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< Marc Savard >: Whenever I shake your hand like this, the exact opposite is true.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm like a 30. You are so in love.
< Marc Savard >: Your name sir? : Kevin
< Marc Savard >: Kevin, nice to have you here. Good to meet you.
< Marc Savard >: A lot of weight there Kevin,
a lot of weight. I think you picked up her suggestion, great.
< Marc Savard >: Okay Kevin, alright.
Your name? : McKenzie.
< Marc Savard >: McKenzie, nice to have you here McKenzie.
Good to meet you. Nice to have you here. McKenzie's friends make some noise.
< Marc Savard >: Excellent. Your name sir?
: Derek. < Marc Savard >: Derek. Just first name is
fine. I don't want a bunch of Facebook creepers.
Derek's friends make some noise.
< Marc Savard >: We're going to take your jacket from you, alright?
Just going to put it on the side for you, alright?
No, we'll take good care of it.
We'll put it right on the side where everyone can see it in plain sight.
No one will steal it.
No, it will be fine, Derek. WWE jacket. No, I understand it's a private...
Derek! We'll hold it for you, okay?
Good, we'll hold it. Put it right here, plain sight.
No Derek, Derek, it's okay. Don't worry about it.
What is it? Signed by Goldberg or something? Alright.
We got it. You can forget about the jacket. It's under control.
Alright Kevin.
< Marc Savard >: What's that? : Don't go anywhere.
< Marc Savard >: I can't. I can't go anywhere.
< Marc Savard >: I sure hope you're carrying one of those big Maglites in your pocket because
that's just...
< Marc Savard >: That's what it feels like. Okay, okay.
< Marc Savard >: You sir, what do you do? : Insurance agent.
< Marc Savard >: Insurance agent. And where are you from?
: Long beach. < Marc Savard >: Long beach. Good to have
you here. How's in Long Beach. I go there every year
for the Indy race.
< Marc Savard >: People come and do whatever you want them to, huh?
: Yeah. < Marc Savard >: Don't worry about your jacket.
You tell him. : Don't ask him about that damn jacket.
< Marc Savard >: Alright.
Don't worry about it. John Coffee is watching your jacket, alright.
< Marc Savard >: Okay. All good. Alright.
Okay. Check it out. High tower.
What's that? : Name my damn name.
< Marc Savard >: Kevin. Yeah, Kevin's watching. : Right.
< Marc Savard >: Okay. Not so sure you and I would work.
: Good for you.
< Marc Savard >: It probably wouldn't be. Who?
Ric Flair gave you that jacket. What? : Sit your *** down.
< Marc Savard >: Thank you. I didn't hear
you the first time, but he clearly did. I have no idea what the hell is going on.
< Marc Savard >: Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video.
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