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Ecliptic constellation Taurus is probably one of the oldest constellations known since
prehistoric times and it is best seen on winter night sky. It has common borders with the
constellations Auriga, Gemini, Orion, Eridani, Cetus, Aries and Perseus. The brightest star
of the constellation Taurus is α or Aldebaran, the star that Romanian peasants called him
Luceafărul Porcesc (the Bright Star of the Pig), or Porcarul (the Swineherd), because
when it rises, the swine wake and grunt, signalling that day is approaching. It is also called
Deșteptătorul (the Alarm Clock), because at its rising, the cockerels begin crowing
at the day's start. Thus the peasants think that Aldebaran was put especially into the
sky as a herald; the workers must wake, the ghosts must return to their graves, and the
evil spirits must disappear from the earth when it appears. In Romanian, the constellation
Taurus or Gonitorul all called, but it was reduced to the stars Aldebaran, Ain and γ
Taurus Taurus star forming head.