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welcome back to the david adventure wealthy you've never heard of a term
called on mandarin
it's apparently something that exists in maine
and republican house minority leader who is of course the republican kenneth
was talking about it he had a video where he was he was caught on video
talking about how will that there was a discussion about obama care ok news
about obama cares federal funding for the medicaid expansion at the state
level which is
this the federal government will give money to the states in order to expand
medicaid i'm sorry
and uh...
basically made the case that two women because they have women brains when they
hear over the federal government is giving his money it sounds like it's
free money
but because he has a man brain he is fundamentally different he's different
in that he's able to at understand how it's not really free because we get
money but then things end up getting way more expensive so then it's like not as
good type of thing here's what he had to say people are obviously going that's
been talking about man brains and he's just able to better understand take a
listen to him the debate today in an earlier debate on this bill
i can't help but think of the title of a book
medha from mars and women are from venus
inexplicable out the fact that
sort of thing
one way in in their own brain in their own world
and whether they can either way in their brain in their own world
they really talks about
the way that
men and women can do a better job at communicating
because if you listen to the debate today in my mind
ice here really tall fundamental issues
from the other side of the aisle
the conversation being about
this is free we need to take it and it's free
and and we need to do it now
and that sort of fundamental
message that my brain receipts
my brain the enemy is brain right
sort of thinks differently
because i say
it's not evites brady is a really free because i say in my brain
there's a cost of this
what do you think lewis his member and is able to do all sorts of stuff that
uh... women brains just unable to that
the understand how video and the internet work that would be question one
does his membrane understand that
i don't know
i don't really know what to say that this is
it's highly unusual
this did not work is gendered argument did not win over fellow lawmakers who
passed the medicaid expansion fortunately and the funny thing is his
man brain actually got the facts just flat out wrong on the medicaid expansion
and state representative diane russell was not pleased at all with his
dismissal of her woman brain sheath said i thought it was twenty thirty nine
eighteen thirteen apparently
i was wrong
his men brain actually now here's the folks take a step back
i'm not against at face value
discussing ways in which men menon men's and women's brains are parade
and may or may not assimilate information differently and other words
i'm open to that if that's the case let's explore that if it's not the case
then we can disregard i'm not against that
but the specific accusation is making about how is manned man brain
financial stuff in numbers better he doesn't seem to understand of the basic
premise that
keeping people healthy
is much cheaper been putting up a ton of money for emergency room care for
conditions that could have been prevented or managed from the beginning
make out know how to make it like maybe because he is a man brain he wanted
something about cars like
it's cheaper to get an or oil change every three months then to replace the
engine when it explodes like i don't understand how is man brain can
understand the better i'm just not sure
i don't know i think we kind of our problem where
the smart
the smart people who would be great politicians look at our political system
and is that on again vault look at the people who were in there and say you
kidding me out of what had anything to do with this is this guy is definitely
setting off my man bring a lot
yet but it that way there
he may be suffering from the done in kruger effect where he lacks the
cognitive skills to recognize the flaws in his own argument are you thinking
time yeah absolutely and it seemed to me like um... i don't know if anyone else
compass that he was basically
uh... saying that the other side the democrats the ones who support the
expansion or a sort of uh... he was a masculine and is right that they're not
men mind and brain
not in the sense that my opponent for women by in the sense of my opponents
are all like women bright
uh... let's uh... where we needed to do anything to break loose
arboretum give publicist gesticulate willis wants me to take a break let's
take a break
and then we will come back we'll talk about uh... we have a a challenger
potentially a challenger to miss out carolina
uh... we will discuss and and uh... a
whether it is a eight on if i can sort whether it's really not
back after this
david taxation
david happened dot com