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\f0\fs24 \cf0 [Music]\ \
>>NARRATOR: The GoGo Life, a reality series that takes you behind the scenes of electronic
dance music through the lives of GoGo Dancers. The most dynamic, the most determined. Go
beyond the dance floor and follow MsEasy as she builds the strongest team in the country.\
\ >>MSEASY: This scene is on the verge of breaking
out mainstream. I mean, it's already incredibly popular, but this is a big, big scene. Global
Dance is definitely a\'85 you know the "it" show for it.\
\ >>HA: I think everybody around the region,
the midwest comes to global because we are the biggest even in the rocky mountain region.\
\ >>MSEASY: And if not in the nation. One of
the biggest for sure. All of the acts that come through, the first thing they comment
on is how amazing it is to be at Red Rocks. Obviously the entertainment we put on there
is better than I've seen at most shows in the country as well, so.\
\ >>KOSTAS: And that's what we really want to
talk about today is, you know what we're doing with production wise as far as dancers, and
where are we taking the dancers this year? Because we have this opportunity to really
travel and do something amazing.\ \
>>MSEASY: Well I mean there are beautiful women everywhere. It's easy to just put beautiful
women on stage but that doesn't mean that you're going to get the best. I mean obviously
to be an entertainer it takes years of being trained and working with teams, and doing
what we do. So ideally that's what I want to bring to Global Dance is quality, and to
be able to put the best entertainers on stage. The hottest girls, that have it all together.
>>HA: I think over the years you guys have progressed into like, *** icons in a way.
\ \
The girls and everybody looks up to you.\ \
>>MSEASY: I think a lot of people didn't take it as serious because maybe before it was
just a bunch of hot girls that got on stage, and it doesn't take a lot to do that. But
what I've really tried to cultivate over the years is the same thing that DJs are doing
with their music. You know they are taking it to the next level and that's what I want
to do. And I want to bring that to a show of this magnitude, and really like make it
that good.\ \
>>KOSTAS: This is a big deal for us because, it's going to represent us on stage like you
represent us on stage, and you have to put on an amazing show with us. And I want to
see a lot of girls, I want to make this bigger than life you know. I want to see 200 girls
there, and just really find maybe 9 to 10 girls that we could work with for a while
and see who's going to make it. What do you think about that?\
\ >>MSEASY: I think that sounds good. \
\ >>KOSTAS: This is like a classic super nightclub.
It's amazing. \ \
>>HA: It is one the biggest clubs in Denver. It is a super club. It's been around for a
long time, all of the big artists have played there. Tiesto, Fatboy Slim, Paul Oakenfold,
Paul Van Dyk, Sasha, Digweed.\ \
>>KOSTAS: You know it's been there for over 20 years now. We've seen it create the electronic
scene in the beginning. We were the first ones that were bringing DJs really as a nightclub.
[MUSIC]\ \
>>MSEASY: When the girls come in I expect them to look their best. I mean they have
to look good. You can't come to an audition looking anything less than you would on stage
at that show, right? Then they're going to go into a crazy line, where they fill out
their information and they'll kind of process them. Then after that one by one they kind
of get led up onto stage. There is 3 girls dancing at one time on one stage. So I mean
I am expecting hundreds of girls to show up to it. There are so many women. Literally
we have 2 slips left. We're ***. There are so many girls. Even by word of mouth I
mean, obviously internet but people just know that this show is definitely the one to get
into and our team is definitely the one you want to be on. \
\ [pause]\
\ I generally can tell how good a girl is within
10 seconds. Within 10 seconds look, personality, has to shine through. That's stage presence.
If you don't show your personality on stage instantly, like I already know that it isn't
>>FANCY NANCY: This is actually, probably the biggest gogo audition I've ever been to.\
\ >>SAM: I always get nervous before auditions,
>>CECILY: Huge line of girls. They all look so nervous, and I'm just like cutting through
the girls. Watch out, excuse me, and they're all like "Ugh!" And I'm like *** please
I know where I'm going, get out the way. \ \
>>SAM: The other girls are really catty. It's really competitive, really cutthroat. You
will meet some that are really excepting and that want to help people. And then you will
meet some that will do anything to bring you down. \
\ >>FANCY NANCY: Waiting is just, gut wrenching,
you're nervous, there's all these beautiful girls everywhere. And there's kind of like
a little animosity, but it's just having the right attitude.\
\ >>CECILY: It's pretty amazing what we do.
We have thousands and thousands of girls wishing that they could be doing what we're doing.
>>HANNAH: On stage feeling the music and the energy of everybody else is like a feeling
that you can't get anywhere else.\ \
>>Pi: You're on stage and everyone is watching you and like, above everything the coolest
feeling ever. \ \
>>HANNAH: I just kind of focus on the music I don't pay attention to anything else. I
definitely try to get the crowd pumped. \ \
>>CECILY: And it's almost like, what is there not to like? Well I guess the drunk ***
bags. Anyway I like being apart of such a huge major entertainment and event.\
\ >>FANCY NANCY: Sometimes it's almost like
you black out. It's just like this adrenaline rush. \
\ >>CECILY: Everybody seems to think that all
of us gogo dancers are on coke and ***. And we're all strung out, but no that's not the
case. We actually try to portray a professional image. \
\ >>HANNAH: A lot of people judge me because
I have blonde hair fake ***, things like that.\
\ >>CECILY: We don't drink, we don't do drugs.
Nothing while we are dancing. That's why we are the best because we're not *** shows.
>>Pi: My experience with dating and having this job is definitely a struggle. Guys will
be proud of us. But I think there's always going to be something in the back of their
head that they always have a problem with it. My boyfriend now really doesn't like the
fact that I dance.\ \
>>HANNAH: I've gotten mad at a lot of guys and I should probably learn how to control
it a little better. I've hit some guys in the face. \
\ >>FANCY NANCY: I hope that we send out a positive
image to girls. Because we might not have much, but we have big hearts, and a lot of
love for dancing.\ \
>>BECKII: I can see in a girl that she wants it really bad and not jus that she wants to
be on stage or that she wants the attention, I can see that instantly. So I'm trying to
find the girls that are like, you know it's really in their heart to be up there, they
are like true performers. They want it really bad. They want to make this event as good
as I do so I know they are going to perform that well. \
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\cf0 >>NARRATOR: Next time on The GoGo Life; MsEasy expects nothing from the best from
her narrowed down group of performers. Do they have what it takes? We will found out.
All that and more, next time on The GoGo Life.}