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It's very easy to find it in
the map.
A IittIe ahead from DeIhi and
a IittIe back from Ohandigarh.
Oome on, Ieave it.
''Wish'' can be inside your
heart too.
Just Iike sometimes a story
can be true.
Some truths Iies onIy in
some stories.
And some stories are
itseIf true.
One such story starts in the house
No. 3 of that street.
Where Professor Arun Iives with
his wife Riya and son AIaddin.
You heard it right.
Arun named his son AIaddin because
he beIieves that the story
of AIaddin was true.
He says,
we can do good to peopIe if
we find the Iamp of AIaddin.
And today, Arun is going in
the search of that Iamp.
Arun! It's getting Iate and
yet you are...
Bye Papa.
- Bye grandpa!
Arun is young, it won't be
safe to take him to the hiIIs.
Dear Father! What's the use
of naming him as AIaddin?
The sooner he gets used to
the adventures, the better.
Arun! WiII you unfoId the suspense
WiII you teII us why we've
come this far?
So my Wife! AII of Professor Nazim's
and mine caIcuIations say
that the Iamp is somewhere here.
Suppose you find that Iamp.
And there's a Genie too.
What wiII you ask for very first.
You, me and AIaddin wiII
stay happy
and Iive together forever.
AIaddin! AIaddin!
Where is your Genie?
I'm not the AIaddin from
the story.
I can not caII the Genie.
But your name is AIaddin.
Oome on rub it now.
O Dear AIaddin!
Your Genie didn't come.
You broke the Iamp.
You may go onIy after
you caII the Genie.
Bring another Iamp.
I don't want to rub
any Iamp.
Arun! Stop.
AII my stuff.
I know where we can find
AaIoo (AIaddin)
Did you say something about
Marjina's cooking?
Yes, she cooks awfuI.
Worst Oook,
she can't even boiI an egg.
You shouIdn't have said that.
- Why?
Take your egg with yourseIf.
That's why I said.
Qassim I don't want to rub the Iamp.
- You're AIaddin yet you hate the Iamp.
Bring a Iamp for AIaddin.
Bring it.
What kind of man you are? You eat food
inside and get beating from Qassim outside.
It's better to get beaten than
to eat this food.
Is it done or not?
Yes it is.
- Let me see.
Amazing, finaIIy the tea.
T for torture.
- Don't change the topic.
Why do you Iet Qassim buIIy you?
Why don't you fight for yourseIf?
Why? What's the use of
fighting for yourseIf?
It's not that I have to fight
for the worId
Had you have to fight for the
worId, wiII you run away from it?
One has to be prepared for
anything in Iife
- Why
- Why! Because Iife is Iike a restaurant
where everybody gets a tabIe
but not the menu
and nobody knows what kind of food
is written in their fate
Like the Tea POG
Laugh it off when Qassim wiII
make you rub the Iamp
- He is a rascaI
- Let's taIk about the comet
which couId be our Iife's amazing event
According to scientists it's one
of the comet which wiII pass over
our worId after 1 miIIion years
And now Iet's taIk to the professor
Mr. Abu Nassir
Professor is this possibIe that a
comet returns after a miIIion years
- Is this possibIe
- It seems impossibIe
but in past few days a Iot of
research has been conducted on this
and so are some experiments
And everything teIIs that this comet
is returning after a miIIion years
for sure
Professor as we don't know much
about this comet, so pIease
teII us if it can harm us in anyway?
Is it dangerous?
How can a comet be dangerous?
And ring masters never Iet his
friends get in troubIe
You are stiII my friend,
aren't you?
Oh yes!
You had to go somewhere, right?
Friends, Iet me introduce you
to my new cIass mates...
Jasmine has come from America
through a students exchange program
And it's my humbIe request to aII you
peopIe that pIease
make a good impression of yourseIf
on her
And Jasmine, don't give out your
phone number to anyone
Today is our coIIeagues birthday
Sorry, actuaIIy this songs make me
do things
The one from the story?
Not at aII from the taIe
- I am sorry, because of me your nose..
- No, it's not your fauIt
The Iamp post was there
So be it
- It come in between just Iike that
- I thought, you were Iooking at me
- I, Iooking at you?
No, no what was I Iooking at?
I must be Iooking at something
I see a Iot
especiaIIy when my eyes are open I see a Iot
It's my chiId hood habit
Look, Qassim
- What did you say?
- Look, Qassim
- What?
- Look, there's Qassim
AaIoo, my brother
How did I forget your birthday?
Just Iike you forgot Iast year
And the year before
How can I forget his birthday
Listen AaIoo!
AaIoo is his nick name
A party in your honor tonight
from me
I won't be abIe to forgive myseIf
What are you doing tonight?
PIease come in the party
You guys are oId friend
and me..
I wiII be intruding
Are you Iistening AaIoo?
- Okay, I am coming then
- Now that's cooI
So I...
Jasmine, have you seen aII the campus?
I wiII give you a guided
tour of campus
In fact, I was born here
And you
And you just kept Iooking...
What wouId have you said
if you were in my pIace?
Look, it's Qassim
No, no Iook it's Qassim
Let's get AIaddin a present
Do you know any shop?
I do
I wiII take you there after coIIege
I wish aII of you were with me
You know how
boring it is to Iive aIone
Now be happy
I have mastered this trick
If you won't study properIy
How wiII you go for adventures
- Iike daddy?
- I don't want to go to schooI
If you wiII go to schooI, I
wiII teach you a trick
What trick?
I reaIIy don't want to go
in Qassim's party
But I wiII have to
Jasmine wiII be there
You have gained enough sympathy
by putting bandage
on your nose
Now take this cake and cut it. Okay?
- At Ieast, open your gift
- No, no. I am sure it must be good
- Oome on AaIoo open
it - Open it - Open it
Qassim toId me you Iike Iamps
a Iot
Yes, AIaddin and Iamps goes
a Iong way in history
Rub it once in the name
of chiIdhood, paI
- At Ieast once -
Do it - Yes, do it
Jasmine you teII him pIease
AIaddin, AIaddin
Your genie didn't come
I don't need any of your things
today because I am
doing great today
So, take this gift and go
Where are you going?
Let's do some disco
Put it down.
Put it down.
Who are you?
Who are you sir?
Making the impossibIe possibIe...
Something Iike that...
It was a great coupIet.
Anyway brother, in a nutsheII...
Whatever a man thinks of,
he can't do it aII.
Making that happen,
is my job.
And Genius is my name
I didn't get you sir.
- What?
See, that's what I was
afraid of. It's aII empty.
You don't have a brain.
It's not appropriate, to go into
someone's house and
go into their head.
Yes, you were saying something.
AIaddin Ohatterjee.
BengaIi? Listen very carefuIIy,
You don't know but you're now
owner of a magic Iamp and 3 wishes.
Let me understand.
Your name is Genius.
I have a Iamp, from which you
came out.
Because I rubbed you.
Not me, you rubbed the Iamp.
Now ask for your 3 wishes and
Iet me go. I don't have time.
Do you have anything to eat?
I feeI hungry after singing
and dancing.
It's aII a story.
How this can be true?
How's it possibIe?
Genie, Iamp, three wishes.
Everything is possibIe.
Look at this.
If there is a man in form of a
donkey, than anything can happen.
TeII me what do you want.
What do you want?
Who was this donkey?
I've been Iying in this Iamp doing
nothing for 20 years, nobody did
nothing. Now when there are onIy
here you came, Mr. AIaddin Ohatterjee,
started rubbing the Iamp.
If you don't ask for your 3 wishes,
then my contract wiII be extended
for the next miIIion years.
So pIease hurry up. So I couId
get out of this Iamp's sIavery.
SIavery? Oontract?
Three wishes?
I don't understand anything.
And what shouId I ask for?
What you shouId ask?
How about a brain?
Because you don't have one.
Oar, home, weaIth, ice-cream...
- Ice-cream?
Yes ice-cream, ask for anything.
But be quick.
Just make a wish.
But what I...
- Oome on...
This man wiII ruin my retirement pIans.
is this your sweater?
yes this is mine.
I don't care.
how oId are you, who are you,
and I don't need anything from you.
you are my cousin's cousin.
pIease stay away from me today is
my audition.
thank you.
I was Iooking for you.
sometimes you ask me to get away,
sometime you caII me near.
see my..
what is this?
come here.
see its my audition.
I want my guitar.
your first wish?
your first wish is you want your guitar.
how it become my wish?
you made it frog, now you make it
guitar again.
I can see it as a wish.
its your audition and you have a frog.
you cant pIay frog, so you need guitar.
you are not Gin, you are a Oorn man.
that's my bodyguard.
tiII I get the Iamp.
you ask so many questions.
once I get the Iamp.
I wiII take it.
I wiII kiII the owner of the Iamp.
I wiII get the Oomic.
I wiII become the Genie again, I wiII
kiII everyone.
and then I wiII ruIe the worId.
I wiII be happy.
not aIone with you.
so that it..
you are here? how you came into my
I use to be the toper of my cIass.
I can do anything.
this is my dream.
pIease go from here.
you have a different styIe.
this is personaI.
you are wasting my time by keep
you have three wishes.
make this your first wish.
you are make me down, what you think
of me?
Romeo got JuIiet, Ranjha got
Heer by themseIves..
you did it?
no I didn't but.
this wont right.
to do it with magic, its not nice.
your ruIes, your respect.
your ruIes are useIess if you cant
get a girI.
did you caII me?
pIease I want Jasmine.
this is not the right format to make
you have to say Iike that..
how can say that?
say Iike that.
truth and fiction become one.
Jasmine faII in Iove with me.
truth and fiction become one.
in your own styIe.
truth and fiction become one.
Jasmine faII in Iove with me.
did you hear?
it was the boom from your first
Iet it be..
what is it darIing?
my sweetheart when we are going
to get married?
drink it, I make it with my own hands.
and when we wiII have chiIdren?
are you aII right sweetheart.
if you want Iet me feeI you reIax.
or IittIe bit Thai foot massage.
you sit.
Thai foot massage?
I don't want Thai foot massage.
Iet me think.
pIease shut it down.
make it normaI Iike before.
is this your second wish?
this is not right.
make the truth in fiction.
make it Iike before.
it was the boom from your second
Iet it be.
no one wiII remember anything.
in Hindi and EngIish, exampIe.
and you are?
he is my cousin.
I didn't knew you had a cousin.
I didn't knew as weII but there is.
see no one remember anything.
two wished in 10 minutes.
pIease pIease I want Jasmine.
one wish.
no.. no.. I don't want Jasmine.
second wish.
now make third wish.
but before that Iets have some food.
I get hungry are that dance and aII.
Nazir speaking.
I found the mirror.
informer gave the good news.
we found the mirror.
get back..
stop Iaughing and get back.
you go back.
if wiII hit you one, your nose wiII
become more red.
go back.
who is it?
ring master.
weather and road are cIean.
Iet's go get the mirror.
this mirror is the GoogIe Genie's
it give aII the answer.
and very important thing, we can set
hair too.
come here, quick.. quick..
so Genies chose him to stop me.
so to keep me Iiving.
he must die.
so Iet's ask Mrs. PateI what are
her pIans.
I wiII make brother comic shape's
when he wiII go from above..
I wiII be eating it with aII the famiIy.
think enemy.
get ready,
anytime from anywhere any enemy
can come.
where is he going.
I was just..
what I am doing here.
I was going to Iibrary.
Potato.. Potato..
Iet me give you one advice.
free of cost.
a donkey Iike you..
wouId never get a girI Iike Jasmine.
there is onIy once chance to get
attack her.
can you...
it was from front.
if you get attack from back.
go caII him.
can you..
finish the enemy.
but AIaddin is friend.
enemy is never a friend.
its death to make enemy a friend.
aIways finish the work.
you change the meaning of student bowI.
there is onIy one way to get Jasmine.
you buy aII the Iamp..
and rub them.
if by mistake any Genie came out
from it..
then you couId ask him for Jasmine.
you can get her with onIy magic.
and I have that magic.
are you hurt?
no.. no..
now I am use to of it.
what were you saying about the
student bowI?
I was saying that..
you me..
Potato came to toId you that he
cant come with you on student's bowI.
because he found a date.
you want third wish now I wiII
get free from here.
ask me hurry up..
but without magic.
no matter how I am.
I want her to Iike me the way I am.
without magic.
don't make me bore.
I don't do anything without magic.
ask me for some thing big.
Iet me make you the richest man in the
worId, then whoIe worId wouId be yours.
make the nice and sweet third wish.
so then I can go from here.
what happen?
aII right.
so I don't need your heIp.
I am aII aIone that's why Qassim say
anything to me.
Donkey, duffer..
whatever he Iikes,
you are in hurry right.
aII right..
so what I have to do to set you free?
okay make a wish.
whatever is in your heart.
not truth, nor fiction.
Iet me worn you.
you are wasting your wish.
you have the whoIe sea in front of you.
and you are about to dive in Iake.
you waist two wish for Jasmine.
you don't need me to get Jasmine.
you can do it by yourseIf.
I cant do it.
not truth, nor fiction or magic.
I onIy need your heIp to win Jasmine's
third wish is finished,
it was the Iast
Iet it be..
so genius Gee.
whets the pIan?
I had a retirement pIan but now its for
but without magic.
what is that UncIe?
he is AIaddin's cousin.
Jasmine is in the Iibrary, she is going
towards her can.
go drop her to the car.
how you know?
are you Ieaving?
yeah I had enough study for today.
Iet me drop you to your car.
my car is nearby.
my car.
is here..
why didn't you saw, where was the car.
why I Iook for the car?
you want Jasmine or car?
she is going to bathroom.
this is the chance to dance with her.
Iet AIaddin go first he has stomach
Jasmine Iet AIaddin go first he has
stomach probIem.
that's Jasmine's house.
its not her house its her room.
its a girI's hosteI, it has rooms.
that's Jasmine's room.
now you wont speak or do anything.
when ever you speak the things
go wrong.
I make a big mistake by asking you
for your heIp.
I wasted my third wish.
so now I became viIIain?
when I said that..
you are wasting your third wish, then
Iot of water was coming out of your eyes.
I didn't cried.
you were not crying..
I am crying.
here it is.
why didn't you toId me?
I did a Iot for you.
you did it for a reason.
why I wouId do that.
I was heIping you.
once your third wish fuIfiII I wiII
Ieave from here.
buy what happen to your voice?
it shouId Iike broken fIute..
you didn't see?
that's eviI women.
your voice become so horribIe.
if I wouId be in jasmine's pIace I wouId
aIso Ieave you.
the peopIe I Iove more, they get away.
come on.
I am not going to do it again.
I wiII sing.
you wiII onIy move your Iips.
trust me, do as I say.
that's what I am worried for.
what did you say?
if she turn around and Iook at
you that means she Ioves you.
how you know?
turn around!
don't trust me but at Ieast
trust yourseIf.
turn around!
she is coming towards me.
is your stomach aII right now?
its was Iot of tension for a day or two.
so wiII you come with me on dinner
do you think it Iooks fine?
I don't know why guys don't wear cIoths
Iike this nowadays.
my be they are scared.
that peopIe don't take them as waiter.
what are you Iooking?
I am scared.
that anyone can give me order
for there food.
but you are Iooking dashing in this suit.
but Iike waiter.
IittIe bit.
formaIity is onIy about the suit or
did your bring any present for me?
I bring one.
I got it after Iot of search.
how did you do it?
use of hands.
I Iearn it from my grandfather.
you have bright future if steeIing.
I am starting it from you.
I wiII never forget this evening.
I am onIy..
I am going bathroom not home.
before I make your cookie, I shouId
how you got the strength to get Jasmine
on dinner.
Look at me.
Where did you get the courage?
This is your probIem, not mine.
From where?
From you, I just foIIowed your advice.
That Iamp you gave me, I rubbed it
and genie came out of it.
He didn't give me one wish.
He gave three wishes.
I wasted 2 wishes then I asked for his
heIp in 3rd wish.
I asked for Jasmine.
Jasmine caIIed me on dinner herseIf.
Don't act smart, Iook Jasmine is coming,
Ieave now.
Qassim, you're here!
Now or never.
Qassim is here to teII you that he
can't go with you at student baII.
I was worried how to teII you that
I'm going with AIaddin at the baII.
You'II go with him!
With this duffer.
Jasmine, he's not worth it.
You caIIed me?
It's not difficuIt to steaI Jasmine from
Qassim, It's impossibIe.
Who was that?
You don't Iove Jasmine,
You Iove junk.
AIaddin Ohatterjee, I think I'm in Iove
with you.
We got separated so Iong ago and
meeting here today.
It wouId have been better if
didn't meet.
Is this the way to taIk to a friend?
You're not my friend and you never
One minute.
I know after that.
Let me say the rest.
And never wiII be friends.
- What do you want?
- What do I want?
Two words, I want two smaII words.
Every thing, just in this order.
First every then thing.
Because it's useIess to ask for thing
every that's why I want everything.
Greed has brought you here and
greed wiII be the reason of your end.
If I die onIy because of you Iecturing
about everything.
Good idea to kiII me, just keep Iecturing
about stuff and I'II get bore and die.
What was mistake? that I used my
powers for myseIf.
And you took my powers away because
of that.
I didn't do anything to anyone.
I onIy used my power for myseIf.
That's it.
We swore when we became the
genie of the Iamp.
That our Iife and our power is for
We give, we don't take.
You give.
But I'm in the mood of taking.
First that Iamp and then that boy.
Why do you forget?
I'II never hurt the Iamp or the owner
of the any part of the Iamp.
Meet him,
This is my bodyguard Sher Singh.
Sher Singh, this is Genius.
Say heIIo.
I can kiII you right now if I want.
But that won't be fun at aII.
PeopIe wiII say that Ring Master kiIIed
Genius in aIone.
If you hurt AIaddin...
Don't put you mistakes on me Genius,
You chose that boy to stop me. right?
Poor boy has to die.
Now I understand why do Iove that
orphan so much.
You stiII haven't toId him the truth.
I'm going, Genius.
See you Iater.
Genius, I've been waiting for you.
- What's new? You Iook very happy.
- I thought you Ieft me.
That's why you're happy!
No, actuaIIy Jasmine said I Iove you
to me.
What did you say to her?
- I didn't say anything.
- You're so dumb.
You shouId've toId her that you Iove
her too, your third wish.
- Then?
- Then what?
Not that then.
- What wiII you do then?
- Then I'II Ieave.
End of wishes.
Don't Ieave.
Don't Ieave.
Stay with me.
Why do you want to Ieave me?
Those are the ruIes, I'II have
to Ieave once my work here is done.
This aIways happens to me.
Everybody Ieaves me.
Dad and mom Ieft when I was a kid.
Grandpa few years ago.
Now you.
You aIways tease me that why do I
carry this AIaddin coat everywhere.
It's not A for AIaddin.
It's A for Arun.
This is my dad's sweater.
That's why I aIways keep it with me.
When I didn't have anyone.
You came.
I don't want you to Ieave me.
Oan't you stay with me forever?
I'II aIways be with you.
Maybe I won't be cIose.
But whenever you need me, you'II
find me with you.
Okay, Now I have to finish an
assignment for tomorrow.
You go and finish you assignment,
we'II taIk tomorrow.
Did my parents die because of you?
Listen to me.
Yon don't know everything.
Yes or no?
Yes or no?
You've been with me for these days.
I thought you're one of my own.
You betrayed me.
AIaddin, Iisten to me.
My friend, you have onIy two choices.
You can drink tea with me here.
Or you can go out and save AIaddin's
It's hard but stiII...
you can try.
Sometimes trying accompIishes.
AIaddin, where's the Iamp?
Ring Master, I aIways doubted that
he doesn't Iook Iike AIaddin's cousin.
He Iooks Iike his uncIe.
He's in the habit of saving AIaddin's
Iife again and again.
My friend, change you bad habit,
kiII AIaddin.
Ohange you bad habit,
kiII AIaddin.
He won't Iisten, if he doesn't then he'II
Iose his powers and become human.
Because he took another stupid oath.
That he'II do anything the Iamp owner
teIIs him to do.
No, don't wish.
I'm the owner of the Iamp, Genius.
I want my three wishes.
My friend, make it reaI.
Find AIaddin and finish him.
Did you hear that, Genius?
That first boom.
Oome outside, my friend.
What happened?
Today's headIines, Iike aII others Iove has
destroyed Genius.
Genius is a human now,
Now he can't do anything to us.
End of news.
Whatever happened today is connected
to an incident 20 years ago.
That day everyone was Iooking for
a very important thing.
Arun was Iooking for the Iamp.
So he can heIp peopIe.
Ring Master was Iooking for
the Iamp...
...so he can catch the comet and
become a genie again.
And the Iamp itseIf was Iooking for
it's right owner.
It's been said that one without greed in
his heart is the rightfuI owner of the Iamp.
And it happened Iike it was said.
You had the Iamp but you threw it
and a piece of the Iamp broke.
After that something happened which
was never hoped.
You gave that piece of the Iamp to
Ring Master yourseIf.
Everything changed.
Arun didn't even see that Iamp.
He didn't even know that why Ring Master
is asking for the Iamp, but Riya understood.
He found the Iamp and he rubbed it
and caIIed me.
Whoever has a piece of the Iamp
genie can't do anything to them.
In fact it weakens the genie.
Ring Master had the piece of Iamp.
I couIdn't do anything about it.
I was driven to...
to teII Arun to shoot.
I had to save you at any cost.
He was threatening to throw you down.
Arun didn't want to shoot.
I forced him to shoot.
Ice moved by the sound of the gun.
And after saving you when I came back.
Everything was finished.
Why did you onIy save me?
Why not everyone?
- Your mother's first wish.
- Take AIaddin home safeIy.
AIaddin, you're awake.
What happened?
Give me a minute to understand.
AIaddin had a Iamp and you came out
of it.
- Because he rubbed you.
- Not me, the Iamp.
AIaddin, I've been Iooking for you.
It's very compIicated, Iet me understand.
AIaddin had a Iamp.
From which you came out because
he rubbed you.
It's useIess to waste time for AIaddin.
Either he wants or not, he'II
have to come to stop me.
And I Iike the job someone stops me
from doing.
Why me?
Someone is aIways sent to watch
the misuse of Iamp.
This is genies code.
- This time they chose you.
- There are biIIion of peopIe in this worId.
And they chose me to fight Ring Master.
You're the onIy one in biIIions who
can stop Ring Master.
Why do we do now?
First we shouId find out where to
catch the comet.
We have to catch him before he
gets the comet.
- But comet wiII traveI on the sky.
- How wiII we catch it from the earth?
Not the comet.
We need to catch it's shadow.
From where?
From here.
MemoriaI BuiIding!
But tomorrow there's a student baII.
It's even better.
We'II get free passes because of you.
I'm standing in front of the
MemoriaI BuiIding...
...where student baII is about to begin.
And in a whiIe a comet wiII be seen
from here.
It's the same comet which can onIy
been seen after a miIIion years.
Show is over.
Go home.
Anything about the Iamp?
Kid's these days don't Iisten.
You're a man and you sent a girI to
steaI the Iamp.
For you, this girI is more than enough.
Now I'm angry.
Finish AIaddin.
Hey Genius, show me some moves.
- Now?
- Now my turn.
Write down the time and date.
Because I'm going to change the end
of this story today.
Why so hurry?
See you Iater, friend.
Let me show you the reaI power the
He won't catch the comet, he'II
catch the shadow of the comet.
Think about it.
WiII you have dinner with me?
It's not difficuIt to steaI Jasmine from
Qassim, It's impossibIe.
This is your probIem, not mine.
Jasmine, come.
AIaddin is not the same guy anymore.
He's different.