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下消化道內鏡又稱結腸鏡或乙狀結腸鏡檢查 a lower G.I. endoscopy also called colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
醫生會做下消化道粘膜內層檢查 your doctor give you the mucous lining of your lower gastrointestinal tract
對沒有症狀的個案做篩檢或 the procedure is used as a screening test in individuals with no symptoms or
協助診斷不明原因的腹痛-直腸出血或大便 do help diagnose unexplained abdominal pain *** bleeding or a change in bowel
習慣的改變 habits
它能夠檢測大腸 it is capable of detecting information
感染 infections
潰瘍 ulcers
憩室 diverticulosis
腸道狹窄的病灶- intestinal narrowing
及可能存在的大腸息肉癌或其它病灶 colorectal polyps cancer or other problems that may be present
大腸鏡是使用一種長趨於靈活執行的內視鏡做大腸粘膜內層檢查 the procedure is performed using an endoscope which is a long tend flexible
管狀內視鏡終端連接帶光源的微型攝像機會傳送大腸粘膜內層檢查 tube with a light in tiny video camera attached to the end a camera transmits
的影像至監視器 an image to a monitor
在乙狀結腸鏡檢查, 內視鏡只檢查到 in a sigmoidoscopy the endoscope only reaches to the top of the
降結腸的頂部 descending colon
在結腸鏡檢查, 內窺鏡檢查整條結腸的長度 in a colonoscopy the endoscope reaches through the entire length of the colon
連接到盲腸為止 to wear it connects to the small intestine
在做大腸鏡檢查時, 會從靜脈點滴注射 for a colonoscopy an intravenous line will be started and you will be offered
止痛藥和鎮靜劑穩定血壓-脈搏-和血氧濃度 pain medication and a sedative your blood pressure pulse and the oxygen
監測, 及從鼻導管提供氧氣 level in your blood will be monitored and you may also receive oxygen to a
但在做乙狀結腸鏡檢查的過程通常 nasal cannula during the procedure a sigmoidoscopy does not usually
不需靜脈點滴注射止痛藥和鎮靜劑或血氧濃度監測 require this kind of preparation or monitoring
大腸內視鏡和充氣的檢查過程可能會導致你感到腸絞痛或 the present of the endoscope and the air may cause you to feel cramping or
壓力和充氣通過腸道, 這是正常檢查過程的一部分 pressure and the need to pass gas this is considered a normal part of the
醫生可能會要求你稍微改變你的臥姿,使 procedure your doctor may ask you to change your position slightly to help
內視鏡較容易通過 menu for the endoscope more easily through the curves of your lower
下腸道的彎曲部 intestine
若檢查過程有疼痛感請立即告訴醫生 if you experienced pain tell your doctor immediately
在某些情況,醫生可能發現有必要採檢活體切片檢驗 in some cases your doctor may find it necessary to take a biopsy a biopsy
有助於區分良性組織或癌組織,並且可以幫助確診 helps distinguish between benign in cancerous tissues and can help determine
引起出血炎症或腹瀉的原因, 活體切片檢驗 the cause of bleeding inflammation or diarrhea biopsies are often taking even
可區分非癌症組織病灶 when you doctor does not suspect cancer
若檢查過程發現一或多個息肉, 通常醫生會使用息肉勒除器 if one or more polyps discovered your doctor will generally remove them in a
以息肉切除術移除 procedure called a polypectomy here she will usually use a snare to remove
並在息肉勒除底部燒灼止血 the polyps and then cauterize their bases to control bleeding
在做完大腸鏡檢查後需觀查30分 after the procedure you will be monitored for about a half-an-hour until
直到藥效過後, 再安排接送回家休養 the effects of any medications you're taking wear off you'll need to arrange
特別在做做完大腸鏡檢查後 for a ride home particularly after a full colonoscopy