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jealous signs of courses in the u_k_ and sweden one action item for so-called sex
charges so uh... after they were through proceedings the day decided yes we had
an accident
so then join us on spent a week at least decided impose seek asylum
at in ecuador so he went to their embassy
and he was being are protected their and then britain sent the threatening note
yesterday saying we made basically radha embassy taken anyway which would be in
violation of all international law
apparently that entered
of that ecuadorian government and will they give asylum well
now we have the answer
the president of ecuador sets
that would or government loyal to his tradition to protect those who seek
refuge with us at our diplomatic missions
has decided to grant diplomatic asylum to mister assad
good for them
uh... they continue to explain the different reasons why they do sit when
in this direction first of all
uh... rockville korea continues
their indications to presume that there could be
political persecution
which makes a lot of sense for the reasons that i'm bout to explain to you
from k
uh... but for someone to give you some other strong comments they made
ricardo putting you know that could or in foreign ministers said it is not
impossible that he would be treated pinnacle formatter condemned to life in
prison or even the death penalty
tell you everything you wait a minute
why is this guy really that definitely worse external review remember
one of the victims in screens said
uh... you know he didn't use a *** while we were having sex i want him to
use a *** so
that's a big way to allegation that's coming out of suede *** *** excuse
for that right
well of course not
what is it
they say
sweden might be using this is a ruse they get a misreading so that they get
extradite him
to the united states
and the united states of course incredibly angry about it all the way
gillis revelations about the u_s_ government
now is their basis in reality in that
acts all
now why
because joanna signs in this is really important says hey you know what iris
win tomorrow
i give you read american press you when i get that impression at all
his i will go all sweetness into is say we will monitor into the u_s_ i've got a
prosperous new stars let's do it
the ease that you tried to with anything
so actually
they just one for questioning the size is going to set up a webcam to question
her about sends someone to england
sleep doesn't want to question ahead david damn about these *** charges
baseline gamma sweden something as that's over u_s_ 'cause apparently had
some sort of the up looking so simple if that's not true
just say okay i want more action into the estes is has nothing to do a damn
possessive about *** assault charges in sweden by great let's do that
but they won't do it because it is about the u_s_
and i love there's at least one country willis they've gotten them no matter
what now let's go to more click on a slur ecuadorian ps
uh... president rafael koro
said quote
no one is going to terrorize opps
hey you know you kate threatening here to come into our embassy but we're not
going to stand for that we're gonna give asylum he also said quote
are not a british colony
i love that attitude
you know of course there charge for all these you know that ecuador is not that
great to the press or
circumstance mir's against ecuador
look they might have their own issues a center about which other country
is standing up for the rights of the press
in the most important journalism story
i don't know if it's ten years twenty years or lifetimes
my got some of the wiki links documents like two revolutions in tunisia and
egypt they want to seoul calls of course but they weren't important part is that
tunisian people file that exactly how their government was rubbing
we know that they were getting robbed but i found out the details of that say
many chip
how while the news that how important is that
for all the people on the world to know all these
secret evidence the level on
the disaster that was in iraq and afghanistan where that is why america
salute and by the way although i had as a very serious of leaks it's sarah
admires endangered rule really
well how about our press so that you were in their job adderall here in
written so cut yesterday are red
which lies that we lost who's got hurt because the wages
when you ask the u_s_ government
they don't have
any answer
they don't have a shred of evidence
that a single person has been hurt by with unix
here's what's been her the government and its reputation collateral mermaid oh
journalist shot at first responders when they go to publisher was shot at
all that embarrasses eyes
that embarrasses the politician
and the rest of us put off of our pathetic press here in the united states
all my got we have to pick a governor are learning to nowhere near that
fifteen thousand extra civilians killed in iraq war although i would argue that
really view you are wanting to report it
you didn't know with that
israel what i'd say it was a govern at that time she was such a transit
barris is the rest of the government press here
from new york times at all
all four article
that's a lie down to it as i don't know what you might hurt at startup i think
they are we was permitted a blessed are those
all you want to take me you are pretty
so that's what
while of what ecuador is done here and we've got more
william hague u_k_ foreign secretary says well we'll correct recorded
uh... will uh... you know drop term anyway said quote under our law
with mister size having saucer all to the keely
appeal you can afford is our honor binding obligation extra then actually
will carry out that obligation laboratory governs the session this
afternoon does not change that we remain committed to negotiate a solution
that allows us to carry out are all the issues under the extreme edition
except of course
that is a veiled threat
it we don't have a negotiated solution who cares we might come form anyway
because international law what pain and a
as to what happened to that
that one out western governments is setup within forty minutes
pushing for three other press we do the opposite
instead of pushing for the whole world the work together toward international
law like the u_k_ used to like the united states used to
that's only the reception in the first one
are now going back and saying we don't care about a national law might makes