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\f0\fs24 \cf0 So, uh, what actually brought me into the denim market was first my passion
for denim. But, um, prior to my being a denim designer, I had worked as a fit model for
a lot of denim companies, like, 7 For All Mankind, Citizens Of Humanity, True Religion,
Joe's Jeans, Habitual, you name it. I really became known as the top fit model in the denim
market here in Los Angeles. What I realized is that there were really no female designers
in the denim market and I thought that there was a great niche for somebody like me to
start a denim company and really deliver and design jeans from a female perspective. Well,
the way I take my personal experiences is especially when I think about, being a woman
and thinking about what I wanna wear. Like, for example, I'll go shopping and I'll buy
a new pair of shoes, and then I'll think about the new pair of shoes that I just bought and
then I'll think about what kind of jeans that I might wanna design back to the shoes I bought,
or the coat I bought, or the new blouse I bought, \
So I really think about what's going on OVERALL in the clothing market and then try to figure
out what works best back to denim. Overall, I think that the essence of the brand Paige,
for men and women. You'll have to check out men too, I design jeans for men also. When
they think about the essence of Paige, it's all about being strong and passionate and
sexy. So, umm, the Paige brand has a little bit more of sex appeal, it's a lil more feminine
when it comes to the women's clothes, and for the men's, I think it's a little bit more
fashion-forward, and yet, yet, very strong and still very sexy, from a man's perspective.
\ So, but I really think of the brand overall,
as a FASHION DENIM brand, it's not just being, umm, it's not just designing jeans, it's about
designing fashionable clothes to wear on a daily basis.Paige, the brand, is going through
an exciting time right now, we have the best year we\'92ve ever had. And, umm, I think
along with that, because of my passion for fashion in general, umm, I REALLY\'85um, I
REALLY love denim, so I really wanted to bring\'85 I mean, really love leather, so I wanted to
bring leather even deeper into the mix. And then we went through a lot of different (fabrics),
like ponte blends, ponte is like a double net (knit) that we bring into pants, and also,
are combining with leather. And so, we have a combination of leather jackets, ponte leather
pants, ummm, we are gonna do more tops, and expand to the non-denim bottom market too
as well, for more fashionable fun pieces, and like wove-blends and leather, and yeah,
really exciting! So trying to take what I think I do best is to make things fit really
amazing on the body and bring the fashionable side to this more casual contemporary market.
I think we have a long way that we can expand the brand, so it's exciting.}