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wealthy yeah the argument of actually what his reaction there was a stinging
critique of you from heidi more in the guardian she called the u_n_ ajosh
horrible review based in for your support of this intuition bloggers and
columnists and said a one trillion dollar calling doesn't even work as seto
he had heard again that the car argument i mean
the army looks a little bit book
why do i go to complete silliness and
the people who are behind the car trolls what bothered me about that are going to
do that because although the idea of creating a crime crime discount
objectively ridiculous controlling
of local marsilli really rich country like ours debating whether repair bills
are not that orders of magnitude sillier committee
so i a quite literally are that they really know that you do the work of art
trawl ambush borders whatever is but then uh... doesn't at but that doesn't
mean our democrat there ever is far more absurd
and anything related to a corner not our people as you might have gotten the
prospective and maybe a trainer fire or really belongs
will be working with that debate that's going to take seriously
not people who are
trying to come up with ways to get around
well that's what some people will bless him and explain what happens if the
united states decides to unido uh... not raise the debt ceiling and we did
downgraded by not just one credit agency but multiple credit agencies what
happens around the globe what happens to the u_s_ economy
not set aside in the gallery because i cannot be good credit rating agency
matter the progress it might be ideal body weight you hit independent
in theory
the argument that conservative the make and why they how they explained to
themselves what the what they're doing it now completely reckless and dangerous
event but that could
i can can you bring the contract with america is being bombed
but then part you know prioritize or tax revenue
and then just unum basically not paid not uh... pay other parts of the budget
with including can or not comparable when it come from probe memory the one
of them don't uh... the treasury as a practical megan nacogdoches prioritize
bond payments are they bring up a lot of things
dealing with the jury did have
that um...
exactly like that then you could do that by now could open the legal problem
because i think the tradition of curriculum k
um... are bondholders and then
they will get out of there will be in the first occurred in a couple of
but then you take any uh... excuse for all of money by the government whether
states our contract with whatever
owed money under the current budget and they go for killing a neutral wire
ukraine at the white up an uh... wind up going up and so forth jenny craig you
legal headaches
brady is a really megan global market for marriage because suddenly you have
in this country that now is not going to miss creditors i'm not in favor of in
the country like a business
well were you do you think about it and where you to met in a business started
prioritizing some october parties or another
uh... you refer to getting wrote about the financial help about business
and two inches a terrible idea for unforgiven going to let this cut shame
whether we're gonna really care about and you do not uh...
went over that period really ran illegitimate way to shape fiscal policy
it understandable that people want a chain of custody rectory responding
but nowhere to be a better on what the actual budget debate
uh... or maybe winning two more election but i just bought a house
and uh... they've got to have a very reckless way to go about that do you
think that um... that congress republicans will actually holds for mom
he was i had to do the same witnesses that this is a non-starter republicans
in the pertinent political suicide at the time it will hold it
ceiling system do you think that uh... are you optimistic mabel
they will not go there
i do remain near
i am a little bit more optimistic than our nena twenty eleven in twenty eleven
you just got off that big uh... co victory for the two party either
basically mandate was all about spending and cutting the debt but like that
and they're required alberto
that was i believe it was the ph of its uh... sheep are deducting hostage
unfortunately he hadn't died down quite a much and i thought that would
uh... but but
the republicans lost and twenty twelve they know they did
uh... yet they still controlled the house
but that sort of like a key party energy
which in part was based on the fact that the economy uh... what wars weeks and
strengthen then that wallpaper that killed
i remain optimistic that it won't be a catastrophe
but actually it being better looking for a technical way out of the we don't have
that hot speaking situation over and over again
the better and actually having a negotiation
uh... because it's a terrible price
i'm with the job was installed deputy editor of business insider
uh... the past and isn't the client job great stuff thanks for being part of the
experiment very welcome coming up we'll talk about joe biden
strange moment during the swearing in of members of congress you'll love this cup
of joe biden
is that uh... laughable or lovable went into action news continues