at the end?
Because butter emulsifies with the gluten mesh
And as you can see, the dough is already dry.
Gradually, fats are getting absorbed. We add fats at the last moment because...
It is a soft a soft dough
And, if we add the fats along with all the other ingredients, the dough collapses...
loses consistency.
Pastry, like all things in life, has its own rules.
If we respect...the rules...
We get everything done in the right way
Because huh Pastry is art
Ive done almost nothing, but mixing some products together...
So now Im through with the dough, its over huh
Lets make it rise for three-quarters of an hour,
Then, well pour it into... into molds.