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arat>>ho Nn AR- RAEdTOisR:on M 1
THA ■@group 5-ofHo furil Mmmara@
hon eir 5-veHoryur l Mivaresat t
HDonla Trgece hformatHD IMAX TH1
Hour M5-raHo turo Mthare attoh-
hon Ev- erEdes
t.ison TechHD&r■@r
HDTHe D1expediHDtion w5-asHo suh
&r@@at5- mHoemurbe Mrsar oatf hD
h-Hopaurrt Miears atjuhostn a-c
&rin@@ a kilTHleD1r storHDm.5-Hh
ur Mars mine5- tHoo urdo M iarto
on TecEdd issionnc Te ecweh fins
hDfilms THonD1-on ou5-r Hoowurnc
Hour stupi&rdi@@ty or 5-brHoilu-
hthopun ts- uEds isinonto T tec
>>HD NARRA&rTO@@R: The5- cHoamuh
&r42@@ poundTHs.D1HD5-Hour Mara@
n -
&r@@Fieclmh rollsHD weighTHedD1D
&r@@each aHDnd cou5-ldHo ournl D
5-Hoseurco Mndars atofho an ct-n
arat MHDacGILL5-IVHoRAurY: M YaM
HDEdheislionco Tptecerh to flHDh
on Te THhiD1ghest HDa heli5-coHs
HDHDt was &rab@@out 19TH,0D100 1
HourYo Mu arknatowho, n th- e Eo
THEdfeiseton. TechHDTHD15-Hour @
HDAnd so5-, Hoyouru' Mrear nato@
wiHDth a h5-elHoicurop Mtearr.ah
THSoD1 we ha5-d Hotour c MararrD
- Edisard atsoho, n wh- enEd wi
echSherpaTHs-D1- the HDbest S&rD
THD1paD1l-- toHD carry5- tHoheuD
h-Hodiurff Merarenatt hopin ec-c
...THD1HD5-Hour MaratT
on Tec we 5-goHot urte Mn arpeas
5-toD1p...HD&rA@5-Hour MarathonD
A@aranatd hoshn ot- tEdwois ror
itHD was s5-tuHonnurin Mg.aratho
>>TH ND1ARRATO5-R:Ho Aurs Mth
hon ood at5-opHo turhe M harigat
5-onEa Trtech,h they HDknew tTHD
on Tecat thohen s- hoEdulisdeos
hon oneeTHrsD1 and i5-nnHoovurat
n - ca Tmeec bhefore THthD1em.Ho
on T(ec hsqueHDaking&r A@)THD1Hh
HDThatTH gD1ratitu5-deHo eurxt 1
5-Honaurme M marosatt hoasn so-@
Marinatvehontn io- n Edof
HDThHoomuras M Aarlvata hoEdn ih
D1THe D1Thomas5- EHodiurso Mn aH
5-HoHoatur w Me arcaatn hogin vD
Marathor n me- , Edpaisrtonic r
- Edstisaronte Td,ec uhm, whaHD1
Techhatichoh n is- sEdouisndon
hHD1>> NARHDRATOR:&r EA@dison'5c
HourA@ves onTH aD1round HDus, n-
athomon ti- onEd pisicontu Tree1
HDmoHodeurrn M caronatvehonin eh
HDgran5-teHod urev Merary atdah1
&rB@ N5-EWHoSRurEE ML arANatNOhD
THD1the roHDad to 5-inHoveurnt
5-Howhurat Mevarerat thohen a-h
HDwaB@y, ThoTHmaD1s EdisHDon wah
&rB@preparTHedD1.HD5-Hour Marath
THD1Ho NurAR MRAarTOatR:ho Wn ih
HD&rveB@ntion 5-paHoteurnt Ms,ah
ech@recordTH tD1hat stHDands t5T
EdisonD1as Edi5-soHon urst Mila
has tTHheD1 most HDsucces&rsfB@h
ofHD all t5-imHoe.ur Marathon -t
n -
hn TThece hfruitsHD of EdTHisD1c
Hour MchnoloTHgiD1cal brHDeakth-
hon wi- thEd uiss onto Tdaecy,hc
ur MntHDinuing&r fB@ascina5-tiHo
ech ab- ilEditisy onto T pecrohT
HourimHDaginab&rleB@ from 5-siH-
athoann d - coEdmmisonon m Tate1
HDreD1cordinHDg for&r B@Mode5-r1
- Ed( M aratschoran tc- hyEd, i
THD1a htest rHDecordi&rngB@ for
THD1-MoHodeurrn M MararatveholsD
5-Hour M NarARatRAhoTOn R:- OED
athowin th- eEdleisctonri Tc eh
hHmoD1ving i5-maHogeurs Manardc
EdisomHD the p&rreB@-Civil5- WH
HDhinto wHDhich T&rhoB@mas EdTH1
&rB@born.5-Hour Maratho
&rB@The miTHraD1cles hHDe woul5D
ison Turto M tarheat 2ho0tn h -d
ur Mar dre&ramB@s in FTHebD1ruao
HD- >>Ed NisEIonL TMAecKEhN: Th
Edisborn i5-ntHoo uran M aargra
echIn theHD mid 1TH80D10s-- E5-h
ur M
HDn bo- rnEd iisn on18 T47ec--hh
THD1still 5-a Hofruron Mtiarerah
THD1ai&rnsC@ were 5-juHostur s @
cr5-isHoscurro Mssar tatheho cnD
echo>>ur N MEWarSRatEEhoL n AN-T
TechsC@ of thTHe D1greatHD5-Hon
THD1Gold RHDush, i&rn C@the sm5@
Techn o5-f HoPourrt M Haruraton
- Edis&r aC@n inquTHisD1itive H
Houready HDto carTHryD1 out h5--
hon - n pe- riEdmeisnton. TechTt
ison Tec NhARRATOHDR: HisTH hD1d
echDginnin&rgsC@ have THofD1tenT
HDD1exaggeHDrated &rbyC@ biogr5h
HDTHmeD1times HDby Edi5-soHon,uh
hon om5-otHoerur, Mhiarmsatelht
athoTh Tisec dhramatiTHzaD1tionr
Edislionfe T w
HD&rndC@iwork.5-Hour Marathon -h
5-D1>> BIL5-L HoPRurET MZEarR:aD
Edismaatdeho an bo- utEd tisheo
5-HourkedHD out oTHf D1school5-D
atholin tt- leEd bisiton i Tnced
ur Mar i&rn C@fact, THheD1 had o
C@- yoEdunisg onbo Ty ecgoht inr
- Edth Mosare atyehoarn s,- sE
5-Hoeihghth gHDrade e&rduC@cati@
arat>>ho Nn AR- RAEdTOisR:on T w
n - haisrdon o Tf echeharing,THo
aratwoeculhd becoHDme ano&rthD@M
&rD@piisecone Tinec thhe emeTHn
THD1myurth Molarogaty.hon - Edi@
Hour P5-AUHoL urIS MRAarELat: h-
THD1ben ga- n Edtois lonos Te e@
Hour M5-asHo wuror Mkiarngat oh-
HDn An- d Edthiserone Tarece hh
TecouTHt D1this, HDone th5-atHn
THknow, THthD1e chem5-icHoalur h
HDfire h&rapD@pened 5-onHo t
on Te HDconduc5-toHor urbo Mxeas
&rD@rsD1.HD&rD@5-Hour Marathon D
- Edis M'sar matuchoh n mo- reE
echchildhHDood di&rseD@ase liTHh
feHDver th&ratD@ cause5-d Hoheu1
&rinD@ both 5-eaHorsur. Marathoh
Edis N&rARD@RATOR:5- UHonqurue
echis theHD fact &rthD@at ThoTHn
5-HoD1owed aHDn earl&ry D@fasci1
&rD@inhonon va- tiEdonis.on TecD
athon M IarSRatAEhoL:n Y- ouEr
hsonte Tleecgrhaph waHDs the &rc
5-Hos HDday.&rD@
hratItho'sn t- heEd tishionng c
HD&re D@kids.THD1
TecAnard atsoho En di- soEdn in
HDline b&retD@ween hTHisD1 home1
D1home5- oHof ura MfrarieatndhH
ur Mar Mpearriatmehontn ed- wEo
HD- meEdssisagones T.echHDTHD15h
arathono&rloD@gy wou5-ldHo bureM
Marfoonun Tdaectihon forHD Edir
n - inEdveisntonio Tnsec.hHDTHD@
HD MRearvoatluhotin on- izEdini1
- Edin M Aarmeatrihocan u- ndE
THD1orhchestrHDation THofD1 inv@
HDmark5-etHoeeurr MSaarmuatelhh
THD1device5- uHoseurs Ma arteah
wh&ricD@h is s5-imHoplury Ma ao
D1ompHDletes &ranE@ electTHriD1H
n - Hoecurtr Micaritaty hofln oo
&r Ttoec thhe recHDeiving&r eE@D
HDThHoe urco Mmparleattehod n ch
5-THecD1tric sHDounder5-.Hour M@
aratUsatinhog n a - syEdstisemoM
h Edtaispson, Tmeecsshages aTHc
sy&rstE@em knoTHwnD1 as MoHDrsen
MarMaatsthoern y - ofEd tishio1
HDfrE@om a h5-obHobyur t Mo arah
ison TTHg D1EdisonHD and e5-veHd
isonm away&r fE@rom hoTHmeD1 tod
THlacHDe in tTHheD1 world5-.Hou@
arat PRE5-TZHoERur: MTharenat M
- Edasis aon t Traecmphing teHDD
D1 Mcoarmmatonho an tt- riEdbuiH
aratho Mrkarerats,ho tn o - moEM
Edisplonac Te,ec nhot becHDauseD
MaratHotrurod Mdearn atanhod nr
&rEdbuist onit T iecs ha way HDD
THD1Hopeurri Menarceat.hon - EdD
- Ed>>ur N MARarRAatTOhoR:n W-
TectehlegrapHDh operTHatD1or iM
Techo68ur, MEdarisatonho fn in
Hour MtentHD.&rE@5-
on Tec- wEdasis fonor T aec mhs
ur MD1nceptsHD borro&rweE@d froo
HDn te- leEdgrisaponh Ttoec rh1
Edison5-reHossur. Marathon -
h>> MHDAKEN: THThD1e cong5-reHoD
HD Mpuarncath hoinn t- heEdirih
THD1would 5-beHo iurmm Medariaah
n - Edusur o Mr armiatnuhos n vo
aratCohngressHD would&rn'F@t puM
5-Edvoistionng T mecachhines,HDD
on Tdeatfehoatn ed- wEdhaist os
HDHDngressTHmeD1n want5-edHo tu1
Marat Mliarbuatsthoern .- Edisr
Edis>>is NonAR TRAecTOhR: TheHD
HDhwould THbeD1 the lHDast ti&rh
THD1would 5-inHonourva Mtear wah
HDconsul&rtiF@ng the5- mHoarurk1
Marat was aTHn D1inventHDor, br
- Edalissoon b Tececomhing a HD@
arathoness5-maHon.ur Marathon -M
ison Ton M TAKecENh: "If HDwe cd
THHDem, th&renF@ we'reTH nD1ot h
Edisr ti&rmeF@.5-Hour Marathon
HDhThey hHDave to&r bF@e inveTHh
&rF@which THweD1 can pHDroduce5D
5-Ho>>ur N MARarRAatTO
TecsuEdccisesons Tasec ahn inn
hon - 71, whHDen he &rapF@pliedt
5-HoimecprhovemenTHtsD1 to thHD1
HDatofho tn he- sEdtoisckon t 1
n - leHogrurap Mh arthatatho ano
HD TbuecsihnessesHD to ke&repF@f
hon trurad Minarg.athon - Edisot
D1on>> T IecSRhAEL: THDhis isTHH
F@&rprF@oducti5-onHo ourf Manar
unHDiversa5-l Hosturoc Mk artiah
n - Ed
F@ecwahs EdisHDon's pTHriD1ncipr
5-HontHDributi5-onHo turo Mpra@
on Techolen gr- apEdh isteonch s
hon has&r aF@ couplTHe D1of ket
athoon Te ecthhe unisHDon, inTHr
5-Hoalonl Tthece hinstruTHmeD11
5-atsyhoncn hr- onEdizisedon, @
aratbeattthoern m- ecEdhaisnioM
on Tecisd onsh Tifectihng betTHs
HDtype wTHheD1els, o5-neHo furoD
Maronate hofon r - nuEdmbisero
on T
on TecARRA&rTOG@R: TheTHseD1 whs
- EdD1vancedHD by el&recG@tric
5-eccrheated HDby com&rplG@eted@
hon juatstho ln ik- e Edthise ot
5-onIn T techihs caseTH, D1the 1
Edisatat aho kn ey- boEdarisd.o
HDhEach kTHeyD1 depreHDssed s&rh
hon - Hoeruren Mt arnuatmbhoernt
on Twhecichh turnTHedD1 the wHDT
5-HourG@espondTHinD1g lettHDer.1
G@hoAnn ot- heEdr isleonve Tr er
5-Hour M tarheat phorin nt- lED
HDhoprn es- seEdd isinonto T teh
- Ed p5-apHoerur. Marathon
hTecFohr thisHD devic&re,G@ whic
HourD1vestor5-s Hoalurl Movare-
HDhoton h- avEde isimonme Tdieh
5-G@stock THinD1formatHDion, E5@
Marsaatidho tn o - haEdveis rom
echf $TH40D1,000.HD5-Hour MaratT
HD>> P&rREG@TZER: THAnD1d withH1
arathear satayhos,n "- I EdcaiM
Maranisd onbe Tcoecmeh a fulHDr
5-HojuEdstis aon c Thaecnghe-maD
aratI hohan ve- eEdnoisugonh h
&rcaG@n justTH gD1o out HDand po
THD1eaHos uran Md arseate howhnh
on Tem&r."G@5-Hour Marathon - Es
ison TARRATHTOD1R: 29-5-yeHoarud
THD1s marrTHieD1d at t5-heHo tu@
hD16-y5-eaHor-urol Md arMaatryhc
&r>>H@ PRETZTHERD1: CertHDainly@
ur Mmaarrratiahogen , - heEd wih
HDneD1glectf5-ulHo.ur Marathon 1
Teche M warasat mhoarn ri- edEn
HDyoun&rgeH@r womaTHn D1who siHn
n -
aratveecryh maturHDe and THdiD1M
on Tshise onwa Ts ecgehtting THs
Tech neitTHheD1r did 5-heHo.urn
ur Men&r tH@hey weTHreD1 marriHo
HDn si- mpEdlyis aon l Tocecalh1
n - Ed Mleargrataphohin c - eqEo
hTecShhe hadnHD't sigTHneD1d onc
HDwifeHD of th&re H@most f5-amH1
Hourin M tarheat whoorn ld- .Edr
n -
on T>>ec NhARRATOHDR: Tha&rt H@u
Tecosso&rm H@at a p5-roHopeurrn
HDNew Je&rrsH@ey.THD1HD5-Hour M1
hrEdH@ison h5-irHoedur t Mhear c
Hour MH@s he cTHouD1ld finHDd a-
hon th- emEd tiso onth Tisec chD
n - ilD1dings,HD the f5-abHoleuo
on Tfaeccthory inHD MenloTH PD1n
ur MarHDRETZER&r: H@In man5-y Ho
THD1roEdomis ions Tthece hbirth
mo&rdeH@rn res5-eaHorcurh Manao
HD5-isHoonur c Mrearatatedho anh
HDD1where 5-thHoe urwo Mrkarmea1
TH5-chHo ourth Merar watasho dn@
D1to eac5-h Hooturhe Mr arabatoH
HD M>>ar NatARhoRAn TO- R:Ed Ei1
isone Hofiurrs Mt arreatsehoarnd
n - eHDlopmen&rt H@faciliTHtyD1o
n - Edecnkh dedicHDated tTHo D1o
TecachcordinTHg D1to EdiHDson,T
HDinve&rntH@ion evTHerD1y ten Hh
h1big 5-thHoinurg Mevareraty hc
D1&r."I@THD1HD5-Hour Marathon -H
D1urOn Me arofat thohen f- irEH
&rI@isI@on cam5-e Houpur w MitaD
ison cHDalled 5-thHoe urel Mecad
5-Ho5HD.THD15-Hour Marathon - E@
5-HoBahottn er- ieEds ispronov D
arattoho an s- maEdllis monot D
athon isaronp Tstecylhus up HDr
5-onTh Te ecwrhiter cHDreatedTHD
THartiatnyho hn ol- esEd, iswhoD
THD1Hollured M waritath hoinn kh
- Edpi&resI@.5-Hour Marathon -
THecThhe elecHDtric p&renI@ eveh
aratspir&redI@ other5- iHonvureM
Maratiseaonte T tecwoh additHDr
THEdsuisccones Tsfeculh devicTH@
HDink an5-d Hotiurny M p
n -
n - Thece hfirst HDwas thTHe D1o
Edismaecchhine, pTHopD1ular bHD
THhadventHD of to&rdaI@y's moTHh
HDcopier&rs.I@5-Hour Marathon -h
&rI@D1e seco5-ndHo iurs MthareD
5-Hogiurft M taro atmohoden rn-1
n - Edlturur Me,ar iatnshopin ro
5-ecinhnovatiHDons ofTH TD1homaD
hMarEdatishoonn .- Edison TechTc
on Tecon&r'sI@ work THinD1 teles
HDcontinTHueD1d.5-Hour Marathonh
Hour Me devi5-ceHo, urth Me arr-
hon te- leEdgrisaponh, T aeclshc
HDcoI@nceptsTH fD1rom thHDe eleh
HDIn tTHhiD1s deviHDce, cl5-osHh
THD1pushed5- aHo surty Mluars a1
&rreJ@volvin5-g Howaurx Mpaarp1
echsThones Te ecimhpressiHDons T
&rJ@shTHesD1 creat5-edHo aur " D
5-Hocourul Md arbeat pholan ye-1
Techeho-sn en- t.Edison TechHDn
on TecstylHDus and&r wJ@ax pap5s
HDthis E&rdiJ@son drTHawD1ing f1
TecchHoinure Mtharatat thohenn
athoough&rt J@might THbeD1 abler
Edisthone Thuecmahn voicHDe.THd
THD1>> ISRHDAEL: H&re'J@s so c5t
THhe wri5-teHos urin M harisat D
5-"HHoerurea Mftarerat Iho cn aD
isonayHo burac Mk arthate hohund
n - EdDtime."&rJ@THD1HD5-Hour Mo
echc>>h RECORTHDID1NG: MaHDry hT
aratmbJ@, its THflD1eece wHDas M
- Edsnisowon. TechTHD1HD&rJ@5-HD
HD5-d Hoevurer Mywarheatreho tn1
&rJ@the la5-mbHo wuras M sarurah
- Ed>>is NonAR TRAecTOhR: SomHD1
EdisHohourax M.arathon -
HDhMost wTHouD1ld be HDmesmer&r1
D1urTh Momarasat Ehodin so- n EH
Hour Maronatg hoonn h- isEd fi-
hon in- toEd tisheon 2 T0tech hc
&rJ@"Eardiatsohon n Te- chEd" iD
Hour MarMoatdehornn M- arEdve
n -
athon BurHDbank, &rCaO@lifornTHr
5-HoDu Tstecy hWakemaHDn is dTHD
aratmihoc n ch- ecEdksis bonef M
n a - seEdriiseson o Tf ectrhac@
ur Msiarngaterho-sn on- gwEdriih
5-Ho>> DUS5-TYHo WurAK MEMarANa1
ison Thoomn as- EEddiissoonn d
HourinD1k he wHDould b&re O@on -
on Tecn ge- oEdf isthone Tdies
TH(D1 plHDaying &rcoO@untry 5-b-
>>HD BRIAN&r CO@OLE: 5-♪Hour W T
Edisyoonu. T..ec h♪HD&rO@THD1HD1
- Edis NARRA5-TOHoR:ur " MCuart
Houroday HDmeans &r40O@ channTH-
THD1min xe- d Edonis aonn Tane@
athord5- dHoisurk. Marathon - Er
5-Ho>>on C TOLecE:h ♪HD ThrouTHD
HDattrhoyin ng- tEdo isseone. h
O@>> W5-AKHoEMurAN M: arWear
Houron M tarheat dhorun ms- , ED
THD1o D1on the5- pHoiaurno M, ah
5-elec&rtrO@ic gui5-taHor,ur o 1
- Edisatouhostn ic- gEduiistao
&rO@ocal.THD1HD&rO@5-Hour MaratD
HDD1>> NARHDRATOR:5- THooduray 1
n - Ed5-isHotiurca Mteard atreho
HDeceqhuipmenHDt can &rtrO@ace 1
aratho the5- gHoenuriu Ms arofaM
EdisIton b Tegecanh as 18HD76 tt
THD1en Edi&rsoP@n was 5-seHottu@
Marod5-ucHotiurve M yaretat uhr
n - paEdttiseronn Tofec chreat
5-HoPTHRED1TZER: HDHe was&r vP@1
aratwohorkn ah- olEdicis, onpr h
HDHDs life&r.P@5-Hour Marathon h
HDHe c5-onHoceurnt Mraarteatd h1
on Te 5-laHobourra Mtoarryat.hos
HourHorkured M darayat ahondn -
hon Crn ea- teEdd issconhe Tduet
hsonth Touecghht he wHDas goi&rc
on Tterrup&rteP@d duri5-ngHo tus
Houruld ha&rveP@ the wTHorD1kme-
P@hohon me- dEdurisinong Tther
on TmeHD toget5-heHor urat M nas
THHDl nighTHt.D15-Hour Marathonh
HD>> NAR&rRAP@TOR: I5-n HoJuurlo
&rP@isP@on begTHanD1 conduHDctiD
HDHoexurpe Mriarmeatnthos n th-h
echlemTHenD1ts of HDthe te5-leHT
ur MarTHs D1from t5-heHo turel o
n - reEdceisntonly T iecnvhente1
hon - arexatanhoden r - GrEdahit
hon - ec IhSRAEL:TH HD1e takeHDt
arathoecpehr thatHD he's &rbeP@M
Edisinonsu Tlaectihng conHDdens
echthingsTH iD1n teleHDgraphy&r
on T
atho takesTH tD1his wa5-x Hopaur
5-Hotaonke Ts eca htelephTHonD11
echtwihothn t- heEd disiaonph T
aratlittleHD needl&re P@on the5M
h Edanisd,on a Ts echeh speakHDc
MaratHDhragm &rmoP@ves up5- aHr
h Edpuisshones T techeh needlHDc
THD1per an&rd,P@ as he5- dHorauD
Hourac Mroarssat, hohen r- eaE-
HDhoren co- rdEdinisg onhi Ts eh
&rP@>> NARTHRAD1TOR: SHDix mon5H
ison T
hon - archTH aD1nd dev5-elHooput
5- Tprecodhuced tTHhiD1s deviHD1
HDar>>at MhoAKn EN- : EdThisiso1
5-Hostararattehod.n - Edison Te@
Q@atThhoisn i- s Eda isreonpl r
hon isHDon's v5-erHoy urfi Mrsat
isonph Tonecoghraph..TH.D1HD&rQ1
echDcause &rthQ@e mate5-riHoaluT
Edises&r aQ@s a meTHdiD1um forH
echis a cHDombinaTHtiD1on of 5-@
ur M
aratle- adEd.ison TechTHD1HD&rQM
HDEdVeisryon s Tofect,h looksHD1
Maratil, 5-buHot urit M'sar mar
athon is NonAR TRAecTOhR: SouTHr
- Eddi Tapechrhagm viHDbrate,&r
on Teche needHDle, orTH sD1tylus
on TD1 impreHDssion &rinQ@ the s
Hour M rew&rouQ@nd, thTHe D1nee-
hon th- e Edimisprones Tsieconht
h1causHDing th5-e Hodiurap Mhrac
n - aD1n iden5-tiHocaurl Mmaao
on Torecighinal rTHecD1ordingHDD
5-hoThn e - fiEdrsist onma Tche1
hMartoat thohen l- abEd, iswhoc
echDrkers &ranQ@d coho5-rtHos uT
5-HoouQ@nd.THD1HD5-Hour Maratho@
5-Hourho bn et- tEdheis ronoo D
athoman ch- inEde iscoonul Td en
THhuD1man vo5-icHoe.ur Marathon1
ech- MHoAKurEN M: arThate hotinT
5-HoapQ@ped a THpiD1ece ofHD ti@
HDatarhooun nd- tEdheis monan 1
Hourpl Mayarbaatckho sn ty- luE-
athothn e - crEdanisk,on a Tnde@
TH M>>ar OatRIhoGIn NA- L EdREi@
isonlitt5-leHo luram Mb,ar iattd
hwhitHDe as sTHnoD1w."5-Hour Ma1
5->>Ho MurAK MENar: atAnhod n t1
HDatbrhookn e - loEdseis.on Tech
HDR@They sTHtaD1rted sHDlappin51
&rR@back.5-Hour Marathon - Edis1
HD MThareyat shotan rt- edEd ci1
HourHe M carolatlehoctn ed- hEh
HDciR@gars.THD1HD5-Hour Marathoh
D1D1>> ISR5-AEHoL:ur T Mheary aH
da&ry R@to 5-ScHoieurnt MifaricD
heTHw D1York, HDand Ed5-isHoonuc
THcrD1anks u5-p Hothure Mpharor
hhHDe next&r tR@hing y5-ouHo huc
D1&rm R@the phTHonD1ographHD."5H
ur MarR@cally 5-inHotrurod Mucao
athothEde iswoonrl Td ecinh ther
n - on TAmecerhican THD1officeo
HD TAnecd hpeopleHD startTH cD1h
HDTHe D1officeHD, they5-'rHoe u1
5-Ho tHohiurs. Marathon - Ediso1
THD1Anhod,n w- itEdhiisn onth h
Tecis&ronR@ is wo5-rlHod-urfa n
HDI mean&r, R@he jusTHt D1astou@
ur Mwoarrlatd howin th- tEdhiih
HDD1>> NARHDRATOR:&r TR@he med5h
h@turnTHedD1 EdisoHDn into5- aHc
THTH wD1as pro5-clHoaiurme Md ah
ur Maro &rPaR@rk."5-Hour Maratho
n - EdEdisisonon t Traecvehled h
HDgiR@ve a cTHomD1mand pHDerforh
THD1es5-idHoenurt MRuarthaterhh
HD>> R&rAYR@ PHILL5-IPHoS:ur T 1
5-Hoso5-luHoteur o Mriargiatnah@
arathoho wn as- mEdadise onwi M
Marafonte Tr ecEdhison iTHnvD1r
n - maEdchisinones T iecn h1877r
n -
EdisThece hnext tHDhing h&re S@
HDh"How aTHreD1 we...HD How a&rh
HDmake5-..Ho. urge Mt arsoatmeh1
aratthuris M tarhiatngho?"n - EM
ison>>is NonAR TRAecTOhR: HisHDd
hstraTHteD1gy wasHD to ex&rhiS@t
ur Mpharonatoghoran ph- aEds i
Hour MHHID1LLIPS:HD "Mary&r hS@-
ech la- mbEd, isitons TfleceehT
athon HD, and &revS@erywhe5-reHr
isonwe Tntec, hthe laHDmb was&rD
arathoHoARurRA MTOarR:at ThohinM
- Edisonrg Terec ehxhibitHDion
D1hlicensTHedD1 for dHDemonst&rH
5-urco Munartyat fhoain rs- , ED
5-Houraturhochn es- .Edison Tec@
Tec>>n P- HIEdLLisIPonS: T "en
HDlamb a&rt S@schoolTH."D1HD5-Hh
&rS@NoEdw,is ionf Tyoecu hget D
5-Hocaurn Mseare atthhoe n vi-D
Marmyat vhooin ce- .Edison Tect
5->> R5-ECHoORurDI MNGar: at"Mh1
HDarlaatmbho, n it- s Edfliseeo1
THS@snow, 5-anHod urev Merarywa@
HD>> M5-AKHoENur: MTharisat phh
&rS@nice lTHivD1ing foHDr seve5D
HD5-inHoeruran Mt artratavhoelnh
5-Ho fTHroD1m townHD to to5-wnH@
THatpehoopn le- wEdouisldon p @
echo com5-e Hoanurd MliarstateT
&rS@lkD1.5-Hour Marathon - EdisD
HDD1>> RECHDORDING5-: Ho(curho 1
HDHo>>ur P MHIarLLatIPhoS:n N-h
D1imag5-inHoe,ur i Mn arabatouhc
ison Thoern yb- odEdy ishaond d
THD1 they THweD1re rec5-alHoleu@
hDWell5-, Honourt Mevareratybhc
D1&rchT@ine baTHckD1, and.HD.. H
5-Hoanard atthhoe n Ed- isEdoniD
Ediscahoren b- ecEdauisseon t
echa darnHD thingTH nD1ow.5-Houh
HDThT@ey werTHe D1simplyHD out h
n - >> NAR5-RAHoTOurR: M Eardiao
on Tasecidhe his THreD1searchHDD
athoson un- d Edfoisr onth Te e1
TecT@rned h5-isHo surig Mhtarsn
D1believ&redT@ to beTH tD1he neH
sc&rieT@ntific5- rHoevurol Muta1
HDHeHo hurop Medar tato hoben ah
athon Hoheur m Mararkeattpholanr
HDonfi Trsect hpractiTHcaD1l elh
n - gh5-tbHoulurb. Marathon - Eo
HD T>>ec IhSRAEL:TH WD1hen EdHDh
athon Homeurs Minarteatrehostnr
isonli Tghect,h he's THinD1tereo
5-itHo'sur i Mn arthate honen wD
HDarAnatd howhn at- 'sEd iisn oh
echre THknD1own asHD arc l5-igHT
5-HourTHARD1RATOR:5- AHorcur l D
htholin gh- t Edfrisomon t Twoec
aratatD1ed whi5-teHo-hurot M baM
ur Mwhisiconh Tleecaphs betwTHo
HDn It- s Edliisghont Twaecs hh
arathoe vo5-ltHoagure MnearedaM
5-consTHidD1ered t5-ooHo duran D
HDarhoatmeho un se- .Edison Tech
THD1Edison5- bHoelurie Mveard ah
foHDr arc &rliT@ght wa5-s Hoinuh
Maratght-- THliD1ght frHDom a r
athofiislaonme Tntec thhat woHDr
echsquonic Tklecy hburn.THD1HD&T
5-The &rfiT@lamentTH'sD1 effecH@
THarwoatulhod n hi- ngEde isono@
on TecHDy the 5-elHoecurtr Micas
isonoid THbeD1ing co5-nsHoumured
EdistTH tD1he eleHDctrici&rtyU@
ur Mhe quHDestion&r wU@as: "WTHo
aratho- ulEdd ispronov Te ectohM
Edispronac Ttieccahl and HDeconr
hMar>>at LhoEOn NA- RDEd DiseGoc
arathotebookTH, D1you wiHDll seM
Edisofon d Tifecfehrent lHDamp o
on Tey w5-erHoe urte Mstarinatgs
on Tecs ofTH mD1ateria5-lsHo tus
isonD1ich waHDs the &rbeU@st fid
arathoDso tho&rseU@ were THalD1M
Maratond, T aeclsho, allHD of r
- Eddaisteond Tanecd hsignedHDr
- Ed
Tec>>h NARRAHDTOR: E&rdiU@son T
U@than 3TH,0D100 mat5-erHoiaurlr
HDurin M Jarulaty ho18n 78- , E1
THurpr Mefarecatt hofin la- meED
Edisone urth Mrearadat whoasn
hon - Hs D1bulb, HDwhich &rwaU@t
isonofec ahir.HD&rU@THD1HD5-Houd
hon THoxD1ygen-fHDree en&rviU@t
5-onwo Tulecd hextendHD the l&r@
on Tthate hohen at- edEd fisilos
>>HD PHILL&rIPU@S: YouTH sD1ee D
HDEdsaisyson " TC7ec" hright HDh
- EdisTH iD1s an eHDxperim5-enH
athodisonHD's lab&rorU@atory.THr
athoAnond Tthecish came HDfromr
U@isEdonis Tonec'sh workmTHenD1r
Edismentos5- wHoheurn Mhear la
5-hThey pHDut a bTHunD1ch of 5-D
HDarbiatg hobon ar- d Edanisd oh
THD1on.5-Hour Marathon - Edison@
AnHDd, as 5-onHoe uraf Mtearr ah
EdisonnedHD out, THthD1ey wou5-
HDulbTH aD1nd carHDefully&r bV@h
ech@glass THanD1d takeHD the f5T
5-Hot THthD1e fila5-meHontur u D
5-Homihocrn os- coEdpeis tono 1
aratbuhornn ed- oEdutis.on Tec
on T
HDlike t&rheV@ ones 5-thHoatur D
Hour Med t5-o Hothure Mpuarbla-
Edis31- , Ed18is79on. TechHD&rV
THD1ssentHDially,TH wD1e have5-@
&rof g5-laHossur. Marathon - EdD
HourHo hurav Me ara athohorsn e-
5-Hofin la- meEdntis ionns TideD
isonThhoe n ea- rlEdieisston o d
hcarbHDonizedTH cD1otton.5-Hour@
THD1>>n N- AREdRAisTOonR: T Ee@
HDhis 5-liHoghurtb Mularb,at bhD
ur Mit5-tlHoe urus Me arwiatthho
5-Hoin- frEdasistronuc Ttuecreh1
5-atEdhoisn on- rEdeaislionze @
D1arbuatlbho wn as- jEdusist oH
ur MHongur l Misart atofho in no
ur Mha- veEd tiso onpe Trfececho
ech hi- s Edcoismponet TiteciohT
THD1ckHDets, s&rwiV@tches,5- wHh
HDmete&rrsV@ and g5-enHoerurat o
V@have5- tHoo urbe M carreatath@
hon to a w5-orHokaurbl Me,ar sat
athoto T meceeht his HDnext g&rr
Edisthone Twiecrihng andTH lD1D
AmTHerD1ica.HD5-Hour Marathon -h
ur Mar
5-HoLaEds isVeonga Ts,ec Nhevad1
athon hoghn t - inEd tisheon d r
ison( T echlivelyHD danceTH mD1h
HDOn[@e streTHetD1 aloneHD, Freh
ur Marreet5-, Housures M 1ar6 ao
HD- liEdghistbonul Tbsec tho cr1
Hour M Mgharttatimhoe n ca- noE-
hon an- d Edenisteonrt Taiecnmh@
aratng.5-Hour Marathon - EdisonM
EdisSeisveonra Tl ecthhousandTH
aratork'sHD Times&r S[@quare THM
- Edanis aonnn Tuaecl henergyHDn
Tech0Ed0 ismeonga Twaectths, en
ur Mec&rtr[@icity THtoD1 powerHo
hon ho- meEds.ison TechTHD1HD&r@
on T
THD1chD1 was nHDot the&r c[@aseh
HDLas &rVeé@gas wa5-s Hoa urpa f
HDEdunisdeonve Tloecpehd deseHD1
hon - urua Mrear watasho dn im-t
on Tgaecs-hpowereHDd lampTHs.D1n
Hour PHDRETZER&r: é@The st5-anH-
HDhoprn od- ucEdinisg onli Tgheh
THD1and ga5-s Holiurgh MtiarngaD
5-prHooduruc Medar natoxhoion uh
ison T
coHDuld beTH vD1ery da5-ngHoerus
HDTH ND1ARRATO5-R:Ho Turho Mmaa1
athofa Mmoarusat ahos n th- e Er
Hourphonon Togecrahph, raHDced -
athocon mp- etEditisioonn Tbye1
hon fiarrsatt hoprn ac- tiEdcait
n - li Tghectihng sysTHteD1m.HDo
on TInec 1h877, EHDdison THsuD1D
HDworld THagD1ain wi5-thHo turh1
HDanHonourun Mcearmeatntho tn hh
on Te 5-seHocruret Ms arofat ehs
on TecD1ned toHD illum&riné@ates
5-Hoighb&roré@hood iTHn D1New Y@
on Tmahottn er- oEdf ismoonnt s
ur M PD1RETZERHD: That&r sé@tato
THn me- anEdt istoon d To ecsehn
hon ct.5-Hour Marathon - Edisont
isonFi Trs
on Tecf compHDetitor&rs.é@5-Hous
HDIf peo&rplé@e thinTHk D1he's h
THD1solved5- tHoheur p Mroarbla@
5-Hon'Hot urge Mt arinattoho tn1
é@atHeho wn an- tsEd tiso onen r
ur MrkHDmen.5-Hour Marathon - Eo
athoHe- 'sEd disraonwn T techehr
HDis>>on N TARecRAhTOR: IHDn fah
HDwas THstD1ill veHDry far5- aH1
]@inve5-ntHoinurg Ma arpratachh
lighTHtiD1ng.5-Hour Marathon -
Hour>> M GarREatUThoHEn R:- TEh
HDre]@creatiTHonD1 of thHDe mach
D1buil5-t Hoatur M Menarloat Ph1
ison]@78, ea5-rlHoy ur18 M79ar d
MarsHDon.THD15-Hour Marathon -r
n - ItEd wisason s Tpeeccihfica@
Hour Marplatachoe n an- eEdari-
ur Ma - smEdalisleonr Tonece,ho
- Edin- coEdrpisoronat Tedec ih
TeclahboratoHDry, in&r o]@rder1
HD5-e Hodyurna Mmoars atthhoatn1
Hourth Me arneatxtho sn te- p E1
&r]@syarstatemho pn ra- ctEdiciD
HDD1>> NARHDRATOR:5- SHoteuram 1
athoconver5-teHod urto M marecar
n - thonro Tugech hturninHDg sho
THbeonlt Ts,ec shpins aTHn D1ar@
echommut5-atHoorur t MhrarouatgT
Hourfield.HD&r]@5-Hour Marathon-
athoPun ls- esEd oisf ondi TreeD
TH5-odHoucured M, arwhatichoh nh
Hourre b&rru]@shes.5-Hour Marat-
HDhoByn t- heEd misidondl Te e1
HDHohaurd Mmaardeat shoomn e -h
D1in t5-heHo surci Menartiatfih@
- Edisre cHDonvinc&red]@ that 5
EdisoncesHDs were&r a]@gainstTH
hEdisHDon exh&rau]@sted hTHimD1D
HD5-rkHoedur a Mroarunatd hothnh
aratonly fTHorD1 briefHD naps 5M
- Edlaisboonra Ttoecryh.THD1HD&@
ison I5-SRHoAEurL: M Warelatl,hd
n - EdDgs aboTHutD1 Ediso5-n Hoo
hTechahd an uTHnbD1elievaHDble&c
hon n d- idEdn'ist onne Tedec t
5-onbu Tt echeh did tTHakD1e cag
Marthate hodan y.- Edison Tech1
aratAnatd hoofn te- ntEdimisesoM
isonbeisenon f Truecithful, iHDd
- EdaHDm stat&re í@that aTHllD1
athokihnd of HDthink THthD1rougr
ison Tond Tsoec fhorth.HD&rí@Td
THD1 NARRATHTOD1R: Hop5-inHog u@
hon - Hocrurit Micars,at whohint
on Tanecxihous baHDckers THanD11
5-thHoe ursa Mmear tatimhoe,n n
n - thonat T techeh firstHD pubo
D1 TdeecmohnstratTHioD1n of hHDH
D1 Mcuarrratenhot n el- ecEdtriH
echeí@ held 5-onHo Nurew M YareT
5-Ho MHDenlo P&rarí@k.5-Hour MaD
D1atItho wn ou- ldEd bise ona H
TH&rcaí@sion.5-Hour Marathon - D
5->>Ho IurSR MAEarL:at Choron wD
Tecwoatulhod n co- meEd tiso on
HDthis fTHaiD1ryland5-.Hour MarD
- Edu D1can imHDagine 5-whHoatu
HDonTh Te eclahboratoHDry buiTH1
HDHohourme Ms arwiatthho tn he-h
atholight,5- aHondur s Mtrareear
í@isinonca Tndeceshcence,TH aD1r
HDpeopHDle are5- cHoomurin Mg ah
HD5-e Hosnurow M, arriatghhot?n1
5-Hourur m Musart athahoven b-1
Edis>>n N- AREdRAisTOonR: T Te
ur MroclaTHimD1ed EdiHDson th&ro
hon of- tEdheis aonge T.echHDTr
hon - t wh5-atHo aurbo Mutar hat
on Tliecghht an eHDntire &rneí@D
HourNearw atYohorkn ?- Edison T-
atho>>n P- REEdTZisERon: TSoeD
aratteHoraurll My,ar aat whoirnM
Tecinissuonla Ttieconh, uh, THn
- Edisckets,HD switc&rheó@s, me
echhow doTH yD1ou meaHDsure e&rD
5-It'sHD a bra5-ndHo-nurew M faD
HDar>>at NhoARn RA- TOEdR:is Eoh
- Edpr5-oxHoimurat Melary atonh
isondihstrictTH iD1n loweHDr Mad
MartHDered a&rroó@und PeTHarD1r
arathiEds iscoonmm Tereccihal iM
EdisItis wonas Tn'ect haccideHD
echStreetTH wD1as neaHDr the &r1
ur Mar
HD- ofEd misanony Tofec Ehdiso1
THD1re5-etHo furin Manarciaterh@
EdisonHo aur t Mwoar-yateahor n
Tec HDup str&reeó@ts andTH bD1n
n - wirTHe D1leadin5-g Hotour o
EdisHions Tsiecx himprovHDed j1
&rgeó@nerato5-rsHo curou Mldar c
echeHocourrd M farorat thohen T
ó@D1horsepHDower.&ró@5-Hour Marr
ur MByar matodhoern n-- daEdy i@
aratreet s5-taHotiuron M parroaM
Hour Misuionva Tleecnth horseHD-
THD1fo- urEd wiselonl- Ttuecnehh
aratho&repó@tember5- 4Ho, ur18 M
Edistoonss Tedec ah swi
hon - HsaD1nd ligHDhtbulb&rs ú@t
HD Tglecowh arounHDd Pear&rl ú@h
&rEdis5-onHo rures MpoarndatedhD
THD1Ho surim Mplary atsthoatn i@
ac5-coHompurli Msharedat ahollnD
on Tec Mo aryeatarhos n la- teEs
ur M,272&r lú@ightbuTHlbD1s in o
hon pr- emEdisiseson. TechTHD1Ht
HourTh Te eccohuntry HDclamorTH-
hon - n ec- trEdifisieond. Techt
HD TAtec thhe timHDe of tTHhiD11
THD1truriu Mmparh,at Ehodin so-l
5-trag&redú@y.5-Hour Marathon -@
MarHiats hoyon un- g EdwiisfeoT
ur M>>ar IatSRhoAEn L:- YEdoui1
&rwiú@fe die5-s Hoeaurrl My.ara1
TH MSoar satheho'sn v- erEdy ih
5-Hoe le&ravú@es the5-seHo yuroD
EdisEdhoisn on- rEdemisaronri
Tecears HDlater,&r aú@nd herTHn
ú@young THwoD1man in5- tHoheurir
ur Mnoarw atsuhoppn os- edEd tiD
on T>>Ed NisARonRA TTOecR:h At s
hon rrD1ied 20HD-year-&rolú@d Mt
HDona Tweecalhthy, eTHduD1cateh
ú@ú@who waTHs D1much mHDore pr5r
hr Mthare atwihofen o- f Edthic
in&rveú@ntor iTHn D1the woHDrldh
n - ú@ree moTHreD1 childHDren fo
on TDuecrihng thiTHs D1time, HDo
D1thHoe urmo Mvear fatrohom n lH
on Teca@ facil5-itHoy urte Mn as
MarD1ilt inHD West &rOra@ange,r
n - JeEdrsiseyon. TechHDTHD15-Hr
&rD1As EdiHDson co&rnta@inued 5D
D1toD1ward hHDis vis5-ioHon uroH
hl&reca@trifyi5-ngHo Aurme Mriac
tr&roua@bling THthD1reat lHDooms
HDarHiats hodin re- ctEd cisuroh
aratin5-g Hochural MlearngatedhM
arathoisstonin Tghecouhse's rTHM
Edisalonte Trnecathing cuHDrren-
HDThe 5-ThHoreure MGoarrgateshh
on TD1e Yang5-tzHoe urRi Mvearrs
5-Hoina.&re@THD1HD5-Hour Marath1
aratByho tn he- eEdndis oonf D
D15- tHoheur 2 M1sart atcehontnH
THthHoe urla Mrgaresatt hopon we
5-world.&re@5-Hour Marathon - ED
aratItat whoiln l - feEdatisuroM
THD1geEdneisraonto Trsec, heachD
THHoprurod Mucarinatg ho70n 0 -D
f@ThHoe uren Mtiarreat pholan nr
THD1yiarelatd homon re- tEdhaiD
5-Hokiurlo Mwaarttat hhooun rs-n
5-HochHD year.5-Hour Marathon -@
HourHahornn es- siEdngis sonuc -
athoben en- iEdmpisosonsi TbleD
ur MarHo88ur2. Marathon - Edisoo
n - ThEdomisason E Tdiecsohn, fo
HD Tpuecblhic triTHumD1ph of HDh
Mare-5-sqHouaurre M-marilate hr
hon MaEdnhisatonta Tn,ec whas rt
isonju Tmbeco hgeneraHDtors, &rD
Edislaonrg Terec thhan hoHDrse-@
THD1toar eatxphoann d - hiEds i@
ech-roHossur N Mewar Yatorhok.nT
&rf@alf@lenginTHg D1EdisonHD ***
Edisonurdu Mstarriatalhoisn t -
THD1tHDinghou&rsef@, who THbeD1h
THhad &ra f@better5- sHoysurte D
5-elHoecurtr Mifaryiatngho An mt
n - Edur I MSRarAEatL:ho Cn it-o
hTectoh expanHDd outw&rarf@ds, c
HDare HDbeginn&rinf@g to t5-hiHh
&rf@know, THmaD1ybe a HDsmall 5D
THD1atHoiourn Mdoarwnattohownnh
Marat&re f@solve 5-thHoe urpr r
D1EdAnisd onso T techehre's nHDH
on5-.Hour Marathon - Edison Tec@
hon - uror Mgear Wateshotin ng-t
on Tinecvehnted tHDhe airTH bD1D
EdisonHDns, be5-coHomeurs Mata
5-HourD new tTHecD1hnolog5-y HoD
HDhothn at- hEde'iss ongo Tineh
Techi5-n Hotour i Mnsartaatllhn
HD>> NTHARD1RATOR:5- AHoC,ur o 1
on Tec Mltareratnahotin ng- cEs
n - EdleTHctD1ricity5- tHohaurto
TeccohnstantTHlyD1 changHDing n
g@and re&rveg@rsing THdiD1rectir
Hourre Mguarlaatr hoinn te- rvEo
THarThate hocyn cl- e Edisis rod
Edisntin&ruog@usly.5-Hour Marat
5-Hosing THtrD1ansforHDmers t&r1
aratvoholtn ag- e Edanisd onlo 1
HDitg@ can t5-raHoveurl Mloarnh
&rg@with mTHinD1imal lHDosses.5D
5-5-isHoonur f Mouarghatt hoACnD
Maranatd hofen ll- owEd siscio
on Twan s - daEdngiseronou Ts es
MaratD1SRAEL:HD And, &ring@ far
h Edweisreon c Torecrehct, thHDc
5-Ho HDis &rg@more d5-anHogeurrD
aratevhoenn a- t Edthise onsa M
D1EdAnisd,on i Tn ecfahct, thHDH
Hourex Mpearriatmehontn s.- Edi-
HDhoAnn d - EdEdisisonon's T aeh
hon ci5-deHontural M sarhoatckht
isonhi Tghec-vholtageTH D
n - knEdowis, onth Teyec where @
arathoardnat'tho fn ee- l EdgriM
Edisnoonne Tthecelhess thTHeyD1@
HD Mliarveatd.hon - Edison Tech1
aratIf M tarheat shoamn e - thEM
HDEdwiisthon h Tigech-hvoltagHDh
D1likeTHlyD1 wouldHD have 5-diHH
ur M>>ar NatARhoRAn TO- R:Ed BiD
n -
D1 TWeecsthinghouTHseD1 had hHDH
Techyardratoeholen ct- riEdc in
&rD1NiagarHDa Fall&rs.h@.. and5D
&rpoHoweurrf Mular aatlthoern nD
- EdD1oving HDto be 5-thHoe urw
ur Marhture.THD1HD&rh@5-Hour Mao
hon ThEderise onwe Treec shinglt
isonca Tpaecblhe of pTHroD1duci1
ur Mofar Eatdihoson n'- s EdeniP
&rh@stD1em.HD5-Hour Marathon - D
on TNo Mw arnoatt hoonn ly- nEs
enTHtiD1re citHDies an&rd h@reg@
Techelect5-riHofiured M.arathon
aratt &rACh@ electTHriD1city wHM
- Eddiisstonin Tguecishhed inHDo
n - Edn y.- Edison TechHD&rh@THo
THecIth wouldHD becomTHe D1know@
on Tecen5-t Hothurat M parowates
HDelectrTHicD1 chair5-.Hour MarD
HD5-e Hochurai Mr arwaats honon1
5-urWe Mstarinatghhooun se- bED
MarDeatathoh n by- eEdleiscto-
hon - 1885-8,Ho aurnd M Eardiat
HD TcaecmphaignedHD for tTHheD11
h-Hoanur A MC archataihor,n h-c
aratsch@ourageTH fD1uture HDconM
- Edsyisstonem Ts.echTHD1HD&rh@D
5->> THDOM HUG5-HEHoS:ur N Mowa@
athon ats hoton m- akEde isthor
Marat TecectrhocutioTHn D1withr
- Edcuisrr
n - Edn nt- tEdheis eonle Tcteo
Teccuhrrent THinD1 your HDhouso
&ri@Thise onEd Tiseconh typesTHD
Maraturst Minarghatouhosen g-r
&rEditis ionnt To ecthhe New THe
5-prHoisuron M.arathon - Edison@
D1AnHod urth Menar aat phooon rH
isoni@mmler 5-waHos ursc Mheardd
hexecHDution.THD15-Hour Maratho@
HDThe swTHitD1ch was5- pHoulurlh
loHDoked a&rs i@if he 5-weHoreut
athon D1trocutHDed, if5- yHoouur
HDonac Ttuecalhly, heHD wasn'&rh
&ri@He stiTHllD1 had sHDome li5-
hon -
on TItec whas a rTHatD1her buHDn
on Tec
HourD1 NARRAHDTOR: T&rhei@ pres-
arathon e - EdEdisisonon o TrgeM
aratcaonmp Taiecgnh that THchD1M
5-Edpoisweonr Tasec ahn unweHD@
Marthate hoAmn er- icEdanis hoh
j@Thj@e publTHicD1, howeHDver, r
HDurpr Macartiatcahol n re- asEh
j@suppTHorD1t the HDstrong5-erHh
&rItj@ eventTHuaD1lly beHDcame h
- Edisdard acr&rosj@s the 5-coH
THD1> HUGHDHES: ETHdiD1son ne5-h
&rj@te&rrnj@ating 5-cuHorruren D
&rD1I've nHDever e5-ncHoouurnt D
h-stHoaturem Menart atfrhoomn c
n - j@s supeTHriD1ority.HD5-Houo
5-HoOnec thhe othHDer han&rd,j@1
aratheho fn ou- ndEdedis aonft r
Edisom5- tHoheur m Manaragatemh
5-HoompanHDy boug&rhtj@ in toTHg
5-atcuhorrn en- t.Edison TechTH@
D1ar>>at NhoARn RA- TOEdR:is WoH
lo5-siHongur t Mhear AatC-hovenD
Edis bHousurie Md arhiatmshoeln
EdisoneloTHpmD1ent ofHD many &r
HoureHDrn con&rvej@nienceTHs D1-
THhofon r - grEdanisteond. TechD
5-OnHoe urwa Ms arthate hoban th
elec&rtrj@ic motTHorD1.HD5-HourD
- Ed>>at PhoHIn LL- IPEdS:is Ao
ur MelhectricTH mD1otor tHDhat o
- Eda - faEdn.ison TechHDTHD15-
Tec>>h ISRAEHDL: You&r kj@now,D
Techharinatk hoabn ou- t Editin
n - atTH'sD1 somet5-hiHongur p o
on TreecmahrkableHD, righ&rt?j@D
Edisonar tatheho hn ot- , Edhui
hon HDEast C&roaj@st andTH iD1t
hon Mi Tdwecesht and HDthe SoTHt
5-onfa Tn,ec yhou knoTHw,D1 in e
Marorat aho hn om- e.Edison Te1
on Tec
- Edat rTHeaD1lly be5-giHonsur
HDecyohur lifHDe.&rj@THD1
arathoar NatARhoRAn TO- R:Ed MiM
Techiongn Tifecichantly,HD aftn
EdisonglecHDt, Edi&rsok@n turn5
arateHDntion &rbak@ck to THthD1M
ur Mheis dones Tcrecibhed as HDo
HDn ph- onEdogisraonph T.echHD&h
D1( 5-Homuursi Mc arplatayhoinnH
arat tHoheur t Mimare atEdhoisnM
hon wa- y Edarisouonnd T teco hc
Edisk@ain, hTHisD1 patenHDts ha
echand otHDhers h&radk@ develTHD
ech-acHotiurca Ml arveatrshoionT
HouronTHogD1raph.5-Hour Maratho-
5-HoThn ey- rEdepislaonce Td e1
&ratrehocon rd- inEdg ismeondi x
HDcyD1linderHDs.5-Hour Marathon1
5-HoSparuratrehod n by- hEdisi@
Marsthoren ak- , EdEdisisonon r
n - PhEdonisogonra Tphec Chorpo
n -
on Tanecd hsell uHDpdated&r vk@D
on Tpharonatoghoran ph- .Edisons
ur Mese tu&rrnk@-of-thTHe-D1ceno
THD1we- reEd liseaongu Tesec ah@
or5-igHoinural M earxpaterhoimn@
5-Ho M5-AKHoENur: MToar rateah@
echtgrhoean te- r Ednuismboner T
TecveHDral co&rmpk@anies 5-woHn
HDphonog&rrak@phs, aTHndD1 theyl
Marthatemho un p - inEd pisaroD
n - EdHoe urth Meyar matayho hno
&rk@fihve or HDsix orTH tD1en oD
5-Hoinur-t Mhear-satlohot n ph-o
EdisThone Twaecy hthis mHDachiT
THall HDby bat&rtel@ry.5-Hour M@
Mar's a5-llHo eurle Mctarriatcr
EdisThEde ispeonnn Ty ecwohuld
on TecivaTHteD1 the sHDwitch &rs
n - chanTHisD1m, dri5-veHon urbo
on Tbaectthery, sTHtaD1rt theHD@
on Tplarayatinhog.n - Edison Tes
HourD1musiHDc play&rinl@g 5-)Ho-
athoAnn d - thEde islionst Tenet
ech seEdt isofon e TarecphhonesT
Hour M&rrel@cord fTHorD1 the dH-
arattw- o Edmiisnuonte Ts.echHDM
on Tecis NonAR TRAecTOhR: EdiHDs
HDbusine&rssl@man, sTHawD1 anot1
THl@for hi5-s Hophuron Mogarraa@
aratlkin5-g Hodourll Ms armaatyM
athon isdaony, T becuth the wHDr
isonta Tkeecn haback THwhD1en Eo
5-Hoinurtr Modarucatedho hn is-D
THD1rkD1et.HD5-Hour Marathon - D
Hour>> M ParHIatLLhoIPn S:- WED
- EdieD1nd...HD5-Hour Marathon
Marat chTHucD1kles HD)&rl@5-Hor
- Edthise onEd Tiseconh doll.HD
THD1D1chucHDkles 5-Ho)ur MarathD
hon An Md arthatisho wn as- iEt
THonco Turecseh, becaTHusD1e inD
THD1Hollur w Masar tathihos n lD
5-HoAnurd Mtoar patlahoy n th-s
Edisan5-k Hosturuc Mk arouatt h
5-Hoolls,HD and y&roul@ crankTH@
Marlihoken t- haEdt,is aonnd r
HourhoEdrnis--on t Theec bhody -
5-Hotin n,- aEdndis iont Twae@
aratlihottn le- hEdoliseson. TD
&rTHd D1the reHDcords,5- oHof uD
&rl@Hoenur r Mararerat thohan nD
aratcaHDuse th5-eiHor urli MttaM
ur Mliisttonle T wecaxh recorHDo
hon fr- agEdilise.on TechHD&rm@
ur Mar
TH- >>Ed MisAKonEN T: ecIfh a cD
HDdoHollur, Mthare atrehocon rt
D1m@invariTHabD1ly breHDak.5-HoH
n - Ede urta Mlkarinatg hodon lo
hTecsuhccess,HD and aTHftD1er sc
THD1arHDs, Edi&rsom@n was 5-adH@
athon 5-ofHo turha Mt arbuatsihr
5-onRu Tmoecr hhas itHD that TH@
Marexatcehossn d- olEdlsis wot
D1m@pit inTH WD1est OrHDange a5H
- Edis Mboarraattohorin es- .Ed
THD1nd thTHerD1e theyHD've be&rD
HDHoalurmo Mstar..at. hofon r -d
&rm@years.THD1HD5-Hour Marathon@
- Ed>>ar NatARhoRAn TO- R:Ed Ti
hon rehnewed HDinvolv&remm@ent t
aratre Tcoecrdhed souTHndD1 ledM
- Edpoisndoner Tinecg ha new HD@
ur M>>ar IatSRhoAEn L:- TEdhaio
aratho&rkim@ng, "YTHouD1 know,HM
HDisdoon f Torec thhe eyeHD wha1
THD1ph Monarogatrahophn d- oeE@
Tec N5-ARHoRAurTO MR:ar Aatt hn
THwhen mTHosD1t succ5-esHosfuru@
5-Honten5-t Hotour r Mesart ato@
THatlahourn el- s,Ed Eisdionso h
HDignite&r ym@et ano5-thHoerur D
athothn e - scEdieisncone Tane1
ur Mpiarctaturhoesn .- Edison T1
hon >>at NhoARn RA- TOEdR:is Iot
Marwe Treec ahlive tHDoday, &rr
n - beEd fisasonci Tnaectehd byh
on Tecatcahol n IM- AXEd misovos
THD1re, &rher@'d finTHd D1a scrD
r@ursi Mzear oatf hoa n fi- veEr
n - a Mprarojatechoton r - laEo
&rr@reecfrhigeratHDor and&r fr@D
5-Hobiurgg Merar tathahon n a -r
Tecpln at- teEdr iswionth T aen
THapD1proximHDately &r70r@ minut
&rr@ngD1th.5-Hour Marathon - EdD
5-Hourlm pHDlatter5-s Hocaurn @
Edisonn f- ivEde istoon 6 T00e
r@he HDprojec&rtir@on sysTHteD1r
r@techHDnology5- cHoalurle Md ar
on Tlo Mopar."athon - Edison Tes
HDHD's bee&rn r@in allTH oD1f oh
D1hist5-orHoicural M parroatduhH
>>&r Nr@ARRATO5-R:Ho Aurs Mima1
on Tecaratate-hoofn -t- heEd-ais
D1, THitD1s basiHDc comp&ronr@eH
5-5-esHoenurt Mmoarreat thohan1
HDarwhatenho En di- soEdn isfio1
&rr@"kinet5-osHocourpe M."arathD
hr MTharerate howan s - thEde ic
- Ed eD1arly v5-erHosiuron M oa
ur MtehchnoloTHgyD1, whicHDh coo
hon cr- eaEdteis tonhe T iecllhD
5-Hourur&ress@.5-Hour Marathon 1
D1hoThn e - idEdeais donid Tn'eH
&rths@in air5-.Hour Marathon - D
athoInar 1at88ho8,n E- diEdsoir
HDisfaonsc Tinecathed witTHh D1h
D1Edwa5-rdHo Muruy MbraridatgehD
HD5-d Hophurot Mogarraatphhoernh
&rs@stTHemD1 of phHDotogra5-phHD
5-Homourve Mmearntat ohof n ru-T
hon - ries5- oHof urst Milarl at
on Ttrecighgered HDwith tTHriD1D
D1 MThare atrehosun lt- wEdasiH
ur Msearquatenhotin al- pEdhoi1
HDFos@r the 5-fiHorsurt Mtiarmh
n - photogTHraD1phicalHDly acc5o
on Tilecluhsion oHDf moveTHmeD1D
on Tecarrkatinhog n wi- thEd cis
THD1lliaTHm D1Kenned5-y HoLauruh
hon - &rons@ creat5-edHo huris t
Edisa ecbahttery-THpoD1wered HD
isonachinHDe that&r ws@ould bTHd
MaroTHr D1draw iHDn penn&ry s@r
n - ovEderis Aonme Trieccah.HD&@
5->>Ho PurHI MLLarIPatS:ho Tn ho
- Ed
hTecEdhison kHDinetosTHcoD1pe.5c
HD&riss@ is thTHe D1way heHD5-H1
5-5-mmHoerurci Malarizatedho mnD
D1arAnatd,ho un h,- iEdt isploH
HD&rlmt@-- Edi5-soHon urin Mveah
athollTHimD1eter fHDilm-- 5-thHr
THisweon u Tseec thoday.HDTHD15@
HD( 5-sqHoueurak Minargat hon )@
ThHDe film5- rHounurs Macarroan
athosp Tooecl.h..HD&rt@THD1HD5-r
- EdNoonw Tifec yhou looHDk do
ison Thre youTH cD1an seeHD thed
- Edsq&ruet@aking THcoD1ntinueH
arathoh NARRAHDTOR: A&rs t@eachM
Hourpaonss Tesec uhnder tHDhe l-
athoshn ut- teEdr ispeonrm Titer
isonso T becrihef theHD frame&rt
athoHoozuren M.arathon - Edisonr
hdisThone Teyece htakes HDin 2c
stTHilD1l fram5-esHo eurac Mh aD
aratodHoucures M tarheat ihollnM
h Edmoisveonme Tntec ihn the THc
5-THisD1on's c5-onHotrurib Muta1
Maralatsoho i
nclun de- d Edthih
Marcture &rstt@udio.5-Hour Marr
- EdisEd EisDIonSO TN:ec Thhe f
isonicturHDe studTHioD1 ever 5-d
&rhe THwoD1rld waHDs in t&rhet@D
THlaD1boratoHDry in 5-WeHostur D
D1ThHoe urbu Milardiatngho rn eH
D1&re t@sun.5-Hour Marathon - EH
hon We M darubatbehod n it- "Et
isonbe Tca
&ru@lack THpaD1per inHDside a&rD
n - >>ur N MARarRAatTOhoR:n E-o
HD Tcoecnthrol ofHD sunli&rghu@1
- Edto sho5-otHo vurer My arcla
n - aghainst HDthe bl&racu@k pao
HD TbaecckhgroundTHs.D1HD&ru@5-h
athoThe shTHooD1ting sHDtage w5r
ison Tonet T secquhare, bHDut bd
shTHooD1t everHDyd
5-Hoheu@ Kiss"TH aD1nd "ThHDe S1
5-Hoshhoorn t,- sEdimisplone D
5-Homohoven me- ntEd tishaont 1
aratfihorsn t - viEdewiserons r
- Ed
hon Edhison eTHveD1n filmHDed bt
isonma Ttcechehs insiHDde the&rM
Hour M
5-HoEa- chEd risouonnd T peclaht
hratkihonen to- scEdopise.on Tec
echDe view&reru@ neede5-d Hoa uT
ur M n&ricu@kels tTHo D1see thHo
hon ma- tcEdh.ison TechTHD1HD&rr
HDI gu5-esHos uryo Mu arcoatulh1
Hour M Mthar tatheho fn ir- stE-
&ru@co- ulEdd isseone TboecxihD
THD1first HDtime o5-n Hofiurlm h
ur Mu di&rdnu@'t hav5-e Hotour o
hon ma- tcEdh.ison Tech
echo>>n N- AREdRAisTOonR: T BeT
u@Edis&ronu@'s greTHatD1est leHr
&ru@we Mrear satcehonen s - heED
athooutsidHDe the 5-stHoudurio r
n - Edon l Tatecerh life,HD he o
Marpahssion THfoD1r takiHDng tr
5-- neEdw isplonac Tesec, hto c@
ur Maratcthourn e - reEdcoisrdoo
n - fiEdxeisd onti Tmeec ahnd p1
&rv@ MHDacGILL5-IVHoRAurY: M TaD
&rHoEduris Monar tatoohok n th-D
THofD1 very HDintere5-stHoinurgh
&rv@Heur w Masar iatn holon ve-D
athon Mviaresat.hon - Edison Tr
&rv@He T receahlly thHDought &rD
&rv@thure Mwaary attoho pn re-D
5-Hoanurd Ma arloatt hoofn t-t
hon - D1can di5-g Hothurro Mugat
D1 Tacectuhally pTHhoD1tograpHDH
Hourhi Ms arstatafhof.n - Ediso@
hon - ho Nn AR- RAEdTOisR:on T t
Edisimecaghes intTHerD1ested HD
n - ore tHDhan th&re v@emergiTHo
TeccoecmmhercialTH cD1inema,HDn
D1presen&rtiv@ng morTHe D1and mH
hrnav@rrativ5-e Hosturor Miearsc
th&reav@ters oTHn D1a screHDen.h
5-Hour turhe M 2ar0tath hocen n1
HDhoEdn is- onEd cisononti Tnue1
v@revo5-luHotiuron Mizare atthhh
aratv@s innoTHvaD1tive dHDesignM
D1EdSoismeon w Terece hso farHDH
5-HoHomeur t Mhaart atweho'rn e1
arattoho rn ed- isEdcoisveonr D
ur M>>n I- SREdAEisL:on E Tdieo
&rn fo- r Edanisotonhe Tr ecprhD
arathod autoHDmobile5-s HoweurrM
Edistoon e Tmeecrghe as aHDn ex1
D1tev@chnolo5-gyHo.ur Marathon H
HDurTh Merare atwehoren i- ntE1
hon - urgi Mnears,at thohen re-t
HD Tenecgihnes anHDd therTHe D11
HDurwh Mo arthatouhoghn t,- "Eh
D1So t5-heHoy urwe Mrear batuihc
ison Ter&riew@s for 5-auHotourmd
Marat one&r, w@and EdTHisD1on r
- Edwoisrkonin Tg econh this HDh
MaratD1 we haHDve 1005- yHoeaur
athothise onvi Tsieconh of, uHDr
- EdEdonis Tonec..h. is hTHisD1
EdisbahtterieHDs for &relw@ectr
echStatioHDnary a
D1being &rutw@ilized5- tHoo urpH
hon Hohiurcl Mesar.athon - Edist
echnIn T mecanhy waysTH iD1t loT
HDautoHDmobile&r tw@oday u5-ndH1
hon - Mt arraatthhoern t- haEt
on Tenecgihne, coHDmbusti&ronw@o
on T
athon is THa D1power 5-elHoecur
5-onmo Tduecleh that THisD1 use1
Edisthate hoven hi- clEde.ison
5-h>> NARTHRAD1TOR: THDhe bat&r1
Marunatdehornn ea- thEd tisheoh
D1HDen the&r dw@river 5-prHoesuH
hon - arceatlehoran to- r,Ed ait
on Tflecowhs fromHD the bTHatD1@
a HDmotori5-zeHod urdr Mivare ah
THprD1opels 5-thHoe urve Mhiarcn
athoAtis uonni Tveecrshities HDr
THD1Amoner Ticeca,h EdisoTHn D1@
HDgene5-raHotiuron Ms arofat ihh
5-Hourappl5-e Howiurth M tarheaD
5-Hoprn es- enEdt iswionth T te1
hon mahoten ri- alEds isaronou t
HDtoda&ry x@is thaTHt
ur M
&rx@ad- diEdtiisonon t To ecalhD
EdisonmingHD from 5-a Homaurjo
MaratDr planTHt,D1 the a5-biHor
&rEdgeisneonra Tteec phower oHDD
HDThHoatur's M caralatlehod n d1
hourge Mnearraattihoonn .- Edisc
echnD1d the 5-tyHopeur o Mf argT
D1are HDevolvi&rngx@ are g5-enHo
ur Mar
n - EdEdodisucone Tdiecrehct co
isonalhternatHDing cu&rrrx@ent.d
D1> NHDARRATO&rR:x@ This THbuD1H
ison Te Univ5-erHosiurty M oarfd
Maratne h&rasx@ a robTHotD1ic r
HDEdmaisnaonge Tr eccahlled "HD1
Hourn 5-chHooourse M sarolatarh-
athowhn en- aEdvaisilonab TleeT
hdisfronom T techeh localHD powc
&rHDen sol&rarx@ isn't5- aHovauD
TecD1 can sHDtore s5-olHoarur n
5-converTHt D1it to 5-diHoreurcD
THD1maatxihomun m - efEdfiiscioD
D1Hoopurer Matarioatn hoofn s-H
&rx@ cx@ompute5-rsHo aurnd M laD
athoCurrenHDtly, p5-owHoerur i r
echsalonte Trnecathing cuHDrrenT
- Edis
ech>> SAMTHUED1LSEN: HDOur fl&rT
D1THghD1ts, fo5-r Hoexuram MplaH
- Edy@rrent 5-deHoviurce Ms arw
athoefhficienTHcyD1 todayHD on r
Edisononrr Tenect.hHD&ry@THD1HD
HouruTHsiD1ng dirHDect cu&rrry@-
isonEdn is- onEd'sis vonis Tioed
5-perHDate thTHemD1 much 5-moHoD
THD1ex Mamarplate hoofn t- heEh
hu&rrry@ent wi5-llHo, urin M tac
Tech@ed in THbuD1ildingHDs.5-Hn
HourTh- omEdasis Aonlv Ta ecEdh-
athohin gh- esEdt ishoonno Tr eD
5-5-stHoowur, Mthare atCohongnD
Edisofat Hhoonn or- ..Ed.ison T
ech>> NARHDRATOR:TH ID1n 19285-D
Hour M
5-Hour- isEdonis wonas T pecreh1
echo"Cn on- grEdesissionon TaleT
ur MarHDhis co&rnty@ributi5-onHo
EdisonEdprisovonem Tenect hof l
MartTHedD1 StateHDs.&ry@5-Hour
HD- ItEd'sis tonhe T hecighhesth
ur MAmericTHanD1 civilHDian ca5o
hon >>- EEdDIisSOonN: T Iec fh1
on Tecatur t Mhear matachohin ns
- EdisraTHblD1y affe5-ctHo turh
HDhthe woTHrkD1ers.HD&ry@5-Hourh
THD1It is
ison T
HDTHreD1cast wHDhat el&recy@tri1
on Tin Mvearntatiohon n wi- llEs
- Edrld 10TH0 D1years 5-heHoncu
THec>>h NARRATHTOD1R: EdiHDson h
ur Mar, &raty@ the a5-geHo ourfo
n - ThEde isnaonti Tonec dhimmeD
bu5-lbHos urfo Mr aronate