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%uh once were fully done with whatever we're currently working on be it a topic or a
financial table
we'll probably want to set that
topic to complete
this will remove it from the number of paths remaining on the left
hand side of the program and let you know when you look at your task list where you've been
you'll see
the green mark here indicates that that topic is in progress you're already working
on it
the checkbox
indicates that that option or that section is finished so you know that you are done working on it
you can still make changes to the item that are marked complete but it gives you a visual indication
of how far you are to completing that plan
and as we check more of these off
if we check a bunch of them off as complete
you'll see that there's a green progress bar that fills up in the task bottom of the task list here
to kind of give you a visual indicator of how close you are to complete on the marketing plan itself
so that's kind of a nice new feature in version eleven
so let me move down to the market analysis
table or spreadsheet
this is a really simple spreadsheet in the software so it's a good place to start
this will give us a little idea of what to expect that we fill in our financial information
so all of the financial tables or spreadsheets include a wizard to walk you through setting up
that table
and we can just click next
task it's going to give us our introduction
and then if there are any settings for that table it'll step us through those settings
and then it will take us to the spread sheet to fill in our information
so the market analysis spreadsheet here is a really simple spreadsheet
it just allows us to define our market in numbers of potential
over the next five years
to do that we can go ahead and type in all of our different markets depending
on the business you may have different markets i'm just going to use
companies here so
but we could do large companies
medium companies
and then small companies
i'm just typing in the label that i need and then hitting enter to accept that
if i need more markets here i can right click and choose insert row
that'll let me insert additional rows if i need fewer rows i can right click and choose delete
rows and it'll delete any rows that i don't need
the program won't let me delete the very top row
you can see delete rows is greyed out here
or the very bottom row in that section
so just if you need to delete
if you have like i have here where i have
two or three items but i only need two
what i would want to do is move the information in the middle row down and then delete the middle
%uh the program protects the top and bottom row because we use it in the sum formula to
calculated total in the table
so we can't delete those or it would cause an error
i'm going to go ahead and switch to full screen so we can
see the table a little bit better
and we could go ahead and the enter in our information here the market analysis
table has some formulas by default that'll calculate our future years
based off of our growth rate in first years potential customers
so if i thought i was going to have a really high growth rate in large companies
maybe twenty five percent
and in my area the number of large companies for my services maybe
fifty companies
i can go ahead and enter in just those two numbers and the program's going to use that growth rate to
calculate my future market
for large companies
and then i can do the same thing for my medium companies
and small companies
and let's say we have a large number of small companies but i'm going to have a real slow growth
rate there
so we could go ahead and fill in our market analysis just as easy as that
we can overwrite the formulas in the future years so if i know what my
potential companies are going to be
over the next or potential customers are going to be over the next five years already
because i have done an industry report or something
i can manually enter that information here
and not use the growth rate if i want to
either way works just fine
and then the program will calculate your compound annual growth rate based off of your markets
and then give you a total
of all the different
potential customers
and a total of your compound annual growth rate at the bottom
as i said it's a really simple spreadsheet
let me switch back out of the full screen area
things to note in the actual spreadsheets themselves
are the difference between the blue numbers that i can make a change to
so if i wanted to change that twelve fifty i can just type in a new number and hit enter
and the black numbers here that i can't make a change to the program's calculating this
number based off of the information above it so if i try and make a change to that
fourteen hundred in this cell
the program's going to tell me that this is a locked cell and i can't change it
if i want to make a change to this cell i need to change the data above it and then the
program will
automatically recalculate that that total for me
the other thing to note is that
at the bottom of the table there's a little area here that we call row by row help
and this row by row help changes depending on what we have selected in the actual spreadsheet
that we're working on
so if i select the total row
it's going to tell me that this row's being calculated automatically to give me a total for my potential
if i select any of the data entry rows it's gonna tell me that i can fill in this estimate
so this is something good to look at if you want to change a number that's a black
number but you can't change it because it's a locked cell
you want to find out where that data is coming from you can look at the row by row help and it
will probably be there
i'm going to jump to a little bit more
to show you the difference there so
let me find a good one here
the contribution margin table i think will be a good one for that demonstration so we'll go
out and click next
it'll take us to the spreadsheet again we get instructions at the top of the spreadsheet
and then we get the spreadsheet at the bottom
i'm going to go to
actually i can't go to full screen because i want the row by row help
so i'm just going to go ahead and turn off the instructions
and the tasks
so that we can see the spreadsheet
in a little bit more detail here
so we'll see at the top of the contribution margin
it has an area that it should be bringing sales information in but there's no sales
information entered into the plan yet
if i try and type in my sales information here it's going to tell me it's a locked row so i
can't change that data
but i can look at the row by row help at the bottom and it tells me that this row is
protected and the data can't be edited
figures in this row come from my sales forecast table
and i click the sales forecast
link to get a definition of sales forecasting if i want to
but if i want to change those figures i need to go to the sales forecast table
and i cand do that through the task list if i wanted to or through the outline and i'll
explain the difference between the two in just a moment
or i can just select it from the drop-down list here at the top
go to the this gives me a list of all the tables or spreadsheets in the plan
i can scroll down and find sales forecast
click on it it'll take me to that spreadsheet
and i can click next
and fill in my sales forecast
so just a really good way to find out where to go if you need to change numbers is to look
at that row by row help information and see what the program is using to calculate it
if it's coming from this spreadsheet it'll tell you what data to change
if it's coming from by different spreadsheet it'll tell you where that spreadsheet information is
to go to and make changes to it
i'm going to go ahead and change or turn our instructions back on and our tasks back on