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\f0\b\fs28 \cf2 Okay, so now we are going to go on to learn the next thing that you
will see in patterns, and that is the garter stitch. The only difference is that we are
going to knit every single row. We are not going to do any purling. We will just knit
every single row. So usually if you see right here. I should be able to turn around and
I should start on a purl row. Because this is my bumpy side remember, but because I'm
now going to show you how to do the garter stitch, I am going to knit on this row. So
the next several rows that we do will just be knit rows. So let's refresh again, we are
going to load it back on our hands, you wrap it around your little finger, introduce your
needle. You come from the left side of the stitch, your yarn is behind, the needle is
in front, that's something to always remember with knits, you will enter from the front,
bring the yarn around, pull your stitch through, and off the needle. We are going to continue
in this manner for five rows so that you can see the difference and have a pattern of the
garter stitch as well on this piece. So as I am coming across the row I have three stitches
left, and two, and one. Now as I turn it over again, I am just going to continue to knit.
I'm not going to do any purl stitches. All of these stitches will be knit. So work with
me and continue across your row doing knit stitches. Remember that has your yarn behind,
you are entering from the front, you are wrapping your yarn around from behind and pulling your
stitch through and off the needle and two and one. Now continue in this fashion for five more rows. Once again, thank you
to movie magic, I have leapt ahead and completed my rows, and so hopefully your piece will
look similar to this. If you look at it from both sides, it will look the same. So you've
got the front and the back.}