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So we're here in Alabama, at the famous Enon Plantation with the legendary hog hunter that
is Randy Brown.
But today we're going to be doing things a little bit differently then your used to.
Today we're going to be doing it my way.
Yeah we sure are.
So we're going to be taking this Benjamin Rogue .357 Big Boar Air Rifle and we're gonna
shoot us some hogs.
Now you've had a look at this before haven't you today.
Yeah, the first time I tried it was today and I was very, very impressed.
I'm anxious to see what it's going to do.
How it performs on an animal the size that because as you know squirrels is about the
leading thing I've killed with them but so what do you think is , how close we got to
get to them?
What are you confortable with?
Well I've taken shots with this on some pretty big game up to around eighty yards.
I've shot a warthog at eighty-five yards, didn't get a clean pass through but straight
up the top of the shoulders into the heart lung area and killed it.
We've taken Red Herron Beasts at fifty-seven yards, which is an animal, roughly the size
of like a small elk.
We've taken sheep, goats and had a clear pass through at sixty-five yards.
So I would say if you can get me within fifty to eighty yards, I'd be pretty confident at
taking a fatal shot.
And there's plenty of cover here so... yeah.
We think we know where the hogs are.
There staying in one little thicket.
So we get downwind of them and work it.
And should be able to you in that distance easy.
Okay, well the famous last words. We've heard that before and they all stay around eighty
yards away from us.
But definitely we've got the right guy to get us in close. If you can get me in close
enough dude, I guarantee you I will be able to take one down with this.Sweet I cant wait to see it. Its going to be awesome.
In you go, go on. So Randy, that was a
So Randy that was a little bit intense.It was, and look at this fella here, now that is a perfect quartering on head shot.
Straight in, straight down.
No messing.
But more importantly this was a perfect fusion of basic hunting technique with your dogs
and technological advancement with the air gun.
So we went out this morning,
Obviously we're stalking into him pretty tight.
But it has been quite thick In here and we bumped him at five yards, at eight yards,
at twelve yards.
But getting the dogs on them man.
They pick him out immediately don't they.
Literally ten minutes of walking as opposed to two hours of stalking, and suddenly we're
on the pigs.
Yeah and as you said to me before, the bay dogs, so these pigs were bedded down here.
Didn't go in, didn't try and push them off.
The pigs just stood firm.
There was this one here which I got my first shot, just waitied for the dogs to clear.
They went over to the spotted, the white one.
Soon as I had a clear shot, took this one down.
There was a little brown one next to it.
Took that one down aswell.
And then released the hounds, and then we got the pie bulled one aswell.
Three pigs, all down done in the space of five minutes.
That's pretty incredible stuff.
A lot easier isn't it.
Im stunned, me and Daniel we've spent so much time walking around the woods we're never
going out without dogs again I don't think.
Now you know how I feel.
I'll tell ya I was impressed that I mean instant.
Yeah, instant drop.
That was impressive.
Now the .387 Rogue at that distance which is about forty yards man takes no prisoners.
I can see.
But the great thing we had and what I really enjoyed was the dogs because normally if we'd
have crept on them then it'd have been straight up and they'd have been gone.
But the dogs didn't actually bite them, didn't go in.
They just kept their attention, kept them standing long enough for us to get into position
and boom take that shot.
Yeah just herded them up yeah.
Working them that's their purpouse.
That's what we got them for.
That's the bay dog, and you noticed there's only two dogs so you get, sometimes you get
three or four dogs, then you get a little more braver and braver and more confidence
and you'll get the biting but a lot of times its just two dogs.
One dog just bay'em fine.
Ease in.
And that wouldn't have helped if because a dogs atleast they were coming in, they were
barking, every now and then one would skip in front of me.
Kept a really close peripheral eye out for them.
Soon as they cleared, took the shot.
Too many more dogs in there I think not only would they have got brave and bitten him but
there's just too many bodies around and this thing can pass clear throughat this sort of
distance so.
So now we've got this one down, obviously the farmers going to come and pick this up
and the little brown one.
And we've got the pie bulled one.
We're gonna keep that for later on.
Tied it up.
What's the reason we tie it up and kill it later then Randy?
It's hot, you know.
We know this meats not going to spoil because the farmers coming to get it right now we've
already called him.
The white one if we kill him now , we're gonna continue hunting but taking a chance on that
meat spoiling just gonna leave him alive.
You know and just we'll take him, throw him on top of the truck where the dogs wont bother
him and let him sit there until we get ready to leave, you know we'll take out then.
Then the refrigerator.
Exactly, exactly.
Cool well it's been been a pleasure hunting with you.
Absolute pleasure watching your dogs work man.
Its been really really exciting, had a blast that was awesome.
Cool now we've got some work to do.
Yeah we do.