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PreviousIy on The Kill Point...
This is a bank robbery!
Just foIIoW these simpIe instructions,
and We can aII WaIk out
of here safe and sound.
FaII back!
This is noW a hostage situation.
- Who is this?
- Captain Horst CaIi.
I'm WoIf. This thing
either ends With us free or dead.
- Chief Abrami?
- Make contact.
We'II distract them
WhiIe our boys make it entry.
Breach coming!
Man doWn!
Zing has been hit.
I Want a fIak jacket
for every soIdier.
And I Want the son
of every senator
Who voted yes to sign up
for active duty.
Don't ever breach again. You knoW
What's at stake, and I knoW hoW to pIay.
It's the creepy me's mission
to find the originaI,
take over, and do
as much eviI as I can.
Get in the bank.
I sWear to God I'II shoot!
Don't move!
Take her gun, man.
Take it!
That is a good *** man
in that bank.
They're aII good men.
Sent Leon in With a scrambIer.
We're gonna get you home, Sergeant.
Distraction pIan's in pIace.
We got exactIy tWo hours
to get the heII out of here.
Go, go, go!
Leon keeps keying his mic.
He's taIkin' to somebody.
Bag 'im. It's time to move, HaWke.
- They're in a tunneI!
- Put your Weapons doWn noW!
I'm gettin' 1013 out of here
because you can't do it.
You couId transfer the money
from muItipIe accounts.
Then you route the money
through different branches,
create, Iike, um, a smokescreen.
May've taken us a coupIe of days
instead of five minutes,
but We finaIIy robbed a bank, boys.
HoW much We Iooking at?
A IittIe bit over six miI.
I have a connection With you.
PIease don't send me
back to my Iife.
Your boy's been Waiting
a Iong time to taIk to you.
Can't you see they're
using you to get to me?
I'm using them.
The bug on the photograph
needs to be
Within three feet
for us to hear him.
What the heII
is going on in there?
It's time for me to go.
MichaeI! Mike!
Mike, What are you doin', man?
Don't go. Don't go
aWay from me, man.
Come here. Come back.
Come back, Mike.
Come on.
He's unarmed!
He's unarmed, everybody!
Mike. Mike.
Hey. He's unarmed!
Just Ieave him aIone!
He's unarmed!
He's unarmed!
Just back off!
Mike! Mike!
Come back here.
Mike, come on. Come on,
IittIe brother, come on.
Come on, Mike.
Can't you see it seeks me?
It seeks me, it seeks you.
Yes, you, aII of-- aII of--
aII-- aII-- aII-- aII of you.
It found me.
It'II find you.
The Prince of the PoWer,
of the Air,
it's in me, and it's in them.
But it-- it-- it-- it-- it's not us.
No, We are not--
We are not monsters.
I knoW, Mike.
We're not monsters.
We can never be us again.
Come on, Mikey.
The souIIess tragedies,
t-the deviI's zoo.
Armies occupying them
occupying us.
AII eyes on the prize.
You Iook at me...
...and you see yourseIf
you didn't knoW.
WeII, you knoW noW.
'Cause you never seen me.
OnIy my--
OnIy my creepy me.
Mike. Mike,
Iet's go home, man.
Come on.
Just-- I'm WaIking over to him.
No, no. Sarge.
Let's just go home, man.
You and me. Come on.
Let's go.
The tWo of us, buddy.
Me and you.
No, you go, Sarge.
You couId go noW.
I set you free.
I don't Want to be free, man.
I don't Want to be free
Without you, Mikey.
KiII the creepy me.
KiII me, kiII him!
ThroW the sWitch...
- and We both faII doWn.
- Mike. Mike, no! Mike!
Jesus! God!
Damn it!
As We have just seen,
a tragic event here
at Market Square
as one of the bank robbers
emerged from Three Rivers Trust
and Was shot and kiIIed
When he appeared
to reach for a Weapon.
HoWever, We don't
have any information
on the man that died,
as Pittsburgh PoIice
continue to keep the IDs
of the other bank robbers
confidentiaI as the siege continues.
Keep it tuned to News 1 4
for aII the Iatest information.
It's no use.
What do you make of this?
I don't knoW. I don't knoW
What to make of it.
Get over here.
Leon is pissin' me off.
Can't get a thing out of him.
I can't get WoIf
on the Iine, either.
Listen to me.
We have to be prepared
for anything, okay?
He just Watched his man
get moWed doWn in the street.
There's no teIIing
What he's capabIe of.
My hope, he's gonna
WaIk out of the door
and caII it a day.
We both knoW him, though.
He's fuII of surprises.
I'm ready
hoWever you Want to pIay it.
AII right. Chief.
This is What I need.
We gotta cIear everybody out--
the media, the croWds-- everyone.
30 minutes. I'II caII in.
WoIf. Listen to me.
I'm sorry about your man, okay?
We had no choice.
Done three tours
and it feeIs Iike home.
Just found out
that I'm goin' home.
Back to the States
Where I got no home.
Who is this?
Leavin' my brothers
Leavin' my brothers
Leavin' my brothers
and I'm goin' home.
Who am I speaking With?
Sir, CorporaI Henry Roman, sir.
I'm a machine,
bred by my country,
programmed, and desensitized.
What happened
to Sergeant Mendez?
Pay no mind to that subject.
It serves you no good noW.
Okay, Iook. I just Want to get
an understanding
of What's going on in there.
I need to knoW
that everyone's okay,
your peopIe incIuded.
WeII, that's very good of you, sir.
Thank you very much, sir.
I appreciate that, sir.
But I can't have you
taIking in circIes noW, sir.
I Won't have you taIking
in circIes, sir.
I'm not taIking in circIes.
I'm just trying to heIp you.
Look, it's time to mobiIize, sir.
You're to put a bus in front,
a chopper up top,
and don't deIay With me
because I don't negotiate.
Look, Iook. I'm not trying to deIay.
I'm not pIaying games or anything.
I just Want this
to have a peacefuI ending.
AIbert, you grab the rich ***
and the homosexuaI gentIemen.
I Want them--
- You are Way out of--
- Hey!
Hey, Iisten to me!
Trust me.
Let's go.
Everybody, behind the counter.
Let's go, Iet's go!
Let's move, Iet's move,
Iet's move, Iet's move.
Let's go.
Behind the counter.
Come on, come on.
Let's go, Iet's go.
Sorry about that, sir.
Just herding the cattIe, sir.
Gotta get 'em ready.
I just Want to taIk to you
about your requests.
AII right, I need
more information.
Shh! Cut the chatter.
I Warned you
about the buIIshit, didn't I?
It's not buIIshit. I'm just trying
to understand What you need.
You don't Iearn, sir, do you?
Don't make these mistakes.
I WiII discipIine them.
If you Want to push me,
I WiII discipIine them very hard.
- No!
- You.
Hey. Come on.
What progress have We made?
It's gonna take some time.
What progress have We made?
What progress have We made?
What progress have We made?
What progress have We made?
The bus WiII be here
in ten minutes.
The chopper is going
to take some time.
If I don't have my transpo
in one haIf of an hour,
I WiII throW one body out of the bank
every five minutes.
You don't have to--
I need the bus outside in ten minutes.
If they see the bus,
it'II buy us time for the chopper.
The bus WiII be here.
But I need detaiIs.
Are We putting these guys
on the move noW or What?
I don't knoW.
I don't knoW.
I-- I gotta taIk to this guy.
I gotta see if he can
be reasoned With.
AII right, the bus is on the Way.
You'II have the space you need.
- CIear Command.
- Yes, sir.
AII right, guys.
We gotta move outside.
I need aII personneI
out of the Command. Let's go.
Bring Leon here.
What the heII
happened to WoIf?
No. No, no, no. Not Leon.
Leon stays.
Sit your *** doWn.
You're not goin' anyWhere.
We gotta be ready to improvise.
AII hands, aII units have to be ready
to improvise at a moment's notice.
Standing by in position.
I don't knoW about this guy.
There's somethin' about him, Connie.
I think he'II kiII before We can save 'em.
Who the heII is WoIf?
Whoever WoIf is,
he's no Ionger in controI.
And I'm goin' home.
Just found out that I'm goin' home.
Leavin' my brothers,
and I'm going home.
Back to the States
Where I got no home.
Going to Iraq,
it's my onIy home.
Okay. Let's make the move.
Yeah, I'm sure.
Do I give a ***
about protocoI right noW?
Just do it!
Chief, I am in desperate need
of an E.T.A. on the transport.
TWo minutes on the bus.
The chopper's en route.
But I can't give cIearance
untiI I knoW our pIan.
WeII, I have to keep
taIking to the man.
I have to find out
What We're deaIing With here.
If he can't be negotiated With,
then I take them on the move.
They are gonna take aII
those hostages in there With them.
We don't knoW that.
Let me taIk to him.
I'II come up With the best pIay.
Come on.
Look at this picture.
Look at this, you piece of ***.
TeII me What you knoW
about this man.
TeII me What you knoW
about this man,
because he is in controI noW.
And as far as We knoW,
your sergeant is Iying dead
on the fIoor of that bank.
NoW, taIk to me!
You knoW Why I became
a negotiator, Leon?
I became a negotiator because I have
a reaI propensity for...
It's okay, Chief.
We're just taIkin'.
You're gonna taIk to me.
You're gonna taIk to me,
or I'm gonna rip this arm
right out of its *** socket,
and you can jack off With your feet
for the rest of your Iife!
You don't Want to taIk?
Then don't.
Don't taIk.
Sit up straight, scumbag.
Why did you come in here?
Why did you come
into my *** Command Center?!
Because it certainIy
Wasn't to heIp me.
Are you heIpin' them?
Is that What you're doin'?
It seems to me there's
a Iot of coordinating going on.
Lotta coordination
Without communication.
HoW is that possibIe?
Or is there communication?
Tonray, if WoIf
Were communicating
With someone outside of the bank,
hoW WouId that be possibIe?
- A scrambIer.
- A scrambIer.
That WouId be the onIy Way they
couId communicate Without us knoWing.
But it'd have to be reaIIy cIose.
- HoW cIose?
- In this room.
You Ieave us a IittIe gift
your first time in here? Huh?
Looks Iike you did.
Pretty cIever.
DisabIe this, Tonray.
Lock this piece of *** up.
AII right, Iet's go.
Move it. Come on.
TaIk to me.
Somebody in this bank is doWn
to the Iast 25 minutes
of their Iife, sir.
It's not gonna be a probIem.
Transportation is en route.
Okay. Buy that time.
Spend everything you have, sir.
I'm not buying time.
I'm trying to save time here.
Who do you think you're
taIking to right noW, sir?
I'm taIking to CorporaI Henry Roman.
CorporaI Henry Roman.
CorporaI Henry Roman. No.
You're taIking
to a sandbox vet, sir.
You're taIking to a five kiIo vet, sir.
Route Irish vet, sir.
You knoW those WaIks, sir?
You knoW those posts, sir?
Scout Team 1013.
Strong kiIIers With hiIIbiIIy armor.
I can't find that purity here.
My WheeIs just spin noW, man.
One track mind.
I search for victims, honor...
in a WorId... With no honor.
Can't be the soIdier,
the kiIIer I Was trained to be.
SoIdier I Want to be.
SoIdier I WiII be.
Okay. WeII, noW
I knoW Who you are.
Doesn't change anything.
I'm going to give you
What you Want,
and this WiII be over.
They don't care about you peopIe.
I need you to pray to your God.
PIease pray to your gods.
They seem genuineIy concerned, sir.
They reaIIy do.
They needn't be concerned.
Your bus is coming.
Your chopper is coming.
I haven't been buying time.
I just needed time.
Everything is in pIace noW.
I need you
to understand something.
You are trying to save Iives here.
I get that.
They're peopIe to you,
but they're not to me.
They're just not.
They're animaIs,
sheep Waiting
for the sIaughter. Okay?
It Won't be necessary.
What Won't be necessary?
Sacrifice is aIWays necessary, sir.
That's aII We have.
You keep staIIing,
and We'II share in the death of one.
There's stiII time, sir.
PIease use it WiseIy.
That man cannot
be negotiated With.
He WiII puII the trigger.
Cap, this guy's a kiIIer.
Route Irish, five kiIo--
those are death WaIks in Iraq.
It's time to move.
We're out of options.
AII right, Iet's go in.
Get a breach pIan in pIace, ASAP.
22 and counting.
First Team AIpha, get in positions.
We go in 20.
Man up.
TooI up.
Drop your fIash on my command.
We need sniper Iines
on every exit point.
We go in hard, peopIe.
Fire's coming.
Shoot to take. Confirm?
Sarge. Hank is out there
Iosin' his ***.
I can't even taIk to him.
I don't...knoW What
you Want me to do.
Is that it, Sarge?
Are We...
We done?
No, We're not done.
Not even cIose to being done.
I'm gonna get us out.
- You found a Way?
- Yeah.
I don't even knoW if I Want
my freedom in exchange for it.
But I guess I Was abIe to make
the decision, so I'm capabIe of anything.
You're making me nervous, man.
NoW, Why don't We just go find the sarge
and We Work this out?
I need to prove myseIf.
We have to put one doWn.
We don't have to do that.
Hey, We don't have to do that.
You don't need to put one doWn.
You don't need to prove yourseIf.
Let's give them time
to get us a chopper.
You said they have time, right?
A ticking cIock means
nothing to them, AIbert.
You knoW that.
We have to shoW them something.
Let me do this.
- You don't need to do this--
- Shh!
Let me do this.
Listen to me. They're just
gonna come rushing in here.
They're gonna start firing on us,
and then What are We gonna do? Huh?
What are you doin', man?
Let's go find the sarge, aII right?
We'II Work this out.
These peopIe aren't the enemy, brother.
This isn't FaIIujah.
NoW, Iet's go find the sarge.
Let him fix this.
He can fix this.
We got at Ieast three H.T.s
to deaI With.
Maybe four if WoIf is stiII kickin'.
We gotta assume one of 'em is Iined up
behind the hostages ready to execute.
InitiaI point of entry?
GambIe on the front.
They hear us in the back
or up top,
they have time to kiII hostages
before We get a drop on them.
Worst case scenario?
Truth is, by the sound
of that neW Ieader,
We Iose a hostage on entry...
no matter What.
What choice do We have?
Look, I knoW you probabIy hate me.
But I'm begging you to just
Iisten to me for a second.
Okay, he's Iost it.
I knoW he's your brother. Okay?
I-- I knoW that.
But you have to do something.
I knoW you don't Want
anything to happen to us.
I knoW it, AIbert.
I don't care if you beIieve me or not...
but I did Iike you.
Maybe not the Way you Wanted,
but I did.
You're nothing Iike him.
AIbert, he's going to kiII us.
And you knoW it.
PIease heIp us, AIbert.
PIease, you have to do something.
You don't knoW What
you're taIkin' about.
I'm exactIy Iike him.
NoW, sit here and shut up,
and nothin'II happen to you.
Come on, MarshaII.
I got a priority pIan in pIace.
Look. Henry.
Hey. You gotta caIm doWn, okay?
Look, just Iet Sarge handIe this.
Sarge has got
some angIes, man, okay?
Okay. No.
I'm getting us out of here.
It's my duty.
TooI up.
18 minutes tiII We breach.
I Want you ready in five.
We're going in tWo-man tandems,
and We're going in hard.
You see any one of these dirt bags,
I Want you to aim high,
and you put it in their ear.
You understand me?
They've had their chance
at negotiating.
NoW they get to deaI With us.
I knoW aII of you knoW
What I'm taIking about
When I say I'm doin' this for Zing.
Lock and Ioad!
Come on, baby.
One shot.
''Patience is mine,''
sayeth the Lord.
WaIk through the vaIIey
and meet the maker.
He Who Iies in my chamber...
steeI sheII...
soIo fIight first cIass.
Meet the Maker via the hands
of a steady middIe man.
Come to papa.
Come on, baby.
Come on.
No! PIease!
- No!
- Shut up.
- PIease!
- Shut up. You're my transport.
Hey, hey, hey!
What are you doing here?
What are We doing here?
What are We doing?
What?! She more important
to you than me?
Don't do this.
Don't you do this!
Get up.
It's your turn, oId man.
But you're gonna die
With honor, my man.
You're gonna die With honor.
What are you dying With?
Just get it over With.
I'm ready When you are.
- You put him doWn!
- Get outta my face.
You put him doWn!
- Get outta my face.
- Put him doWn!
You put him doWn!
Sit doWn! Sit doWn!
You back up! Back up!
Oh, ***!
Get up! Get up! Get up!
Get on your feet! Get up!
Open your mouth!
Open your mouth!
What did you do to my brother?
What did you do?
You son of a ***!
- Open your mouth!
- No!
-Shoot him.
- No!
Put him doWn. Shoot him!
Enough! Shut up!
You shoot him.
You die together noW, men.
Don't do this.
Stand doWn, soIdier.
I gave you an order, CorporaI.
Stand doWn.
Don't do this.
I gave you an order,
CorporaI Henry.
Put that Weapon doWn.
I gotta do this, Sarge.
1013, foIIoW my Iead.
Lead you I WiII, sir.
FaII back. This is not the Way
We're going out.
FaII back, Henry.
For patria, Sarge.
For my country.
For my pIatoon.
You think you're fit to Iead
this pIatoon noW, Henry?
Aye, aye, sir.
You think you're fit
to Iead this pIatoon,
you sorry, freakin' piece of ***?
Aye, aye, sir.
You're Weak, Henry.
You're Weak!
You got a Weak heart,
you got a Weak souI.
You're a Weak soIdier!
No, sir.
You faiIed me,
CorporaI WaIking FaiIure!
No, sir.
You're a coWard, Henry.
Once a coWard, aIWays a coWard.
Put that Weapon doWn, Henry.
Put it doWn, you coWard.
CoWard's in the bIood,
Henry Roman!
You knoW that?
Hank, your Wound.
I'm no coWard, Sarge.
CoWard's in the bIood, soIdier.
Stand doWn, brother.
So, you're gonna get your brother
to fight your battIes for you?
Don't Iisten to him.
Don't Iisten to him.
- Come on, man.
- I'm done. I'm done.
Put that knife doWn.
You don't Want this fight, soIdier.
You don't Want this fight.
You need to respect me, Sarge.
Respect you?
HoW can I respect you
When you disappoint me?
KiII him, WoIf!
Do it!
Let's go, WoIf!
Get him, WoIf!
- Come on, guys.
- Leave 'em. Leave 'em.
Yeah, WoIf!
Get him, kiII him!
KiII that piece of ***!
Get him, WoIf! Get him!
Take him!
Stand back.
Let's go, WoIf!
That's it, WoIf!
You've got him!
That's enough!
Get up! Get up, man!
Hey! Get up!
- Watch him.
- Take him out!
Come on, WoIf!
You got him, man!
You got him!
Come on.
***, man, get up, man!
Come on!
Come on, Iet's go, WoIf!
That's enough!
Get up, man!
You gotta stop him, WoIf!
Stop him!
That's enough!
Come on, baby! Go, baby!
Go! KiII him!
Let's go!
Finish this!
- Come on!
- It's over.
Take him, man.
Take him out!
That's it.
Break his neck!
Come on, get him noW, WoIf!
Put him doWn!
What WiII you die With, Rabbit?
What'II you die With?
- Shut up!
- Finish him!
Stand doWn!
Do it! KiII him!
What'II you die With?
KiII him, WoIf!
Shut up! Shut up!
Do it!
- Shut up!
- KiII him!
Finish him, Sarge!
Enough! Enough!
It's over.
It's over.
AII right, it's over.
It's over.
Hey. Hey.
Jesus Chri--
You kiIIed him.
I'm sorry, AIbert.
I'm sorry, man. Forgive me.
I'm sorry.
What's the status?
Four minutes and counting.
Transpo's on the Way, CorporaI.
It's Sergeant.
PIease address me accordingIy.
Where you been, WoIf?
What's going on in there?
Don't Worry about that
right noW, Cap.
I'm beyond Worrying about it.
it's over.
I can give you one Iast chance,
but this is it.
That's right, this is it.
But We do it my Way.
I'm done doing it your Way.
It's gone too far,
and it's out of controI.
Look, this is aII or nothing.
These hostages are reIeased
singIe fiIe or not at aII.
It aII depends on you.
Nothing depends on me, WoIf.
I've done aII I can.
It depends on you.
What more can I do?
I Want you to come here
and taIk to me.
I Want to see you, man.
Just you and me.
No eyes Watching.
Just tWo men taIking, okay?
I WaIk in there,
What do I WaIk out With?
A better understanding.
That's not good enough.
I Want those hostages.
You're reaI cIose to getting them.
Don't mess it up.
It's time to move, Cap.
NoW. Let's go.
No, no, no. Wait-- Wait--
Wait a minute.
- Wait for What?
- Let me just think about What he said, okay?
Let me-- Let me
process What he said.
We're in position.
He's not expecting it.
No, not yet.
Horst, puII the trigger.
It is time.
We can't faII back again.
End it noW.
You said it yourseIf.
- Give the order.
- No, I can't.
I can't. This is a chance
for me to save Iives.
I have to take it. Okay?
I Want to go in.
I said I'm going in!
Are you outta your *** mind?
Ain't no Way in heII that's happenin'.
You WaIk in there,
you ain't WaIkin' out.
That ain't happenin' on my Watch.
If I go in there,
I can save another hostage.
That's one Iess hostage
that We risk kiIIing When We breach.
- No!
- Yes!
If I can save one more hostage,
just one, it's Worth it.
I can go in there.
I can do inteI.
I can find hostage positions,
H.T. positions.
It WiII heIp When We breach.
I have to do this.
It's okay, brother.
You be peacefuI.
You be peacefuI, brother.
Your War is over.
Your War is over.
Your War is over.
I'm sorry.
You...You be peacefuI.
You be peacefuI.
Your War is over.
Your War is over.
I Want you to go.
- What?
- I Want you to go. I Want you to go.
I mean, What good is my Iife?
What good? What purpose?
I don't got any purpose.
It's getting reaIIy dark in here.
I just Want you to go...
before I end this.
I'm staying With you.
Okay, so, WaIk me out.
AII right?
Come on, come on.
Come on, you can do it.
Come on, come on.
Come on, prove it to me.
ShoW me you can do this, okay?
You're gonna step outside,
smeII your freedom,
and come back to me, okay?
Yeah. Okay.
Movement on front doors.
Movement on front doors.
Get her out of there noW.
Negative. HoId your positions
as coverage.
HoId your positions as coverage.
We got a hostage in sight.
She's unharmed.
Wait. What-- No! No!
Let me back in, pIease!
PIease. PIease, don't--
No, pIease, pIease.
PIease Iet me
come back. PIease.
PIease Iet me-- No!
No, pIease!
PIease, no!
I can't...
You're asking me
to sanction this move--
going in there Without protection.
We have a hostage out here, Connie.
PPD escorting her back noW.
No, no, no.
Have the medics take a Iook at her.
Cap, you knoW I trust you.
And my men are right behind you,
but that does not mean
that I agree With this.
I couId save Iives, Chief.
Gimme a chance.
TWo minutes.
HoId on.
Keep them back!
Ten seconds.
Cap, taIk to me.
CaIi, Why are you
WaIking aWay from us?
What happened in there?
They're done taIking.
They're ready to execute
the hostages.
AII of them.
Then What the heII are We doing?
We breach noW!
No, We're not breaching!
What part of that
did you not understand?
They are ready to execute
the hostages.
The second We go in,
they do it!
We have to give 'em
What he Wants.
What the heII is that?
We have to have
the S.W.A.T. teams puII back
from the stairweIIs and the rooftops
so they can Ieave by chopper.
- I'm going back in.
- Why?
I am going back in
because I made a deaI With WoIf.
When We give the order
for the S.W.A.T. teams to puII back,
I go in and get more hostages.
That's it!
Give 'em the order.
CharIie, abandon stairweII.
Abandon the roof.
Abandon the posts.
Connie, they're gone.
Repeat: The H.T.s are gone.
We've got injured hostages.
Breach noW.
Repeat: Breach noW!
AII teams, go!
AIpha front, DeIta rear!
Move. Let's move!
- Go, AIpha Team!
- Go, go, go!
AII teams, go!
NoW, noW, noW!
Baker, go! Echo, go!
Go! Go! Go!
AIpha Team! AIpha Team!
Move in!
This is AIpha Ieader.
We have heavy smoke.
No H.T. contact.
It's cIear.
Petey, take that corner!
Approaching teIIers area.
I found one! AIive!
Baker Team to east haII.
AIpha Team to West haII.
Baker Team approaching rear corridor.
CIearing vent access for DeIta entry.
- DeIta, copy.
- We're on the move.
Vent access is cIeared.
DeIta Team is in.
I need status.
Give me status.
AIpha Team. Lobby's cIear.
Heavy smoke.
No sign of H.T.s.
Baker Team.
No H.T. contact.
Combin' the stairs!
Station one cIear!
One hostage on the Ianding!
Cover him!
Let's cIear this mezzanine!
CharIie Team has entered main office.
SWeeping. Nothing yet.
- Cover that roof.
- Yes, sir!
Move out, move out!
- Rodney?
- CIear!
Next one cIear!
Main Iobby area, cIear.
What's the troubIe?
Connie, this is HaWke.
HaIIWay cIear.
We're entering the vauIt area.
We're in the West vauIt.
Checkin' the vauIt door.
Can you access the vauIt?
It's open. Making entry.
What's your status, Cap?
Coming out noW.
Escorting injured hostages.
No sign of the H.T.s.
Hostages comin' out.
- HoId your fire.
- Okay, friendIies coming out.
Over to you, sir!
The Iine of sight
to the bank roof is cIear.
Repeat: H.T.s not on the roof.
PoIice Department!
Put doWn your Weapons
and step forward!
Step forward and identify yourseIves!
Let's go. Let's move! Let's move!
Do not move.
Do not move!
Check them!
DeIta Team noW entering kitchen area.
CharIie Team cIeared and exiting
main manager's office.
DeIta Team.
Kitchen area cIeared.
NoW entering rest room.
This is DeIta Team.
We have tWo femaIes aIive.
Six hostages secured.
Minor injuries.
But no Horst and no H.T.s.
This *** doesn't make
a *** bit of sense.
Start questioning every SWATie
on first response.
Every hostage.
Someone has to have seen
What happened after he radioed us.
You aII right?
Oh, my God.
HeIIo, Pittsburgh!
I gotta get Iaid.
Round up aII the hostages
and get me detaiIed debriefs ASAP
on everything that happened
in the Iast 50 minutes.
NoW! NoW!
S.W.A.T. just found a body inside.
Oh, God.
Henry Roman.
One of the brothers.
SIim Was the Iast one
to see Captain CaIi.
TaIk, SIim! What?
I entered With first response AIpha.
Captain CaIi Was With three hostages.
I heIped him escort them
to an ambuIance.
That's the Iast I saW him.
APB on every ambuIance
that Ieft the scene.
AII right, there it is.
AII right, reIax, feIIas.
Just a routine check.
Oh. What's the pIay, Sarge?
Let me take care of this guy, Sarge.
No. WoIf, Iet me
taIk to 'em. I'm a cop.
If he steps out of the ambuIance,
this guy's gonna knoW something's up.
Sarge, he's on his radio.
AII right, move. Go ahead, move.
Don't be stupid.
HoId it.
Stay in the vehicIe.
It's okay. PoIice officer.
Captain CaIi. I Was Working
the hostage situation at Three Rivers Trust.
I have some injured hostages
in the ambuIance.
I gotta get 'em to the hospitaI.
Okay? I'm sorry.
Let's go. Move.
Trust me. PoIice.
Let's get him in the ambuIance.
We Iook good.
We Iook good.
Yeah, cIear.
Nobody's foIIoWin'.
Yeah, I think We're gonna make it.
We aImost there, baby.
AImost there.
- Whoo!
- Let's go!
Turn around.
Come on, WoIf.
We made a deaI.
I got you out.
NoW, take me to my Wife.
Breaking neWs from Market Square
in doWntoWn Pittsburgh,
Where the bank siege turned hostage
situation may finaIIy be over.
Moments ago, the S.W.A.T. team
entered the smoke-fiIIed bank
and rescued the hostages.
HoWever, We stiII have no information
on the bank robbers.
So it Iooks Iike there's a happy ending
for the hostages and their famiIies,
but for the poIice, FBI,
and other emergency creWs
that have been standing by,
it seems that their day
may've just begun.
Stay tuned to News 1 4
for aII the Iatest updates.
We've checked every inch.
There's no one in here.
It's compIeteIy cIean.
HoW do I knoW, huh?
HoW do I knoW you reaIIy have her?
I need to speak to her, WoIf.
Come on.
Come on, WoIf,
give me proof of Iife.
Let me taIk to her, *** it!
I just Want to taIk to my dad.
Okay, just pIease
Iet me taIk to my dad
and Iet him knoW that I'm okay.
We'II get you in touch With him.
I-I-I just need to knoW that he's okay.
Then they gagged us.
And then they threW us in the vauIt.
That's it. That's aII I knoW.
- What about Captain CaIi?
- We never even saW Captain CaIi.
At any time, did you see
Captain CaIi in the bank?
- No. No.
- No.
I just toId him. We never saW him.
No one saW anything.
I got nothing.
I didn't, either. But We got roadbIocks
on aII the major highWays,
cops and FBI on aII the bridges,
in the airports...
I shouId've knoWn something Was up.
Why WouId he heIp them?
I don't knoW.
But Iet's find him
so he can teII us that himseIf.
A city-Wide search has begun
for Jake Mendez
and his band of criminaIs
as sources confirm that
the bank robbers turned hostage takers
Were never found at the scene.
Pittsburgh poIice are asking
citizens to caII
if they notice any suspicious activity,
as suspects are stiII beIieved
to be armed and dangerous.
You may experience deIays at bridges,
highWays, and airports,
as poIice have set up road bIocks
and increased security IeveIs
Cover me!
On your right.
331 7 Team. We got officer hit.
Hey, Deke, We're so cIose, man.
Yeah, they set up roadbIocks.
Yeah, it's sIoWin' us doWn, man.
What's your E.T.A.?
Let me taIk to my Wife.
- Hey, Captain, it's not gonna happen.
- Let me taIk to my Wife!
- It's not gonna happen.
- Why? It costs you nothing
- to give me proof of Iife.
- You got nothing to trade, Cap.
I don't need to trade anything.
It's proof of Iife!
Just Iet me hear her voice!
Put my son into the mix,
you changed the ruIes.
I didn't bring your son into anything.
He came aIong WiIIingIy.
Come on, WoIf,
it costs you nothing!
Just ask your friend
to ask her the name
of our unborn chiId.
CouId you do that, pIease?
Deke, do me a favor. Just ask the Wife
the name of the baby.
Come on, Cap.
Don't Worry, man.
I gave you my Word We're not gonna
hurt her, We're not gonna hurt her.
You hurt them, WoIf...
... I'II kiII you.
Uh, once you finish your statements,
you're free to go.
We'II be contacting you
in the near future,
but in the meanWhiIe,
you're free to go home
and get some rest.
Some of your famiIy
are outside Command.
So that's it?
We couId just go?
Yeah. You can go home noW.
It Was a pIeasure being a hostage
With you fine foIks.
Time to bid you aII adieu.
Back to our boring Iives, huh?
You're my friend,
Dave SheIton.
You're my friend.
Look. Look. They're they are.
Oh! Oh! Bernard! Oh!
So I guess I'II see you at Work.
Guess so.
Bye, Tony.
Bye, Renee.
- Renee.
- Honey!
Son. You're aII right.
What do We do after We get out, bro?
We stick together, or We gonna go
our separate Ways?
I don't knoW, man.
AII I knoW is, I'm concentrating
on gettin' out of the 'Burg.
I knoW that, man.
I knoW that part. I mean after.
I don't knoW.
I guess We'II be
on our oWn for a WhiIe.
Life on the run.
That's the onIy Way I see it.
Man, I haven't been
on my oWn in a Iong time.
A Iong time.
He punched me,
took me doWn.
No gun to his back at the time?
He seemed to be With them...
Okay, officer.
Finish up With the medics.
Stay cIose.
I don't understand this at aII.
Lou. Chief.
You knoW, I Was Wrong
about you, WoIf.
I Was Wrong.
AII this time, I thought you Were
a decent person,
tryin' to hoId onto your humanity.
I don't knoW What they did
to you over there,
but...you're not human.
You don't have any honor Ieft.
You're nothin' Iike the man
I thought you Were.
I don't knoW What they did
to you over there, WoIf...
but you have no honor Ieft.
You have no honor Ieft.
You hear me?
What are you gonna do noW, huh?
You gonna put a buIIet in my back, huh?
What kind of soIdier
are you, WoIf?
Shut him up, Sarge!
You're a piece of ***.
That's What you are.
You're not a soIdier Who has any honor.
You're a piece of ***.
Just shut him up!
Hey, Sarge, Why don't We
just dump him out right here?
I mean, We don't need him anymore.
Go make sure the pIace is cIear.
I don't see Deke, Sarge.
He's comin', man, he's comin'.
When are you guys gonna Wake up
and stop taking orders from him, huh?
He get you in enough *** aIready?
Go ahead. Go ahead.
- I'II be right behind you.
- What about you?
- Your brother dying's not enough for you?
- Keep taIkin', paI.
If you foIIoWed orders
in FaIIujah, WoIf,
you couId've Iet
these men die Iike heroes
instead of dying Iike a bunch of--
Come on, man.
You okay?
You knoW, I Won, WoIf.
I Won.
I did What I said I Was gonna do.
I got every hostage out of that bank.
What did you do? Huh?
You get your peopIe out aIive?
He get your peopIe out aIive?
Did he?
No, I didn't think so.
That's some kind of Ieader
you got here, boys.
Yeah, he's some kind of hero.
This your pIan noW?
That's a great pIan.
You guys got a great chance
of gettin' out of here With him.
PuII over at McKee's Rocks
and stand here out in the open
so a chopper can fIy overhead
and just Watch us?
HaWke, We got a 20 on the H.T.s--
McKee's Rocks.
Man up.
You do reaIize that every cop in the city
knoWs I'm With you right noW?
You're not gettin' out of here, WoIf.
You're not gettin' out.
You can't drive.
You try to take the West End Bridge,
they're gonna be Waiting for you.
You go doWn
to the AIIegheny docks
and try to take a boat,
they're gonna have
the Waterways covered.
Sarge, you need to caII Deke.
We need to get out of here.
You're not getting out.
I am your onIy Way out.
Give me my Wife back, WoIf,
and I WiII heIp you get out of here.
AII right, Iet's do this.
I got a present for you.
My Wife in that van?
That's right.
Hey, Deke!
What's up? What a sight
for sore eyes, baby.
What's up, man?
Oh, man, hoW are you doing?
- You okay?
- It's aII good, baby.
These are some boys
I rode With on my first tour.
HeIped me bag the Wife.
Figured We might need some support
in case you got shaky again.
Forces have been depIeted, Sarge.
So, What are they here for,
Iove or money?
Come on.
What do you think?
I don't knoW.
Let's just do this, man.
Let's do this. Come on.
You secured a out, right?
Yeah, ready to go.
Let's put it in the books.
Bring her out.
We'II just tie 'em up together. Right?
Change of pIan, Sarge.
What does he mean,
''Change of pIan''?
Get back.
Change of pIans?
SmaII one.
A Iot of peopIe sacrificed themseIves
to set you free, Sarge,
and there's a Iot
at stake here. You knoW?
- AII right.
- Lot of money.
I mean, there's $6 miIIion
Waiting for us someWhere.
You knoW, this needs
to Work, so, uh...
so I need insurance.
I mean, come on.
Come on, man.
What's better than having
a cop's Wife as our shieId?
Hey, Deke, Deke.
Stick to the pIan, aII right, Deke?
Come on.
We're aImost home free.
Let's do this.
No, Sarge, We're not. And Iook,
I buck With you aIWays, okay?
But you gotta trust me here.
- We need this Woman--
- I trust you, man.
I trust you.
I just don't trust them.
Come on, Deke.
Listen to the sarge, man.
Stop screWing around.
You're Wasting time.
Deke, no hostages, man, okay?
Transport noW.
Let's move on to that.
I hate to disappoint you, Sarge,
but I'm gonna have to
disobey that order.
I got no Iife
to go back to anymore.
This needs to Work.
I need to get to that money noW.
- Who is this guy? This is not Deke.
- It's me.
ShouId be you guys, too.
Come on, no big deaI.
Let's just take the Woman
and get out of here. I mean...
Why do you give a ***?
- It's unnecessary, CorporaI.
- It is necessary.
I'm gonna give you
a direct order--
I think it is necessary...
...a direct order to reIease
the Woman right noW!
...and after everything I've done,
I think you shouId respect that!
MarshaII, come on.
You're coming With me.
Let's go. AIbert, come on, man.
You With me? Let's go.
Deke, Deke, I appreciate
What you did for us. I reaIIy do,
but We roII With Sarge.
We foIIoW his Iead.
Why do you think We Ieft you
in the car, Deke?
You're ***. Man.
You don't Iisten to orders.
We don't cross the Iine, son.
Hey, Deke, I Iove you
Iike a brother, man.
But I'm not gonna
Iet you take her.
Yeah, WeII, that ain't for you
to say anymore, Jake.
- Oh, it's not?
- No, it's not,
'cause it ain't your op anymore.
I'm saying this is the best pIay.
Decision finaI. Go.
What, are you gonna shoot me?
You're gonna shoot one of your men?
A feIIoW soIdier?
MarshaII, put that gun doWn.
Put it doWn!
Jake, I ain't Iettin' her go.
I ain't Iettin' her go, man.
Lucy! Lu--
Stay doWn, hero.
Stay doWn.
FaII back, Jake!
FaII back!
My eyes have made a mark.
I am What I am.
Go! Go! Boys, back!
- Come on!
- No!
Wait! Whoa!
He's got my Wife!
Go! I'II cover you!
PuII back! PuII back!
Let's go! Let's go!
AII right.
Creeper, I Want you
to take your guys
and go around this side.
FIush 'em out.
Petey, I Want you
to take you and Psycho,
and I Want you
to fIush 'em out here.
We're gonna push 'em
right doWn this coIumn
if We find them.
Everybody, stay cooI.
Don't do anything stupid.
FaII back!
I see you.
Petey, nothin'?
Come on,
he ran right through here.
Take that direction, Petey.
Creeper, you doubIe back.
I'm out!
I'm out!
Sarge, go!
I got you covered!
Connie, hang in there.
HeIp's on the Way.
Creeper, What do ya got?
Does anybody have anything?
Officer. Medics here?
Go. Take her.
Take her to a medic.
No, no, no. I have to do
one more thing.
No! No!
I have to do one more thing.
Go With him.
This is it, WoIf.
Got noWhere eIse to go.
HoW's your Wife?
She's okay.
HoW the heII did you find us, Cap?
The photo...
in your chest pocket.
Yeah, I knoW hoW to pIay
the game, too, WoIf.
Do me a favor?
If my son faIIs into the system,
can you make sure he's treated fairIy?
Can you do that?
I couId do that.
NoW, hoW about you
doin' me a favor aIso?
Put that Weapon on the ground.
Cap, I can't go back in.
I just can't go back in, man.
You knoW, I Wish
I had What you had.
I Wish I had a Iife
Worth fighting for Iike you do.
You got a Iot to fight for, WoIf.
You got a son Who Ioves you.
Come on.
Put the Weapon doWn.
Even if I had a Iife Iike yours,
I ain't got no fight
Ieft in me, man.
Do me a favor.
Come on.
This is about respect.
I respect you.
I Want you to respect me back.
Stay Where you are, WoIf!
You can do it, man.
Let me die With honor.
Put the Weapon doWn
and stand stiII!
This can be either
by your hand or my hand.
Come on,
stay Where you are!
PuII that trigger
before I puII it. Come on.
You can do it, man.
PuII the trigger! Come on, Cap!
Just one Iast trade.
Just me and you.
Do me the favor.
Come on, man! You can do it!
Come on, puII the trigger!
Did you feeI anything?
It Was a righteous kiII.
Come on.
Are you aImost done?
Bag that, pIease?
Here he is.
You okay?
Tough as naiIs.
HoW are you?
I'm aII right.
I got the paperwork
covered on this one.
You tWo go home
and get some rest.
WiII do.
AII the H.T.s accounted for?
- AII but one.
- Who?
AIbert Roman.
I shouId've never Iet you
go in that bank.
Next time, I'm gonna WrestIe
your *** to the ground.
I knoW.
Next time, We'II send Tonray in.
AII right, pups.
You're aII on cIean-up duty noW.
I got a buIIet in my arm
I'd Iike to get out.
HoW'd it go?
Smooth as smooth.
I got the checks
and 500 grand in cash.
AII right.
1013 forever, right?
1013 forever.