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Hi. I'm Doug. I work with twenty great guys in St. Louis at Doug Jenkins Custom Hot Rods
and we are going to do some work for you today on Expert Village. In order to get all the
little nooks and crannies inside here perfectly rust free, Alex is using a little portable
sand blaster. This is a real cheap unit. We have three different ways we media-blast our
cars (it's not actually sand-blasting). We use a blasting media. There's three different
ways we do it. This is the smallest. You don't have to do real careful surface preparation;
you don't have to cover the car. So if we are doing a whole car, we have a real big
machine for that. If you were just doing surface rust on the outside of the car, and wanted
to do a real clean job, we have a sand-blaster we have that has a vacuum attached to it.
For a little small job like this though, you can see it's making a bunch of dust and rust
is falling on the floor. It's kind of messy, but not bad. So this is how we can get a little
small area like this really clean without making too big of a mess.