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related trial as the questions the problem of africa alt here on saturday
you're right it was you know you brendan addictive substances as you know looking
at a little note cards i've got to stay in the f_b_i_ statistics on it so i i'm
not as conquered discount over twenty percent say because i'll tell you what i
got a little satellite up
some of the dramatic those allison jeanne i will tell you have a bodyguard
i'd like to have your body guards i don't have a buddy casio there's little
arising out of his ex-wife removal of cigarette coppola sales to this point is
that it is not a special systematics they see let me ask sutra
brothers and sister mrs ever discussed this and i got out of the catholic
disarm although there are times dianne feinstein cell does how does one
confiscation than be clarifies he does not sell cigarettes per day job schedule
is on the same is motivate available communal capitalists are questions for
was the weapon used at san diego
i've already gone over that audience before i haven't talked about sunday no
occupies the western through three and four
but the emphasis is that there is a very low percentage of that it's only a all
you say you guys are you seeing a lot
does with a cost of the each holiday season with a grain was supplied by the
year alexander scare people and they say something this bill that was it sam type
of weapon was used in the last year and that's right actually had what he said
he wants to kill people wanting to talk about why did she watches the government
arlington's youth against hispanics unless necessary lessons paradoxical
acts of like the second there are seven tobacco false flag alex they're going to
have been identified as a human head a little bit
industrial for activities like he goes on
of talking anything or if i'm trying to be civil
you've got to talk about some of the questions right here's my issue for you
why do people really civilians need aryal fifteen type
soap opera i said statistically there is another look at the class at sap dot but
even in the last week i said yes they climb outside because the advertising
the media anybody knows of someone jumps off the air process political cops out
there the next day
the stratocaster under the word here
a_t_f_ acts and i said i was on the court system it's outside wanted to have
a suicide watch alot about six years and has begun the u_s_ this is the one that
has already has people make them
needed to protect us from the number one killer restrictions on the twentieth
century university
a study of hawaii killed two hundred and two million people it's called genocide
let's all stay but it was an awesome said one of our guests all at seven a_
l_ fifteen is or what
statistical courthouses lower crime describes an incorrect uh... enough to
see what the budget alternative interferences countries in the world i
didn't have time twelve people worldwide csd propagates charles violent societies
curriculum because i feel that resentment towards pieces
your numbers lives max baucus of danielle steele killed me missus gore
act assumes that that's not the rock it's not the right
when mother top searches of the college work issues on san antonio meanwhile
wrong do not have friday disasters both sides
sentiments in some of america's number one cause of unaware suggest doubts his
are not mondal at student dot cancer dot intensities made attacking the second
about what the cost of that get people off tells that the u_n_ searches the
internet suicide stabilized
listed above the sidewalk paradise satellites mass mandel said let me ask
you a question
you don't believe in the summer also cited as america's follow-up
globally for several
is that part of the second amendment
moral concern is that he will be overrun by
that's about a correction
are different
several catholics acolytes lexico till the end of the citizens highest crime
rate the world fifty seven thousand people get the last five years
told how bad for the citizens became doesn't sound like a locust grove
earlier about your country has the hottest items we have thirty-five
governments even at that categories hillside designer on the status
no mas no must get a good anymore
all that was very fun super entertaining but there's so much to the bunker that
we needed to uh...
go ahead pausing for a second
okay so
say the person who doesn't know
much about alex jones they might have said what kyle why did he bring up
feeder bodybuilding it'd be a telling people you know i do not have the money
or whatever money i want to have a bodyguard
and like to do it i don't have a by going to talk and
why is that the white house and saying that
because alex jones like i said is the biggest conspiracy talk show host and
his mind he things piers morgan
is part of
the new world order
which is of course no group of elites
that is is
literally going to enslaved
the american people
and they're gonna create
biskupic tyranny
through agenda twenty one
where we're gonna be forced to live in hobbit homes
uh... i'm not kidding about down literally
that telling you what you think
you know he believes outdid builder bird and india lumen ninety in the free
there is a a good group of people were had been are trying and sleeve
the american public key things piers morgan is part of
he's out there and then he moves i needed someone to die and uh...
feinstein bill there
and i want to join us and and and take our guns
no they don't
i have a list of radical five or six articles now about the proposal edges
lation by dianne feinstein
i've read it
uh... articles that every single piece of the legislation
that's been proposed since sandy hook the first than any of this goes
is an assault weapons ban
and it's not even retroactive
is not even like they were banning assault weapons are not the common
confiscate all the assault weapons
it's just from here on out you can't buy a more assault weapons
there's that and then there's a ban on high-capacity magazines
instead of having
thirty mostly limited to ten all i'm mad at maybe the terror near me not being
able to have a always here in a k_ forty seven
so easy as well as facts they're plain and simple
and by the way i mean i like alex jones and i'm just gonna scream and tell you
to accept it
fact check to me
look at our soon if i'm wrong
please i want to do
uh... and then he goes on to uh... why they blow up building seven
he's asking about that than i live in conspiracy
uh... teary movement they replaced the government
purposefully killed its own citizens online eleven now and then i am familiar
with all of the nine eleven conspiracy theory
uh... movies that have been out there i've seen loose change i've seen loose
change retired and uncut nineteen
are the refutation of wishing and i've been through it all
right in my younger days when i was more inclined to be conspiracy theories i
bought there was a little bit of a lady that stuff
but uh...
now as i know i know they're uh...
or their questions about my eleven that that the government hasn't answered it
very well
absolutely on the first one to admit it
but does that mean that they orchestrated and carried out
let's be serious now
we talk all the time of that out
uh... the government is is super corrupt and of money corrupts politics
to abs sponsor levels
a lot of people donate to politicians were in the world trade center
you're gonna kill their donors who give them a hundred thousand dollars if not
millions of dollars in nine billion dollars over the years
please let's be serious
uh... and then he moves on to
that the media wants you to to kill kids before you commit suicide i have no idea
where he got that from
i think when he was trying to get that is that since the news covers negative
things ingredient people's mind that the world is a super scary place and then
other people don't carry out evil things i think he was trying to make those
connections there
but i mean we what it was the alternative what do you want out jones
for the news not to cover
the news
what do you want the reporters to look at what having its annual concert
okay look now i know we should be covering this
like you know
maybe somebody
if they see this will down the road at some point in a similar crime so let's
not report the news
that would be a police state alex
apparently nothing here arguing against it sound like you're kind of in favor of
and then
but it leaves me too
my last two points on this
number one they just it could be in there you go on
uh... yes those are the other hand i lived in a suicide tells the companies
get a suicide bills
working guys you know i have so many problems with corporate america
i've so many problems the big business and government
and oftentimes
when they're in bed together it creates a uh...
of big problem for your average american citizen and i talk about that stuff all
the time
but i talk about the facts
i don't make *** up
so what are you saying
suicide bills so you're saying what so there are some bad side effects
with a whole bunch of different pharmaceutical pills
which ones yet and he goes on later to say prozac
so okay so prozac which is an antidepressant
which as mulch will double-blind studies
showing its efficacy
an improving it actually helps with limiting depression
whoopi things that the conspiracy to what semitic sick prozac
what i don't know you fill in the blackout jones
but see that's having our children say something about twenty five percent ru
and then didn't fill in the rest of the blaze which should he made up that
sounds super paranoid and people like
to have answers
to scapegoat
when they don't know what's really going on so that's that's alex jones appeal
he's entertaining he's allowed
he's angry
he says things that are twenty five percent raw images goes off into into
crazy dot
but suicidal so what
is every pharmaceutical co
bus suicidal
or is it only some benefit half of them
or is it only prozac arisen xanax two
or is it hard medication as well team loses
this is where he is starts making no sense
because anybody familiar with western medicine any doctor any scientist will
tell you
are you kidding these are all the things that are studied
urine year-round generation to generation
it you know we know there are affected that's the whole idea of science
right you prove things beyond any reasonable doubt
you know that this bill or this medicine
as this desired outcome
right now either side effects of course everything in side effects
but they're listed to get the f_d_a_ makes them
was that why are you reading gazing out jones in a conversation about this
as if he at some point to make
course there's no suicide pills
and there's no
you know
evil plan with guys twisting a mustache think eight p thinking we're gonna
enslave the american population to what and for what purpose
and then last thing on this so this is the guy that they and at the very least
since nineteen ninety eight at least as far back as i could tell me he's been
doing it for longer
but he's been saying tyranny is coming
they're gonna insulating bus
he believes in the age of the twenty one stuff
listen to this these are just some of the things usually since ninety eight
uh... these are all like videos are documentaries or movies where you wanna
call america destroyed by design
police state two thousand
or you practicing communism american america way copper waco
uh... dark secrets
inside the bahamian grow
police state to the takeover
nine eleven the road to tyranny
uh... the masters of terror exposed
police state three total in slave meant
martial law nine eleven the rise of the police state
so since nineteen ninety about fourteen years
mentality doesn't come first
so where are they
i'm waiting
or what they all they haven't gotten you know is that what it is
uh... look at all on asking questions i would you tell me you seem to have all
the guy than answers
it's just
it's been not
everything in the world is a conspiracy
rate that
and that there's no
logical answers to a simple question jim posted
so why are those so-called a builder virginia lumen i_d_s are there
though bahamian grove people are
or whatever wire these people
the free masons why are they only they want to take over the u_s_
so we can be there was slated
well they're doing a pretty doggone terrible job goes as far as i can tell
we're still somewhat for it
right and look you can make a serious a case for hey yo mama's horrible on civil
liberties just like buschur made even worse than astro when i talk about that
all the time of the show
and you could say hey there's been a an erosion of due process in a row geneve
habeas corpus it you can sell elected there's evidence for it and it's true
but when you can say that there's
fema camps and that there's a comet homes in that
they've been working on this grand scheme to
to have lesson labor committee today it's just not
them in front wheel as well as less than an order again on mir
more guns does not equal more peace the feedback
opposite look at japan
there too
gun deaths in two thousand six
why demand ons
no i'm not saying ban guns
because i i believe that the second amendment
does protect
the right to to bear some arms only more specifically talking about most gets
but yeah i think it will should be able to have a pistol a rifle
they just can't have thirty bullets at a high capacity nagging an assault weapon
australia sinking in banned assault weapons and had some other strict gun
an eleven mentioning before nineteen ninety-six money passed legislation
since two thousand six
non no mentioned
everywhere they have stricter gun laws
they have
lowered gun violence
at his point on violent crime is also not sure what's not sure that there's a
rise in violent crime
we don't have guns
that they're area in the u_s_ role in the most
gun crime per capita
is alaska
red state lax gun laws
but i won't expect my facts
to uh... sway alex jones
they never have