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\f0\fs28 \cf0 It seems like only yesterday when Instagram was just an obscure iPhone-only
photo-sharing app. Since Facebook took over, Instagram has expanded to the Android network
and launched a Web version. At first, the Web version was limited to displaying your
personal profile and your pictures. Now, users can browse their full Instagram feed right
from the Web, so there\'92s no need to use a smartphone anymore.\
On February 5th, Instagram announced in a blog post that anyone who logs into the service
online could browse their full feed. \f1 \
\f0 Finally a useful addition to the Instagram Web version. The whole online profile thing was kind of
useless right? The website allows you to comment and like photos as you would on your phone.
Unfortunately, you still can\'92t upload photos using the Instagram website or add filters,
but if you want a bigger screen to view your friend\'92s photos, you\'92re all set. However,
the new Web feature does have some advantages to this new feature. Instagram\'92s Web version
automatically notifies you when new pictures are added to your feed instead of having to
hit the reload button as you would on the mobile app.\
Instagram\'92s new online facelift could affect websites like Webstagram, which launched in
2011 to allow users to manage their Instagram accounts online. They are probably not too
happy about this new change. Though, I\'92m curious to see how Instagram will continue
to evolve. Maybe it will make a complete Web version with the ability to upload photos
directly from your computer. \ Yeah, or it might even start using extra space
to advertise and make money without pestering mobile users. Either way, I\'92m definitely
interested to see what\'92s happening next. \f1\b \
\f0\b0 That\'92s all that we have for today. If you would like more news on this story,
or additional stories, Please! Visit our website at fishbat.com, or if you want feel free to
tweet at us @fishbatsplash. Thank you for watching\'85. Catch you on the next wave\
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