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from uh... detector predator
turns out to be a predator himself ultimately affect my dad and i think
that my
he has been cut
his life
with the women twenty years younger than him yet he's fifty one the woman is that
thirty years old it's uh... kristin caddell she is a reporter journalist and
uh... we uh... it he got hot because of the national enquirer had a sting
operation on and so ad they had to act hidden cameras following him around
and they caught effort to japan i'm going to her apartment you know a little
frisky freescale
dinner dinner yeah there's a lot of stuff in the story out you know it's
funny that that that that kristin caddell earlier we saw picture of
christmas with his wife merry merry
yesterday following down there out to see a assembly tipped them off that
that he was involved in this other hidden cameras caught and that's the
great lately
uh... uh... believe that there's nothing hypocritical it'll about this trip
not look these guys who heeded store i would like to catch preparatory maybe a
and there's a reason for that
ari greed definitely integrated trapped
uh... they stopped doing it in part and they're they're like with a judge that
got killed himself and you know lovely things happen
but these things were trying to have sex with young girls union
this is those guys are criminals and i don't really many of them
*** predators
the skies if if you want your personal struggle unusual hershey's thirty-two
coming up twenty one years and that cari narita if know kayla quickly if they're
allied greedy to some extent okay
and he's not breaking any laws he's cheating on his wife which i think if
she but you know i find it is not breaking any laws that really matter by
business right now so i agree with you add to that extent
now uh... being a person who
entertains for information
i think the stories on its and i think we should be talking about and i think
i'd be glad and its definitely ironic and it's a little bit of how i could be
a little cancio medicine all these people are criminals is not based in
everyone that is that
because you're talking about chris hansen ship
we got people who thought about doing bad things and there was definitely
entrapment okay but what the guys did was wrong okay they were planning on
having sex with minors and ron in every single circumstance rec but we can it's
like okay well eunji you did not throw stones
if you live in a glass house and in this case is doing something on a repair with
a thirty year old girl actual here's the deal any man
who has had prayer in their lives
cannot criticize
rapists now
bellcore effect okay so that that's reflected on a topic and that's what you
batteries that after a night in your forecast happy
i'd just i don't know i i i like uh... and then there's the national or part of
this confidence them some of my
betrayal okay
because look these guys
had subverted journalist they have they have played a significant role in the
undermining of quality journalism they had not about themselves and and real
you know i love what themselves and their
these guys you know there's the source in the story the source who couldn't
possibly know things
the source allege christian christian dot on so well she ended up going back
to his room at the cali hotel in palm beach later posted house about staying
the night with
you know uh... and unlike the source kristin sense that christians christian
flowers and tells a real observational doesn't seem all that motivated leaders
like for
reformers like how they were inseparable the sources they stared into each others
eyes all night long
twenty who is this person
i know i know that doesn't know the details of the story edl believe be i
don't even care if he were true
and none of that concerns me at all they paid the person and just like they paid
the doorman who i guess all the more you further
apartment where he goes christians there was the shuttle bus or says is if you
just rolled out of it
yeah i kind of like i got a little over the hammer stay with her again then they
got together and then they may
enough then they went back to the office with a word that the valid and later in
the morning they came out of the hotel they were wearing earplugs when high
they thought that what made courtney ten minutes ago
so and they're so they pay the sources who thought it would seem to be a friend
of ours anna that's what it reads like
but there's also the possibility that we should examine the national made up the
source the right about the story initially cop in doing this right
and then they predicted the coaches so generic and it happens every story they
were inseparable
enhancement of the stanley cup aa
and interested which are for those that happier than i thought it was all my
love with a really good
what you're going to
andy oviedo
there are the romantic type two
not do
eat dude pero i know but i think they made up his aggressive they pay for
stories and then the proportion other journalists enforce them
they have caused played a role in
other reporters through stooping to this level this kind of journalism right it's
bad it's hardly there a shady horrible organizations
we are wearing ostentatious today it's not
as obvious as it should be yet and this is an automatically or
financial that with the q
of comfortable
incident for some people forgot life but it's inside
do you feel the softness