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Hi there my name is Liberty, I like things, and I'm making Terezi Pyrope Horns
You will need paper. Some stiffer paper, regular paper, mod podge,
and paint,
and paint, obviously and paint brushes. Get a piece of paper that's like this and
Get a piece of paper that's like this and
twist it around itself and then you fold it in half like this.
So that obviously whenit pops up, it's sort of like a horn! Just gonna wrap it around a little tighter, and
tape it down.
So, you want them to be kind of small and nubby. I mean, yeah her horns
are kind of small and nubby, but right now you want them to be especially so, because
we're gonna build on it. I'm just, like, use this stick for the mod podge.
And you put the mod podge in here and stuff a cotton ball in!
Fill up the cone.
Just take the podge, just put it right on there. Use what ever mod podging system you like, and wrap it around...
Get the paper stuck down to the other papers or it will dry and stay very stiffly,
Y'know, on... not on the other papers. If that makes any sense. By the way, sorry I'm talking so
quietly my family's home and I don't want them to judge me while I'm talking to myself
about horns... *Heavy Sigh*
So, you gotta let the horns dry, which I did. I also took
off my jacket. And.... make sure that they are the size and shape you want them to be
in and that they are equal, which they mostly are. And now you get to paint them! Once they
are PERFECTLY dry! I mean, entirely dry. This part's fun.
BTW Sorry about how dumb this is. I was SO tired, you have no idea!!
Once your paint is dry,
get your mod podge back on and - boop - cover it, seal it in. So, using a paint brush... Try to keep your strokes
all going the same way. It will make it look like your horn has little grooves in it...
which Iike. Alright. That sort of brings the color down, but it will dry clear.
I'm using a bobby pin for this, because I think it's easiest. By the way, you'll notice that it's
already paper'ed down here. I stuffed two cotton balls in and stuck a paper on top and
just pressed it down with the paper maché.
........ And now, your horn has a little dip
in it. What you gotta do is fill that entire dip with just a ton of mod podge. just a ton of that sh--
With the paper inside - see the paper inside? - rigid side of the bobby pin
downward, and press that into place. And leave it to dry in this position.