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When was the last time you swung on a swing? Don't you forget how fun it is to just swing?
What do you think MarkoPolo? Yep, am I supposed to move the camera? Whoever is watching this
is gunna get dizzy! Are you being a good camera person? Yep. Should I go higher to make it.
No. Harder for you? I'm already cutting your head off every time. You're too, I'm too quick
for you! Yep! What did we do today? You can just keep it in one spot. Went to the dentist.
Oh yeah, we went to the dentist! Guess how many cavities I had. Get me at the top when
I'm really high. Right here. SEVEN! There you go! SEVEN CAVITIES?! That's awful. But
I brush... Everyday... I promise. So we had a great day... Other than the dentist... I
didn't do so well there. I did perfect! Mark didn't have any. I brush my teeth everyday.
Me too! I do too. And we had a barbecue... And had fun... And that was our day... THE
END! Do it again. BYE! There you go.