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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Facial and body procedures.\ \
Dr. Mercedes.\ \
The most important area that I like to work on again. I concentrate on the eyes. I like
to do maybe Botox on the eye area, do a little bit of a brow lift. We do fillers. We do a
whole array, whatever we use a radiance Juvederm. We use the various different fillers. The
other area that I'm very well known for is the lips. I do a phenomenal job with the lips
and the reason that I focus on that, because that's one of the areas, where women, well
women and men definitely show their age. If you show any woman above the age of 30-35,
they are going to start to get the wrinkles around the lips. I do both lip rejuvenation
and lip augmentation, so the rejuvenation is getting rid of the lines, the augmentation
is getting them to look a little fuller. The last seven to 10 years, which the patients
love. So they don't have to keep coming for more treatments.\
\ Cheryl.\
\ You feel absolutely nothing. Basically, the
very next day. You can't tell that you've had anything done. You've just got nice full
lips.\ \
Sally.\ \
My lips wore thin and lipstick traveled up the lip line a lot. The feathering, and I've
always wanted my lips done. I kept having to do collagen on a regular basis. It was
very expensive. This was just one time. I was interested in a procedure that would last
longer, because if not you are constantly maintaining what you want and it's an expense,
it's uncomfortable, to do it one time and be done with it was just terrific.\
\ Dr. Mercedes.\
\ One of the other procedures that we use for
patient rejuvenation is. My new machine, Mixto CO2 Fractional Laser. It's the latest technology
in laser resurfacing for skin and what it actually does initially, it will tighten a
skin and because of that it also heats the dermis, it will actually cause a progressive
college of growth. You actually get thickening of the skin and even tighter skin as the months
pass. Up to six months.\ \
Cheryl.\ \
I was a little nervous when I did that, because I've never done these different procedures.
But Dr. Mercedes and them were very encouraging and helpful. They educated me well on the
procedure prior. So I would know everything to expect. I came in, they do this under local
anesthesia, and you feel nothing. It's not painful at all. I saw the largest results
around the jaw-line, because you can see the skin just tightening, but healthier skin overall.\
\ Dr. Mercedes\
\ A lot of my patients will like to do the Mixto
CO2 Fractional Laser to resurface the skin and get them with a nice youthful appearance.
Will I combine that with lips, and some radiance filler or Juvederm as a filler and Botox and
take care of the wrinkles on the on the eyes and do a little bit of a brow lift. That's
a nice combination, a lot of the patients like to use.\
\ Sally.\
\ As I got to know Dr. Mercedes more, and I
became very comfortable with her. I really trusted her work. She's truly an artist. I
was concerned that I had lines here on my face. Just some little things, she suggested
radiance, which really lasts longer than the other products. It was a little more expensive
but, but it doesn't require as much maintenance, and I was thrilled. These lines, they were
really getting deeper, and it definitely made difference.\
\ Dr. Mercedes.\
\ One of the other things that we do is when
people have problems, chin area, where they have the double chin. I can also do the lipo
on the face area with the smart lipo procedure.\ \
Bianca.\ \
When you are getting old, and everything is going to hang, and then you have to it pull
up. She's not really doing plastic surgery like that. And sometimes you don't want to
go through all those things. Now, maybe later. And that's why when the problems are not very
difficult. Somebody is looking, when somebody's watching me from the side. And now she can
pull it up. That was the first thing that she did, it looks very natural. She's a warm
person, she's very busy, but she always has time to take care of you.\
\ Dr. Mercedes.\
\ We do have the aesthetic part. Because you
do need more of the maintenance or be less invasive. If you will, procedures like microdermabrasion,
which we actually use the medical grade microdermabrasion machine. We finish it off with oxygen and
anti-oxidants like vitamins a c and E. We also have a signature microdermabrasion facial,
which Monica devised. That is hers. She is very well known in the area for that.\
\ Monica.\
\ Will I do facials it is an oxygen facial,
which you can't get at a spa because they're not allowed to have oxygen. Well, our products
are oxygen-based. Which helps collagen production, and that is really what you want to do. At
the doctors level. Our products go down to the dermis where the skin is, where is cells
are reproduced. That's why we have such great outcomes with our patients.\
\ Dr. Mercedes.\
\ We also do the wands, Which is using a megahertz
of energy to give a temporary sculpting of the face. Of course, the Mesotheory Machine.
It's a French machine that works with cellulite, and re-contouring the body. Than of course,
if they need a little bit more help, I can also help them with the smart lipo to do the
more advanced forms of liposuction so that is not so violent on the body. And of course
you can't have a facility like this without hair removal. So I have two different machines
that work for laser hair removal.\ \
Sally.\ \
I would tell you that there is nobody else I would go to but Dr. Mercedes. I think she
truly looks at your face and thinks what's best for you, and she just does it. It's like
something else just takes over for her. She is truly incredible, and I would recommend
with no qualms whatsoever.\ }