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Welcome to League of Legends Update
Almost news show about League of Legends
I'm Buddy Hutton
On today's episode we have TheRedBaron with a Competitive Spotlight
Nick Allen with Community News
and HatPerson is going to show Team Curse around the office
But first
Almost news
We actually have some real news this week, which is completely out of character for the show
I know
But Dmitry Smilyanets, the owner of Moscow Five, was arrested in
Amsterdam by the FBI in connection to a $250 million dollars worth of credit card fraud
Even with all that money he still had terrible production quality
on that snuff film that he made a little while ago.
"Well a few words about the situation"
*Ominous sound*
Jayce, the 100th League of Legends Champion is now playable on
the Public Beta Environment.
His weapon is a hammer that turns into a gun
and that's not really that impressive
I mean we can turn things into other things too
for example this gun that turns into a hammer
Team Curse is temporarily living, playing, and streaming 24 hours
a day out of a San Francisco apartment owned by Curse CEO, Hubert Theiblot.
Fore more super exciting moments like this, check out Twitch.tv/curse_house
Now James Reilman discusses something about Competitive Play or something like that
Hey guys this is James Reilman and Malphite has been an unstoppable force
recently after a long holiday from competitive LoL.
Well over a year ago, Malphite was a consistent top pick for the
Mid Lane with his ability to win free harass exchanges with his
shield and Q spam, even against ranged harass champions such as mid AD carries
After significant nerfs to his abilities and shield regeneration rate
he fell off dramatically, but has made a huge come back following
several minor buffs in a row
Early in Season 2, teams such as World Elite and EpiKGaming began playing
Malphite in the jungle as a counter to physical heavy teams
With solid jungling speed and power ganks at level 6
Because of his natural itemization into armor, along with his attack speed slow
he started to see more use against physical top lane champions such as Jax
Then in team fights, his disables and attack speed slow can shutdown any physical damage
Particularly with his strong initiation against AD carries with short range, or poor mobility
The biggest issue with Malphite currently is his low base HP, making him
vulnerable to double AP teams with high burst damage and sustain with
champions such as Karthus and Vladimir
However, by going Abyssal Scepter early, he can combat AP burst while providing
his team with another upfront aura to couple with Frozen Heart and win team fights
Malphite's powerful initiation, team auras, and general tankiness have
made him a top pick for a series of dominant tournament performances
Thank you Baron
And now Nick Allen is going to fill your head with some propaganda
*Epic Music*
Hi I'm Nick Allen, and this is Community News
The Leaguepedia Invitation happened over the weekend, with Orbit Gaming taking
first place, beating top teams like Curse and Dynamic
There seems to be a lot of contention for top North American team
when TSM doesn't play
This week, AbsoluteLegends dropped their new European roster, formerly exHCL, because of
line up issues
If you have a team, you should think about joining AbsoluteLegends
because there is a signing bonus if you last longer than two weeks
Solomid.net came out with a new layout this week, which was met with disapproval from its user base
After several hours, the old layout was brought back up
In other news, CLGaming.net was worth visiting for the first time, ever
I'm Nick Allen, and this was Community News
Thank you Nick
HatPerson got to show Team Curse around the office
Let's go see what he did
Team Curse just got to the office we're going to give them a tour come on
Who, who hasn't made out with this thing
I mean it's pretty attractive
Don't, don't touch, no
Fallout, we got this guy just like the entire, freaking set of armor
It's not quite working order
Don't, no, don't
Lara Croft here, not too bad looking
We got the master shield and we got the master sword we just have to keep them
in similar rooms just do..
Stop killing the hostages
So a lot of these are drawing that were submitted to us
That's actually Nick's, that's Nick Allen's
Alright moving on
Men's room, not really a whole lot of importance
uhm... one second
Congratulation to last episode's giveaway winner Nick Myer
This week we're giving away a Razor Mouse Pad
General admission ticket to IPL5, whenever that is
and a $10 Riot point card
Get in the contest by clicking on the link in the description below
Be sure to subscribe and leave a commment rating the following clip on a scale
of Nick Allen currently, to this picture I found of Nick Allen in high school
Good night, good luck!
Enjoy your moment of rage.