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The dark side of the force is a path to many abilities, some considert to be
-Is it possible to learn this power?
-Not from a Jedi
Somethings happening, Im not the Jedi that I should be.
I want more
-The council wants to be informed about all the chancellors dealings
-Thats treason!
- We are at war Anakin.
It is very dangerous, putting them together I dont think the boy can handle it.
I dont trust him.
-Rise. Lord Vader.
-Yes, my master!
Every single Jedi, is now an enemy of the republic.
The republic will be reorganised
to be
the first
galactic empire!
-Anakin, you are breaking my heart!
I love you!
You are with him!
You brought him here to kill me!
Let her go Anakin!
Let her go!
-You turned her against me!
-Your anger and your *** for power have already done that.
-I have brought wealth, power and justice to my new empire!
-Your new empire!?
Anakin, my loyalty is with the republic! With democrasy!
-If you are not with my, then you are my enemy!
-Only a sith deals an absolute.
I will do what I must!
-You will try!
You have become weak
old men.
Now even you will call me
-Only a master of evil, Darth!
You never learned to mind your surroundings
The path that you have choosen
the path to the dark side of the force
he has now lead you to doom.
"Find peace my brother"
What about youre whisdom now, foolish jedi!
You are like the *** of a woman!
You are always coming back!
It seems like even you have never learned to mind your sourroundings!
-Do you know what else we have in common?!
We are both going to crash!
...oh good job..!
-Oh, wasnt your belt fastend?
This is the end for you
my master!
I have failed you Anakin!
It ends here!
-It does!
You never leraned to mind your surroundings!
I wont kill you!
But I dont have to save you!
You were the choosen one!
It said you would destroy the sith, not join them!
It said you would bring balance to the force!
And not to leave it in darkness!
-You were my brother Anakin!