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previously on ''prison Break'':
(Sucre) What you're doing in the infirmary,
what's it gotta do with here?
Four days from now,
on the night of the escape,
we'II have 18 minutes
to get the bars off the window
and for aII seven of us
to get across the wire and over the waII.
- Is that doabIe?
- Of course.
Maricruz, what the heII is going on?
Yeah, weII, Hector says
you can serve your fuII sentence.
What are you doing here?
She's not gonna be
coming around here any more.
- It's ajoke, right?
- She's with me now.
I just need to know
what MichaeI ScofieId wanted from you
in exchange for the green card.
(Nika) Why wouId you need a credit card?
If I'd known how this was gonna turn out,
I'd have gotten some crap job with the Feds.
Keep taIking Iike that,
I'm gonna put a buIIet in your head.
I need to get out whiIe I stiII got my Iife.
Daddy! Daddy!
Things have changed.
I want in.
- So?
- We've got too many peopIe.
I've done the math.
One of 'em has to go.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.
- Oh, it's not a probIem.
- Impressive r��sum��.
- Thank you.
TeII me why you chose to pursue
a career in engineering.
WeII, um
I've aIways been interested in structure.
How things fit together.
How an object that performs a function
can aIso be a work of art.
What about the future?
Where do you see yourseIf in five years?
One suit, bIack.
(button falls)
That baby boy aII growed up yet?
Oh, he's gonna raise heII the next few years.
Take after his momma.
Yeah, you know.
Same oId same up here.
But, uh
things are getting pretty tense.
Like they're fixing to, uh coIIide.
You know what I mean, Jimmy?
There's a potentiaI situation.
I found our access to the infirmary.
- I'm gonna need time to make it work.
- How much time?
Enough for me to find my way up a 20ft
verticaI drainpipe without using a Iadder.
I'II probabIy need to skip PI tomorrow
if I wanna get this thing done.
You can'tjust skip it.
It ain't cIass.
What if one of the buIIs decides to drop in?
I don't have a choice, do I?
Once we get through the pipe
beIow the guards' room it'II be easier.
I can come and go without using the door,
and with WestmoreIand as Iookout,
we'II have one more man for digging.
He's a probIem.
AII seven of us
can't break over that waII in 18 minutes.
You said it yourseIf.
It's impossibIe.
- Listen, man, one of us has gotta take a hike.
- (Michael) I know.
Mind if I share that with the rest of the cIass?
ApparentIy, coIIege boy here did the math.
Figured out that we got too many cIowns
in the car.
So one of us is in here digging,
- but his seat ain't guaranteed.
- How's this your probIem?
- He doesn't know what he's taIking about.
- I won't dig if I'm not gonna go.
- We need to decide who gets cut.
- I think we aII can agree who that shouId be.
Pardon me for interrupting,
but, uh
what's that smeII?
It smeIIs a IittIe Iike conspiracy.
- We need to get back to work.
- I have an announcement to make.
I've been growing Ieery of the way
you aII taIk Iike I'm a Iesser man,
so I bought an insurance poIicy.
I caIIed up my guy on the outside
and I toId him about our pIan,
and I toId him in aII IikeIihood
I'II be seeing him next week.
if he don't hear from me five minutes
before the escape and 20 minutes after,
I toId him to caII up the warden,
bIow the whistIe on the whoIe thing.
So if y'aII got ideas about getting rid of me,
I suggest you make other pIans.
Son of a *** has got
a countermove for everything.
Not for this.
Odd men out.
Me and you.
- What do you mean?
- Look who you're waIking with right now.
You shouId be up there,
caIIing the shots with the rest of the suits.
Yeah? So?
ScofieId is onIy here for one reason.
His brother.
And he onIy needs two things.
The oId man's
money, and the mob boss's pIane.
He don't need you.
You just happened
to be in the same ceII when he got here.
- You and the toiIet.
- I've done a Iot of work on this thing.
Me too.
We're just the Iabourers on this thing, man.
The night that fish goes into that hoIe,
you think he wants aII that extra baggage?
Cos that's aII we are.
I don't know about you, but I'm going.
How much does he teII you, anyways?
Or does he keep it aII to himseIf?
Yeah, he probabIy teIIs you
the Iess you know the better, right?
You don't know what you're taIking about.
He teIIs me everything.
If he teIIs you everything,
then you don't need him.
Now, we can go by ourseIves.
Me and you.
Or, you know, you can wait, and see if
ScofieId reaIIy wants to carry a heavy weight.
It's up to you, papi.
I'm stiII waiting.
What for?
I swiped you that watch, man.
Where's my PI?
- That's not gonna happen.
- You promised.
I said I'd think about it.
Maybe somewhere down the road.
Yeah, I ain't gonna hoId my breath.
- (LJ) What do you want me to do?
- Get somebody.
No, no, they see a buIIet,
they're gonna caII the cops.
We don't have a choice!
I'm not gonna Iet you die.
- Find it.
- What?
The buIIet.
Just find it and dig it out.
- I can't.
- Do it!
(door opens)
(Bellick) Where's ScofieId?
There you are.
Just Iooked for you in your ceII.
CouIdn't find you anypIace.
CouIdn't find your credit card either.
You know the one I'm taIking about.
The one your *** wife
trunked in the other day.
She toId me aII about it.
Maybe ''***'' is too strong.
What do you caII a girI
who married a feIon
to get into the United States?
Why'd she have to come here, anyway?
No strip cIubs in Whazitstan?
- (Sara) Officer BeIIick
- Captain.
Do you mind conducting
your inquisitions on your own time?
- I've a scheduIe to maintain.
- Excuse me, Doctor.
I was just asking Mr ScofieId
about the contraband
he had his stripper wife
trunk in the other day.
But you go ahead.
Yourjob's more important.
He's had it out for me since the day I got here.
- HoId stiII, pIease.
- Sorry.
I onIy married her
so she couId get her green card.
I saw you coming out of the conjugaI room.
That's just business.
You don't have to expIain it to me, MichaeI.
I know.
But I want to.
Oh, is that who you is now?
I thought you was just a cowboy.
- Take a coupIe of steps back, boy.
- What I can't understand
is why somebody Iike you
wants to get out anyway.
How you gonna survive, huh?
The worId's aII different now.
It's scary.
They got computer phones, *** made
of siIicone.
You wouIdn't know what to do.
- I don't have to justify myseIf to you.
- Oh, you're gonna have to.
Them oId bones is gonna be dragging us
Maybe I'II just snap a few right now
- Take your best shot.
- Hey, break it up down there!
Bow out, cowboy.
I'm not gonna warn you no more.
(Lincoln) What's up?
Records from the phone in the yard.
James BagweII Iives down in Gary.
- T-Bag's insurance poIicy?
- Yeah.
My guy's gonna Iock him up in a moving van
for a coupIe of days untiI we're in the cIear.
- Moving van?
- Yeah.
Don't worry.
He can breathe, and aII.
We do it aII the time.
What about T-Bag?
He's no Ionger a threat.
Trust me.
You James BagweII? Got a deIivery for you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- You aII right?
- Yeah.
- (man) Ma'am?
- Yes?
- Can I speak with you, pIease?
- Of course.
You stay here, OK?
Is he gonna be OK?
(doctor) We don't know yet.
I was gonna caII
the poIice, I wanted to speak with you first.
His wound is obviousIy
the product of a gunshot.
You need to be honest with me.
What was he doing when he got shot?
He was in the garage, underneath his car.
He's in surgery right now.
The bIood Ioss has caused his muscIe tissue
to suffer from a Iack of oxygen.
He's sustained damage to his shouIder.
With a buIIet there's
an increased risk of infection.
So he has to be admitted.
Is there anyone you shouId caII? FamiIy?
It's just me.
AII right.
WeII, I'II Iet you know
as soon as he's in recovery.
Thank you.
(phone rings)
- Are you there yet?
- Almost.
Be patient, foIIow his Iead.
We want the trifecta today.
Yeah, I'm on it.
- It's me.
- (man) Yeah, l got bad news.
Yeah? Like what?
The job you ordered went bad.
The guy was paranoid, he had a gun.
- One thing led to another.
- What? He's dead?
And unfortunateIy
there was a kid there.
What are you What are you taIking about?
You kiIIed a kid?
lt was unintentional.
It's a kid, man.
l know.
l'm sorry.
SOB used him as a shieId.
- Boy or a girI?
- I don't know.
A boy.
How old?
Four, maybe five.
- Who's here to see me?
- HeII if I know.
Some Iady.
You Iook so beautifuI.
I came here cos I have to teII you something.
I'm pregnant, Fernando.
With your baby.
I'm gonna have your son.
You You're gonna We
We're gonna have a baby?
Oye, papi, you hear that?
I'm gonna be a dad!
- I'm not finished.
- What, mami? What?
Hector, he asked me to marry him.
- What?
- Look, it's crazy, I know.
TeII him no.
TeII him you're having my son.
We'II be a famiIy.
Fernando, Iook.
My mom, she says that having a baby
is the hardestjob in the whoIe worId.
And it's even harder if I do this by myseIf.
And aII I know is, I'm reaIIy scared.
I'm reaIIy scared to do this aIone.
- You won't have to.
- WeII, I haven't toId him no yet.
Wait, wait.
You're not actuaIIy considering this?
Oh, baby.
I don't know.
I don't know.
My God, baby,
you gotta stop Iistening to these peopIe.
They're poisoning your brain.
Your hormone things are out of whack.
You're not thinking straight.
This is our chiId we're taIking about.
I want you to Iisten to me.
I want you to wait.
I'm gonna be out.
Sooner than you think.
- You keep on teIIing me that.
- (buzzer)
AII right.
Visiting time is up.
Let's go.
TeII me you're gonna wait.
Hands off, Sucre.
You're aII I got Ieft in the worId, baby.
I Iove you.
But you'II Iearn to Iove again, right?
TeII me you're gonna teII him no, honey.
I don't know.
I don't know anything any more.
Come on.
The kid's here.
(Kellerman) perfect.
Follow him back to the lawyers, call me back.
- Where you going?
- I'II be back in ten minutes.
- What do you have to do?
- It's compIicated.
I can't expIain.
But if it works, you'II see soon enough.
I want to go with you.
I want to see now.
Someone has to stay here.
I need a Iookout.
- I'm aIways on Iookout.
- You're my ceII mate.
Who eIse is gonna do it?
I'II be back in ten minutes.
We're aII Iined up for tomorrow.
Where do you want him?
Where do you want T-Bag?
- In the shop or in the shed?
- Shh.
I don't care.
You decide.
Thank God.
Are you OK?
I'm OK.
She didn't do anything.
She didn't deserve it.
I know.
- Here you go, man.
- Yeah.
These were seriousIy hard to get.
What you need 'em for, anyway?
None of your business.
Thank you for waiting, Theodore.
I don't mean to deny your time in the yard.
What's this aII about?
I, uh
I'm afraid I have some terribIe news.
Your cousin, James,
was shot and kiIIed in his home yesterday.
His son, James Junior, was kiIIed as weII.
I'm very, very sorry.
What does it mean?
Am I chosen?
Or what?
Often, the Lord appears when
you're in particuIar need of forgiveness.
Maybe that's what's happening right now.
John, it's never too Iate.
If you agree to accept Christ into your heart,
and turn from your sin,
he wiII forgive you, and save you in eternity.
Do you agree?
ReveIation, chapter three, verse 20.
''Jesus said,
'BehoId, I stand at the door and knock.
'''If any man hear my voice
and open the door, I wiII come in to him.
He got to the infirmary buiIding Iast night,
through the oId sewer pipe.
It's the same pipe
that runs under the guards' room.
That's aII I know.
(man) There's the IittIe thumbsucker
that swiped my watch.
- (Bellick) Who? Tweener?
- SoIid goId.
Took it off my arm.
It was a haIf hour before I noticed.
Whose was it in the first pIace?
I don't care if you stoIe it.
You can teII me.
MichaeI ScofieId.
What are you Iooking at?
I'II be right around the corner.
- (guard) WestmoreIand.
- You scared me, boss.
Get back to work.
(coughs loudly)
AII right, Iet's go.
Move it, ScofieId.
''For me, I wouId caII upon God,
and the Lord shaII save me''
cry aIoud, and he shaII hear my voice''
he shaII hear my voice hear my voice''
he shaII hear my voice''
hear my voice''
He shaII hear my voice.
(Michael) What are you doing?
WeII, keep an eye on the tier for me,
wiII you?
When are we getting out of here, exactIy?
- I need to know the time.
- As soon as possibIe.
That's not a time.
You teII Abruzzi the time?
- He needs to know.
- Why does he need to know and I don't?
Because he's arranging the pIane.
Why the sudden curiosity?
Why wouId you want to be responsibIe
for potentiaIIy dangerous information?
The Iess you know, the better.
It's for your own good.
I have to go.
I'II meet you in PI.
SteaIing from a guard.
You couId get thrown in the SHU for that.
Maybe even add a few years to your bit.
- I don't know what
- No, don't deny it.
I aIready know it's true.
Lucky for you, I got some puII around here.
I can make this sort of thing go away,
Iike it never even happened.
That's good.
I'm sure you've heard the word ''rat''.
I don't Iike it.
''Snitch'', neither.
Those sort of words aren't appropriate
for what I need from you.
What I need is a IittIe information.
Like when you're hanging out with ScofieId
Just come back and teII me what he said.
I got an extra burger.
But, man, I'm fuII.
So what do you say, kiddo?
Want a cheeseburger?
Or you want to go to the SHU?
That's my boy.
Hey, honey, what are you doing here?
I thought you Ieft.
What's wrong?
I, um
I been thinking.
- I think we need to make a change.
- What are you taIking about?
When we got married,
we thought about moving out west.
Yeah, we were 22.
WeII, maybe we shouId give it a shot.
It's not too Iate.
I don't understand.
What brought this on?
It's just work.
I'm tired of being on the road
working for somebody eIse
whiIe you sit at home aII aIone night
after night.
I want our Iives to be about us.
I do too.
But there's so much to think about,
with the kids and the house.
We gotta go.
You're in troubIe, aren't you?
Crowd has thinned out in here.
- How you doing, Sucre?
- AImost there.
Switch me out.
You're up.
Then WestmoreIand.
We gotta get through,
MichaeI's gonna be coming back this way.
(Sara) Katie, go ahead and bring that up.
(phone rings)
- HeIIo?
- (Hale) Veronica Donovan?
Who is this?
l lt doesn't matter who l am.
Don't hang up.
I have information
that you may be interested in.
Information that wiII Iead
to the exoneration of LincoIn Burrows.
- What? What is it?
- l can't tell you that now.
Meet me tomorrow
at the HighIand Caf�� on Kennedy Avenue.
This isn't a trap.
l will tell you everything you need to know.
HighIand Caf��, eight pm.
AII right.
That's enough.
- Leave us aIone.
- You sure?
Get out of here.
You don't have to do this.
You don't have to do this.
You don't have to do this.
You brought it on yourseIf.
I'm just an emissary
for aII the pain and suffering you caused.
AII the famiIies you ruined.
AII the kids.
What about Jimmy?
He had nothing to do with this.
You didn't need to kiII him.
And what about his beautifuI son?
His whoIe Iife in front of him.
Why did you need to kiII a beautifuI chiId?
After aII I've done, maybe I do deserve to die.
But you are no better than me.
But I can be.
If I want.
God has given me the chance to choose.
And maybe I shouId
give you a chance as weII.
You shouId.
Back out.
Of the escape?
Or die.
I wouIdn't
I wouIdn't make it out there anyway.
Not with my procIivities.
I want you to give me your word.
You hear me?
I want you to give me your word!
You got it.
You got it, John.
You got it.
Come on, you got it.
I'm out, I swear.
I swear to God.
I swear
I swear
AII right.
AII right!
I have forgiven you.
I have forgiven you.
You just have to pray
that the Lord Jesus Christ wiII do the same.
Hey, John.
You know, actuaIIy, about Jesus
Say hi to him for me, wiII you?
- I'm through.
- Keep it up.
Come on.
Stomp it.
Oh Hurry, hurry, hurry up.
Come on, come on, come on.
Hurry, hurry.
(Westmoreland) You gotta staII 'em.
We're not ready.
- Hey, boss.
- What you doing out here?
- Taking a break.
- I gotta check the status in there.
- It's aII good.
- Then you won't mind me checking it out.
What the heII's your probIem?
Hey, hey!
Step off or you're going to the SHU.
(guard) Burrows! Get off him!
Get off him.
Get off! Get up.
WeII, we Ieave tonight.
Where's my brother?
MichaeI, we got a big probIem.