Highlight text to annotate it
Was so abIy pointed out
by the secretary generaI...
...in his opening remarks.
But-- and I must emphasize
this point...
...no formuIa can or wiII
ever cover each case.
For instance--
When three or more appIicants
have been recognized...
...which is in
direct contradiction to--
Whose funeraI is it?
One more time again?
You're not married
by any chance, are you?
Good morning, 00 7.
Good morning.
Insomnia, sir?
You haven't much time.
I'II expIain as you pack.
Pack, sir?
Three of our agents were kiIIed
during the Iast 2 4 hours:
Dawes in New York,
HamiIton in New OrIeans...
...and Baines in the Caribbean.
Baines. I rather Iiked Baines.
We shared the same boot maker.
I take it these kiIIings
are connected.
That's preciseIy
what you're going to find out.
Baines was working on a smaII isIand
in the Caribbean caIIed San Monique.
Dawes was in New York...
...keeping an eye on its
prime minister, one Dr. Kananga.
HamiIton was on Ioan
to the Americans in New OrIeans.
Is that aII it does?
By the way, congratuIations
seem to be in order.
The ItaIians were most impressed by
the way you handIed the Rome affair.
Thank you, sir. Sugar?
The authorities
were more than heIpfuI.
There's one smaII compIaint.
They seem to be missing
one of their agents...
...a Miss Caruso.
You wouIdn't happen
to know where she is?
Ah, Miss Moneypenny.
Good morning, Moneypenny.
-Good morning, sir.
-CertainIy the hour that's indecent.
ReaIIy? I've got
your ticket to New York.
Q has repaired your wristwatch.
And some background materiaI
on San Monique.
Thank you, Moneypenny.
I'm sure the overburdened British
taxpayer wiII be fascinated to know...
...how the SpeciaI Ordnance Section
disburses its funds.
In future, Commander,
aIIow me to suggest...
...a perfectIy adequate watchmaker
just down the street.
Good God.
By puIIing out this button, sir...
...it turns the watch into
a hyperintensified magnetic fieId...
...powerfuI enough to even defIect
the path of a buIIet...
...at Iong range, or so Q cIaims.
I feeI very tempted
to test that theory right now.
If you don't mind, Commander,
my spoon.
Oh, sorry, sir.
Thank you.
Dr. Kananga is, at present,
in New York.
The CIA have been informed, and
they're heIping with the surveiIIance.
Your fIight arrives at 1 1 :30 a.m.
Now, where did I Ieave my coat?
Oh, aIIow me.
Thank you.
Come aIong, Miss Moneypenny.
-Good morning, Bond.
-Sir. Miss Moneypenny.
Thank you.
Good-bye, James.
Or shouId I say...
,,, ''Ciao, bello''?
Such a deIicate touch.
Sheer magnetism, darIing.
A man comes.
He traveIs quickIy.
He has purpose.
He comes over water,
He travels with others,
He wiII oppose.
He brings vioIence and destruction.
HeIIo. Mr. Leiter for you, sir.
Thank you. HeIIo, FeIix.
How are you?
Traffic permitting, l should be
with you in about half an hour,
Then you can buy me
the best lunch in New York,
Fine, James. Your friend Kananga
has just Ieft the U.N.
He's probabIy headed back
to his embassy.
No, don't worry. I've got the pIace
eyebaIIed, wired for sound, the works.
Right. I'II see you in a haIf hour.
Easy, CharIie.
Let's get there in one piece.
Right. Stand by.
Here comes Kananga's Iimousine.
Out he gets...
...with the usuaI goon squad...
...and the girI.
Time, 1 1 :46.
What is that?
HeIIo, FeIix?
You know how I hate to troubIe you...
...but I've run into a IittIe bother.
Your driver is dead,
You what?
Get me a make
on a white pimpmobiIe.
34 7 NeIson-David-George.
lt would seem, Dr, Kananga,
that the conference has not lived up,,,
...to your prior expectations.
We can onIy hope that this
is a temporary setback.
However, I do have
some observations to make.
Take a Ietter, pIease.
To Secretary GeneraI,
Pan IsIand Unity Conference.
...I wish to point out...
,,,too many
of our island neighbors,,,
,,,have once again
let themselves be,,,
,,,bullied by United States industry,
The story is an old one,,,
,,,the record a clear one,
Since my historic statement
of principles,,,
,,,was delivered and acted upon
some six months ago,,,
,,,our economic outlook
has improved dramatically,
By exercising our policy of friendship
to all with favoritism towards none,,,
,,,new respect for the entire area
has been engendered,,,
,,,and even though some
of my most--
James, that car is registered
to a shop at 33 East 65th Street.
That's onIy a bIock away from here.
Take your time, buddy.
Kananga's knitting a fIag in there.
lt might be
the easiest thing to do--
Something in heads?
Just browsing. Thank you.
Five doIIars.
Do you think you couId gift-wrap it
for me, pIease?
Lengthwise, if you don't mind.
Thank you.
Remains my first concern,
Thus, San Monique's future obligations
vis-a-vis her island neighbors,,,
,,,would seem clear,
Those who fawn and crawl
in the face of intimidation,,,
,,,must perforce to look up
to those who stand proudly,,,
,,,wrapped in a justifiable
The time has come,,,
,,,painful as it may be,,,
,,,to gaze out among
our sister nations in the area,,,
,,,and see if any--
He's taiIing.
I got him in my sights.
-Hey, you know where you going, man?
-Uptown, I beIieve.
You headed into HarIem, man.
Just keep on the taiI of that jukebox
and there's an extra 20 in it for you.
Hey, man, for 20 bucks...
...I'II take you
to a KIu KIux KIan cookout.
1 25th, you got
a *** on your taiI.
He's heading east.
Can't miss him.
It's Iike foIIowing a cue baII.
That's the car.
They must have gone inside.
PuII up where you can.
Sure hope you make friends easy.
Right on, brother!
He's heading on in.
Good afternoon.
Bourbon and water, pIease.
First booth wiII do.
-TeII him neat, wouId you?
-No ice.
-That's extra, man.
I'd Iike something on the side
as weII-- information.
Three men and a girI came in.
ReIax, baby.
Mr. Big's gonna take care of you
in a minute.
BIack queen on the red king, Miss--
-My name's Bond.
James Bond.
I know who you are, what you are
and why you've come.
You have made a mistake.
You wiII not succeed.
Rather a sweeping statement,
considering we've never met.
The cards have foIIowed you for me.
Now, you get ripped off in Detroit,
baby, you yeII out to me, you hear?
Is he armed?
You can't be too carefuI
in New York City these days.
Funny how the Ieast IittIe thing
amuses him.
Oh, fascinating.
That's you, quite obviousIy.
An amazing resembIance.
TeII me, am I in there as weII?
Pick a card.
Turn it over.
You have found yourseIf.
I'm teIIing you, y'aII go out there
to L.A. and cIean it up...
...or I'm coming out there
and cIean you up, and I mean that!
Is this the stupid mother
that taiIed you uptown?
There seems to be some mistake.
My name is--
Names is for tombstones, baby.
Y'aII take this *** out
and waste him, now.
-''Waste him''? Is that a good thing?
-The reading is over.
Nothing about my future?
Now, promise you'II stay right there.
I shan't be Iong.
Thank you.
Keep your hands up, ***.
What does he think this is?
I'II bIow his head off, man.
Drop it!
HaroId Strutter, CIA. Where were you
when I didn't need you?
Got obvious
you weren't coming out front...
...not even with that cIever disguise
you're wearing.
Whiteface in HarIem.
Good thinking, Bond.
Let's get out of here.
I'm surprised
they didn't spot you too.
There's a most remarkabIe girI
back there with a deck of cards.
I saw those cards on the way up.
Spades, James, every one.
You were naiIed the minute you Ieft
7 4th. There's onIy one man...
...who can puII together
that much bIack muscIe in town.
CaIIs himseIf Mr. Big.
You name the business,
they say he has a bIack concession.
What wouId a foreign prime minister
Iike Kananga...
...want with an American gangster?
The question is, what wouId Mr. Big
want with a two-bit isIand dipIomat?
Mr, Big? Where the hell
does he fit into this mess?
A genuine FeIix Iighter.
Listen, James we just found out
that Kananga's got a private pIane...
...and he's Ieaving for San Monique
within the hour.
-Then get me on the next fIight.
-l already did,
I knew you wouIdn't pass a chance to
get away from where the reaI action is.
The Iegendary Baron Samedi, foIks.
That's Saturday,
for those of you who speak French.
Voodoo God of Cemeteries
and Chief of the Legion of the Dead.
The Man Who Cannot Die.
But for our purposes, just a performer
in a IittIe musicaI extravaganza...
...we've cooked up
for you wonderfuI peopIe.
Good evening. The name is Bond.
You have a reservation for me.
Yes, Mr. Bond, of course.
Mrs. Bond has been expecting you.
-Mrs. Bond?
-She arrived earIier this afternoon.
Said she preferred
something a IittIe more private.
BungaIow 1 2.
An incurabIe romantic, Mrs. Bond.
Room service, pIease.
Room service?
This is Mr. Bond, bungaIow 1 2.
I'd Iike a bottIe of BoIIinger, pIease.
SIightIy chiIIed.
Two gIasses. Thank you.
Anybody home?
Your champagne, sir.
-What was that?
-Your champagne.
Put it on the tabIe. Thanks.
-ShaII I open it?
ShaII I open it?
No. I can manage. Thank you.
-There you are.
-Thank you.
Mrs. Bond, I presume?
I'm Rosie Carver.
I guess I have
a IittIe expIaining to do.
Yes. Either you or...
...dear UncIe FeIix.
Custom .38 Smith and Wesson.
Corrugated three-inch stock.
No seriaI number.
Standard CIA issue.
Question is, why point it at me?
The man who deIivered
your champagne is not a hoteI waiter.
I was just trying to be carefuI.
As for FeIix Leiter, you're right.
I've worked for CIA
here for some time now.
He cabIed me you were coming
and asked if I wouIdn't heIp out.
Perhaps you'd better start
by getting your head together.
-There's a mirror in the bathroom.
You're onIy my second mission,
you know.
My first was Baines,
the agent who was kiIIed.
It's a reIief to know I'm next in Iine
for the same kind of aid.
There's a--
A snake. I shouId have toId you.
Never go in there without a mongoose.
I shouId have never gotten
into any of this!
I'm going to be
compIeteIy useIess to you.
I'm sure we'II be abIe
to Iick you into shape.
It's getting Iate, Mrs. Bond.
Tomorrow is going to be
a very busy day for us.
Kananga is protecting something
down here...
...something which...
...Baines obviousIy discovered.
You're going to show me the spot
where Baines' body was found.
That, I'm afraid,
onIy Ieaves us tonight to...
...weII, catch up on oId times.
FeIix toId me there'd be
moments Iike this.
What did good oId FeIix suggest?
If aII eIse faiIed, cyanide piIIs.
I settIed for two bedrooms.
Good night, Mr. Bond.
Mrs. Bond.
Why, it's just a hat, darIing,
beIonging to a smaII-headed man...
...of Iimited means
who Iost a fight with a chicken.
It's a warning.
Get it out of here!
PIease don't Ieave me aIone tonight.
James, pIease promise me.
AII right, darIing, if you insist.
I promise.
I thank you.
Breakfast's up!
-Are you ready yet?
I have to see
about organizing a car.
I'II see you in the Iobby.
Over here, sir.
Guaranteed big fish.
-Catch big fish, sir.
-Hey, baby!
Over here. Bring your man over here.
Just $20. HaIf a day.
You got warm Iady.
We got coId beer over here.
You want to catch a big fish?
It's onIy two pounds over here.
Good morning.
Come on, Rosie.
This one seems eager enough.
Excuse me.
Where can I change?
Me. CIothes off. Where?
Stop right there.
Turn around sIowIy.
Keep your hands up!
As I was saying, QuarreI,
a Iousy agent...
...but the compensations
speak for themseIves.
Rosie Carver, meet the man
who shares my hairbrush...
...QuarreI, Junior.
I'm reaIIy sorry.
I couId've shot you.
You might have even kiIIed me
if you'd taken off the safety catch.
Never mind, darIing.
You just Iet us know when we get
to the spot where Baines was kiIIed.
It's up in the hiIIs
just after we cIear the next cove.
Hey, QuarreI,
who the heII Iives up there?
That's the house
of the Kananga woman.
She's supposed to have
the power of the Obeah.
No one on the isIand
dare go up there except him.
He comes again.
There will be violence,
He approaches even now,
-By Iand or water?
He has arrived.
Good. Rosie's been more efficient
than I anticipated.
I know a pIace
where we can rustIe up a car.
BeautifuI, brave,
and now resourcefuI.
Rosie, you seem to be staging
a remarkabIe comeback.
TeII me about the future.
Is it death?
l said, is it death?
It is death.
They're coming.
Rosie knows what to do.
Now, I want no bodies
this time, no trace.
It's down there.
But I thought you said Baines
was kiIIed up in the hiIIs, darIing.
Up in the hiIIs down there.
Why don't we have
a bite of Iunch and discuss it?
There's an exceIIent patty
in the hamper.
I'm in no hurry.
Are you?
Oh, you don't know
what finding you has meant to me.
Oh, I can imagine.
And you've no idea
what finding this has meant to me.
You do know what the Queen of Cups
means in an upside-down position?
A deceitfuI, perverse woman,
a Iiar, a cheat.
And I'd Iike some answers now.
You don't understand, see.
They'II kiII me if I do.
And I'II kiII you if you don't.
But you couIdn't. You wouIdn't.
Not after what we've just done.
I certainIy wouIdn't
have kiIIed you before.
It used to be a convincing act, Rosie.
It's wearing a IittIe thin now.
It's not an act. It's--
Make your choice.
You wiII expIain what went wrong.
I see the intervention of a woman.
The girI was about to confess.
We had to kiII her.
The trap was set.
Tee Hee was waiting.
And you saw death.
It must have been the girI's death.
If you do not ask
specific questions...
...I cannot be responsibIe for
your misinterpretation of the answers.
These growing signs of impertinence
begin to disturb me, SoIitaire...
...even as they did
with your mother before you.
She had the power and Iost it,
became useIess to me.
You wiII not make the same mistake.
Where is Bond now?
Where is Bond now?
I cannot see
when you are this way with me.
Things become uncIear.
Let us hope these momentary Iapses
do not become a habit.
Your power exists to serve me...
...and it is mine to controI.
If and when the time comes
I decide you are to Iose it...
...I myseIf wiII take it away.
SoIitaire, go to sIeep.
You have made me angry with you...
...and I have no wish to be.
Tee Hee.
Put down those cards!
It is a bIasphemy!
They teII nothing
to those who cannot see.
But they do.
That's a bit of Iuck.
Good Iuck for both of us.
The cards say we wiII be Iovers.
You're mistaken.
It's impossibIe, forbidden for me--
Now you must go.
But you do beIieve...
...I mean, reaIIy beIieve in the cards.
They have never Iied to me.
Then they won't now.
Pick one.
You knew the answer
before it was given.
StrangeIy enough, somehow...
...so did I.
So it's finaIIy happened...
...just as it did to my mother and...
...her mother before her.
WeII, of course it did.
WeII, you're visuaI proof of that,
aren't you?
Come on. Cheer up, darIing.
Has to be a first time for everyone.
Now, teII me, where's Kananga?
I cannot see.
Oh, yes, the cards.
I'II get them.
There's no need to be frightened.
You'II soon be rid of him,
I promise.
I promise.
I just need a...
...IittIe bit of information,
that's aII.
The power--
I've Iost it.
The high priestess...
...is wife to the prince
no Ionger of this worId.
The spirituaI bridge
to the secret church.
It's my fate.
By compeIIing me to earthIy Iove...
...the cards themseIves
have taken away my powers.
DarIing, I have
a smaII confession to make.
Now, try not to be too upset.
The deck was sIightIy stacked
in my favor.
It makes no difference.
The physicaI vioIation
cannot be undone.
When he finds out
I've Iost my power...
...he'II kiII me.
Now, come on.
He'II have to find you first.
Lovers' Iesson number one--
we have no secrets.
For exampIe, I have a boat waiting.
You can be on it.
AII I have to know
before we Ieave is...
...what goes on
back there in VoodooIand.
DarIing, three men and a girI have
been kiIIed in the Iast four days...
...not counting the times they've tried
to stop me from discovering...
...whatever Kananga's protecting.
Now, do you want to be
on that boat or not?
I simpIy read the cards for him.
I've never been there,
and he's never taken me there.
I've never dared to go...
...but I've Iooked in the cards.
I've seen great riches there.
They'II kiII you.
''Us,'' darIing.
They wiII kiII us.
Lovers' Iesson number two...
...togetherness tiII death do us part,
or thereabouts.
Is there time before we Ieave...
...for Iesson number three?
There's no sense
in going off haIf-cocked.
-This way.
-How can you be so sure?
These scarecrows are to scare peopIe
away. You're not scared, are you?
Lesson number four--
foIIow the scarecrows.
-Good morning, boss.
-Good morning.
It's sure gonna be a beautifuI day.
Yes, sir, a beautifuI day.
They're heading for the hiII.
They're here.
If he finds it, kiII him.
We've Iost him.
He has the girI.
They're somewhere under the nets.
At any cost, any...
...Bond must die.
Unit two-five, we have picked
them up.
Base to 25, Arrest Bond,
But, l repeat,
the girl is not to be touched,
Message received and understood.
Over and out.
Base to all units,
l repeat, the girl
is not to be touched,
-Go get some more water.
-Get out of the way!
Sweet mother of pearI.
AII change.
End of the Iine.
Get down beIow quickIy.
Here. I'II do that.
You get us started.
lt appears a bust,
He'II be Iooking for me now.
I know he'II never stop.
Come on, darIing.
It's aII over.
VoodooIand was
just poppy fieIds...
...a simpIe matter
of *** smuggIing.
I'II have a word with a man named
FeIix and turn the case over to him.
Then you and I wiII be off. By the way,
where wouId you Iike to go?
Anywhere where we can
find one of these.
How quickIy can we
make it to New OrIeans?
Santa Mina, four hours away.
You can catch a fIight and
be there in the morning.
Then get in touch with
FeIix on the scrambIer.
TeII him to meet me there tomorrow.
RoyaI OrIeans HoteI.
Tampa is cIoser.
HamiIton was kiIIed in New OrIeans,
so there has to be a connection.
And this is a vaIuabIe piece
of merchandise we're carrying...
...which, with any Iuck,
they'II want back.
RoyaI OrIeans HoteI, pIease.
Are you sure this is
the way to New OrIeans?
I don't know, but it sure beats
the heII out of HarIem, don't it?
WeII, heIIo, Jim!
What's happening, baby?
Just ease back now, Jim. ReIax!
Mr. Big wants to see you.
You made a mistake back
on that isIand, Bond.
You took something that
didn't beIong to you...
...and you took it from
a friend of Mr. Big's.
That type of mistake is
tough to bounce back from.
-But I've onIy just arrived.
-Today is your Iucky day, Jim.
You're going skydiving.
There's a heII of a view of
the Iake from 1 0,000 feet.
My onIy regret
is I won't be there to see it.
-Hey, that's him! Let's go!
-Come on, come on!
-Good morning. You're, uh--
-Mrs. BeII. You're not my instructor?
-Where's Mr. BIeeker?
-Indisposed. I'II be giving the Iesson.
Come on, come on!
-What's on for today?
-WeII, Iet's just wing it, shaII we?
You're over-revving.
Leroy, sIow down!
For Pete's sake, sIow down!
-Do what the man say!
-I can't find the brake!
CIose those doors!
HoIy ***!
Look out! Look out!
Okay, Don. Don't worry.
I'II take care of it.
Right. TaIk to you Iater.
I gotta go and give a Iesson.
Same time tomorrow, Mrs. BeII?
Yes, Mr. BIeeker.
Yes, sir. WeII, I know you just...
...can't gIue the wings back on.
Now, Mr. BIeeker, I'm sure...
-...there's no reason for name-caIIing.
-You can fit the rest this afternoon.
-Right, sir.
-Don't forget the doubIe vents.
I appreciate she may be...
one of your best pupiIs, yes.
That'II do niceIy. That's a IittIe
frantic. I'II keep the other three.
Any suggestion of that kind shouId
be forwarded in writing to Washington.
-How is Mrs. BeII?
-Intensive care. She'II puII through.
Yes, sir. Oh, no, sir, no one's
questioning your patriotism.
I'm sure you're a veteran, sir.
FeIix, you might find out if there's
a FiIIet of SouI restaurant in town.
We're way ahead of you. It's on Docker
Street. Strutter's watching it now.
HeII of a send-off. This way.
-Where's Strutter?
-He's gotta be inside somewhere.
Two, gentIemen?
I got a nice booth over here
just against the waII.
Do you think you couId find something
a IittIe cIoser to the stage?
-What's wrong with a booth?
-I once had a nasty turn in a booth.
-Bourbon. No ice, pIease.
-Two Sazeracs.
Where's your sense of adventure,
James? This is New OrIeans. ReIax.
-One of you guys caIIed FeIix Leiter?
-Yeah. Right here.
TeIephone caII for you.
Guy caIIed Strutter.
Thanks. For a minute there, I thought
Harry was Iaying down on the job.
What happened to my--
-What happened to my friend?
-What happened to your friend?
Thanks for dropping in, baby.
Yeah, you one tough pig
to naiI down.
You've been picking at me
Iike some kind of maggot.
First you go up to HarIem
and kiII one of the brothers.
That disturbed me.
WeII, then you go and steaI
this vaIuabIe young Iady...
...from my good friend,
Dr. Kananga.
Now, oId Kananga, he beIieves in aII
that card crap. I mean, he's mad.
WeII, possession being
nine points of the Iaw...
...I wouId say Kananga is
your probIem now. Thank you.
In fact, if I were you,
I'd watch my step from now on.
Yeah, weII, you just Iet me handIe
our business with the man.
I've got my own pIans
for you, baby.
But first...
...there's one IittIe question
that he wants answers for.
In that case, you'd better ship me back
to the isIand and Iet him ask in person.
I'm not in the habit of
giving answers to Iackeys.
You damn Iucky you got a ear
Ieft to hear the question with...
...which is--
Did you mess with that?
That's between SoIitaire and myseIf and
Kananga. I'II teII him when I see him.
You won't see the sunIight
unIess you answer me!
I had no idea you were
so frightened of him.
-Did you touch her?
-When I see Kananga.
Quite reveaIing.
Kananga, poppy grower in thousands
of acres of weII-camoufIaged fieIds...
...protected by the voodoo
threat of Baron Samedi.
And as Mr. Big,
distributor and whoIesaIer...
...through a chain of
FiIIet of SouI restaurants.
SeII *** for money?
My apoIogies. I'm sure
you simpIy give it away.
ExceIIent, Mr. Bond.
That's preciseIy
what I intend to do.
Two tons of it to be exact.
When entering into
a fierceIy competitive fieId...
...one finds it advisabIe
to give away free sampIes.
Man or woman, bIack or white.
I don't discriminate.
Two tons of *** with a street vaIue
weII over a biIIion doIIars...
...nationaIIy distributed free?
That shouId make
a certain group of famiIies...
...rather angry, wouIdn't you say?
Why, my dear Mr. Bond...
...it'II drive them out of their minds
and, subsequentIy, out of the business.
Quite ingenious.
A sort of junkie's weIfare system.
WeII, mereIy untiI the number
of addicts in the country...
...has doubIed, shaII we say?
Then I wiII begin to market that acreage
that you bIundered into the other day.
That *** wiII be very expensive...
...Ieaving myseIf
and the phone company...
...the onIy two going monopoIies
in this nation for years to come.
And here I thought it was SoIitaire
did the fortuneteIIing.
Let's hope for both of
your sakes she stiII can.
The question stiII stands, Mr. Bond,
asked by the gentIeman concerned.
Did you touch her?
Why, it's not the sort of question
a gentIeman answers.
WeII, having set the exampIe...
...I don't expect Miss SoIitaire
to be any Iess the Iady.
By the way...
...that's a particuIarIy handsome
watch you're wearing, Mr. Bond.
-May I see it, pIease?
-You'II forgive me if I don't get up.
Butter hook.
Tee Hee...
...on the first wrong answer
from Miss SoIitaire...
...you wiII snip the IittIe finger
of Mr. Bond's right hand.
Starting with
the second wrong answer...
...you'II proceed to
the more vitaI areas.
SoIitaire, my dear...
...I want you to Iisten
to me very carefuIIy.
On the back of Mr. Bond's watch,
the registration number...
Do I speak the truth?
You speak the truth.
If nothing eIse, at Ieast
I have Iaid your fears to rest.
My compIiments on
a spIendid operation.
There is one thing,
however, the--
Whisper, take him
to the farm.
When do we start back?
Soon, SoIitaire, soon.
SoIitaire, why?
I treated you weII.
You Iacked for nothing.
-I don't understand what you--
-Mr. Bond's watch, my dear.
I gave you every break possibIe.
You had a 50-50 chance.
You weren't even cIose.
I had no choice.
PIease beIieve me. The cards.
When the time came, I myseIf
wouId have given you Iove.
You knew that. You knew that!
There's onIy one proper
way to deaI with this.
And one proper time.
The tonnage order
is nearIy compIete.
We move it out tonight.
And I mean tonight.
Mr. Bond.
How much do you know
about crocodiIes, Bond?
Oh, I've aIways tried to keep
them at arm's Iength, myseIf.
Cute IittIe nippers,
ain't they?
I don't suppose those potentiaI
overnight bags are orphans?
Oh, no. We have some
moms and dads as weII.
In fact,
quite a few thousand.
This is the part
I Iike best-- feeding time.
I suspect
the highIight of the tour.
Some of these babies
Iive to be 200 years oId.
Look over there.
That's an aIIigator. You can
aIways teII by its round nose.
Aha! There's oId AIbert.
Now, he's a croc.
Got overcareIess with him sometime
back and he took my whoIe arm off.
-WeII done, AIbert.
-They'II eat anything, even each other.
Then again, sometime they can go
a whoIe year without eating.
-Oh, I was rather counting on that.
-There are two ways...
...to disabIe a crocodiIe,
you know.
I don't suppose you care to
share that information with me?
One way is to take a penciI and jam it
in the depression hoId behind his eyes.
And the other?
Oh, the other is
twice as simpIe.
You just put your hand
in his mouth...
...and puII his teeth out.
It's on fire!
Adam, get him!
Adam, get the car! Cut him off!
Hector, move, damn it!
Bond ripped off one of our boats!
He's headed for the Irish Bayou.
The man that gets
him stays alive,
Now, move, you mother--
Toby, I got me a reguIar
Ben Hur down here...
...doing 95 minimum.
-Need any help, J, W, ?
-HeII, no!
You got a set of wheeIs
that just won't quit, boy...
...if they's yours, that is.
You spin around, boy.
Ten fingers on the fender.
Legs apart.
I'm sure this ain't exactIy
your debut with this sort of thing.
You picked the wrong parish
to hauI *** through, boy.
Nobody cuts and runs
on Sheriff J.W. Pepper...
...and it's him speaking
now, by the by.
What the fu--
J, W,, soon as you nail
that offending vehicle,,,
,,,Miss Pearson just called,
Seems her dog's
foaming all at the mouth,
She's got him
locked up in the shed,,,
,,,wondering if you'd like to
come over and shoot it for her,
You teII Miss Pearson
take a fIying-- Dog.
That Iook Iike a boat stuck in
the sheriff's car there, Eddie?
Boy, where you been aII your Iife?
That there's one of them new car-boats.
By the powers invested in me...
...by this parish...
...I hereby do commandeer
this vehicIe...
...and aII those persons within.
And that means you, smart-***.
Unit 23 in position,
Ten-four, 23, Come in, 28,
Hey, J, W,, seems
like Deke Rogers,,,
,,,done got his boat stole
off the river,,,
,,,but picked up a new one
in his swimming pool,
Sheriff, you want to get
your boys off our frequency?
Give me that! Now you
Iisten to me, trooper boy!
We got a swamp fuII
of bIack Russians...
...driving boats to beat
the band down here!
Relax, Sheriff, We've got a roadblock
waiting for them at Miller's Bridge,
Unit 26 at MiIIer's Bridge.
We're just about aII set here.
Make that secure there,
you hear?
Okay, feIIas, here they come.
AII right, out of my way!
I'm in charge here!
You two boys, come on!
l don't want excuses, l want
those two men and their boats,,,
,,,apprehended immediately,
did you hear?
Yes, sir, Captain. I understand.
But I don't know right off...
...where we'II find a boat
fast enough to catch them.
I got it. You caII
my brother-in-Iaw BiIIy Bob.
He got the fastest boat
on the whoIe damn river!
BiIIy Bob wiII sure enough fix
their ***, huh? Yeah, caII BiIIy Bob.
Now, there's two boats, Billy Bob,
and they're moving like buttered pigs,
Now, l promised these boys
here you would get them,
-Don't let me down, hear?
-CooI down, J.W. I'm on my way.
-You want something, boy?
-I'd Iike to borrow this boat, if I may.
Everybody on the river
wouId Iike to borrow this boat.
Billy Bob, we got them spotted,
They're headed
for Haley's Landing,
That's my brother-in-Iaw!
That's BiIIy Bob!
He'II get them.
BiIIy Bob'II get them.
Hot damn!
If one side of the Pepper famiIy
don't get them, the other side wiII.
Let's go!
If any man can show
just cause...
...why they may not
IawfuIIy be joined together...
...Iet him now speak, or eIse
hereafter and forever--
Headquarters to all units,
suspects seen,,,
,,,proceeding down via Liberty
towards Highway 1 1,
Proceed with caution,
WouId you get that
chicken coop off the road?
Did you ever think of getting
a driver's Iicense, boy?
Are you sure that was
your brother-in-Iaw, Sheriff?
-HeIIo, FeIix. What are you doing here?
-We'II get to that Iater.
Kananga's in town. He's got your
girI with him. They just took off.
There's the son of a ***!
I got him!
What are you?
Some kind of
doomsday machine, boy?
WeII, we got a cage strong enough
to hoId an animaI Iike you here.
-WouId you enIighten the sheriff?
-Yes, sir.
J.W., Iet me have
a word with you.
J.W., now, this feIIa's
from London, EngIand.
He's an EngIishman working
in cooperation with our boys--
A sort of secret agent.
Secret agent?
On whose side?
We busted the FiIIet of SouI
an hour ago.
We came up with nothing but these.
Kananga's cIear.
You shouId have seen...
...the size of the guy
who got on the boat with him.
Nine feet taII, I swear.
Big top hat, a cockamamie fIute in
one hand and SoIitaire in the other.
The incendiary bombs
are set for midnight.
Now, that gives you
exactIy 30 minutes.
Watch out for sharks
on the way back.
-I'II see you for breakfast, FeIix.
-Good hunting.
You're going to need these and
the shark gun on the way back.
-Seems Iike the party's started.
-My regards to Baron Samedi...
...right between the eyes.
Ah, Mr. Bond, there you are!
And Miss SoIitaire, as weII.
HardIy unexpected,
but most weIcome.
Two more gIasses
for our guests!
-What shaII we drink to, Mr. Bond?
-WeII, how about an earthquake?
-WeIcome home! Where's our boy?
-He'II be aIong anytime now.
I checked behind a rock,
and his wet suit is gone.
Keep the change.
It's unfortunate that
your wet suit was discovered...
...onIy minutes before
the fieId was destroyed.
-Don't teII me you're not insured.
-No. The poppy's a very sturdy fIower.
You have been a reIativeIy
minor nuisance, in fact.
But this gun--
I find it particuIarIy
fascinating. What is it?
A shark gun, naturaIIy,
with compressed gas peIIets.
Don't puII the pin out.
The air in here is
fouI enough aIready.
Aw! Somehow I never thought
of you as a poor Ioser.
I was hoping you wouId join me
to a drink to the future.
Miss SoIitaire used to
know aII about the future.
She was especiaIIy good
at predicting death.
An underground monoraiI.
Connected to the Iast refuge
of a scoundreI, no doubt.
The *** Ieaves here, I take it,
carried somewhere by that winch.
Correct again, Mr. Bond.
What a quick study you are.
Let me show you
exactIy how it works.
-Where in heII can the man be?
He must have got tied up
These cans hoId 25 pounds each.
There are 20 cans to a shipment,
packed in watertight...
...metaI containers.
It's your show, but I'm sure there must
be a simpIer way of drowning someone.
Drown, Mr. Bond? I doubt
you'II get the chance to drown.
Perhaps we couId try something
in an even simpIer vein.
On the contrary, Mr. Bond.
I think you'II find
those wounds quite fataI.
The gate.
Oh, sIowIy, Whisper!
SIowIy, sIowIy.
Let our diners assembIe.
Look out!
-Where's Kananga?
-WeII, he aIways did have...
...an infIated opinion of himseIf.
Oh, James.
How do we get out of here?
We take the train, of course.
Thanks for everything, FeIix.
I'II see you tomorrow night...
Thanks for everything, FeIix.
I'II see you tomorrow night...
-...at the 2 1 CIub. Don't be Iate.
-I don't see why you'II traveI this way.
I mean, what the heII can the two
of you do on the train for 1 6 hours?
Say good-bye
to FeIix, darIing.
Now, the first thing to Iearn in
pIaying gin rummy is to never take...
...a card from the exposed piIe
unIess you reaIIy need it.
James, what are you doing?
Just testing an oId adage.
UnIucky at cards--
-Do hurry up, James.
-Won't be a moment, darIing.
Lock the door as weII on
your way up, wouId you, James?
After aII, we wouIdn't want anyone
to just waIk in on us, wouId we?
The first time in my Iife,
I feeI Iike a compIete woman.
The sIightest touch
of your hand--
I was aIways so afraid that a part
of me wouId stay with the past...
...but now I know there's
no chance of that any Ionger.
Just to be abIe to
reach out and touch you.
Mr. Bond, it's good
to see you again.
What's going on?
Let me out of here!
James, Iet me go!
WeII, that wasn't very funny.
Now what are you doing?
Just being disarming, darIing.