2 horas y 26 minutos !

"Previamente, en My Little Pony" Tema. Admiro la valentía de estos guardias, pero me compadezco de su inteligencia. ¿No deberían estar muertos? Pensando en voz alta. Twilight...
Ni siquiera las historias originales de la serie nos dicen la historia de los elementos de la harmonía Porque los verdaderos cerebritos usan libros de dibujos. La canción que nos avergonzó en cierto...
What's the gospel? I'll put it in a sentence. The gospel is the news that Jesus Christ the Righteous One died for our sins, rose again eternally triumphant over all his enemies, so...
NOTHING IS MORE POWERFUL THAN AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME WHOSE TIME IS NOW JASON: Right now there are more people on Facebook than there were on the planet 200 years ago. Humanity's greatest...
#EndTheAbuse #content marketing effectiveness #new movie #Photo Marcus #fur child #2 hours and 26 minutes! #Reaction GIF #I know it's small but I don't know how to change t #i took this one yesterday #such a beautiful video #love this movie #Gif Version #OMG! Can't tell how I love this song #gainingweightohwell #if you reblog this for the gifs take out the writi #I had to test if I could still make gifs or not #I'm dramatic af #nas gif #counting down the hours #vido #reblog this #first promotional single #Feature #Bill Russell #organisation at its best #glitch art #Celebrities Before Success #yourreactiongifs #Movies to watch #tee public #changetheworld #new short film #30 day drawing challenge #international criminal court #original post #The Photo Society #famous writers #I wanna be a canadian #original work #cantstopreading #chriswjoseph #african kids #by the editors #Colgado #teen idle #activist art #Military Love and Support #if it had happened #long post #but i got the project done before class ended so #Har de Har Har #The People of West Africa #getfitbetrue #Human Beauty in Art, Photographs,& Illustrations #Pop Up Banners #c: what then of ambition what then of love #31nails2014 #freshnails #nail art challenge #52 week nail art challenge #SinglesAwarenessDay #Not reblogs #see this #gift original #like4reblog #reblog4reblog #IMG Models #omfg i need to make these immediately #file under: what was I thinking #please reblog #Number One Hits #epicmoviequote #Disneydiehard #Movie Screenings NYC #writers on tumblr #writers of tumblr #infamousfamily #stop making me try #2013 washington wa eastern #dictators #For Joseph #дети #africandream #africanart #african style #sf public art #graphicnails #movie time #tumblr famous #explode #designs by chad #Contents My Kids Love d #raection gif #blocparty #drawing the stud #inspire web #what to see #photocredittoowner #viral marketing #viral messages #supportyourlocalartist #the ghost's child #NYC DOT #freedom campaign #Watch It #waitingtoleaveforwork #365 project #why didnt the old bird stay down #he looks about 12 #look man this family is hard to pick faces for #be original #twonormalshirts #getfitordietrying #african child #moralmarch #moralmonday #Share Movement #common projects #cantstoplookingatyourpicture #films watched in 2013 #3 Películas si vistas 3 #shooting star gif #letsgoseeittogether #i'll just be posting many pictures of spain #300 hours #you'll evolve #International Dot Day #moveitmonday #ocawareness #miun365 #Vimeo Likes #stephen lang #i'm including sin and i don't care #Film Frenzy #job loss in MD #gitgphoto #a Tomes Away original #tumblrgiftguide #supportlocalartists #IC 410 #seattle children's hospital #stoptouching #yes i chose much younger looking people #get to know me meme #365 Movies #weloveyournailart #nlwest #disney gif #common people army #always remember never forgotten #reactrecords #i am the rebel artist #gif maker #what film do you use #my glasses look to big for my face #my one in a million #obnoxiouslyhyper #student advocacy #it's so short i think everyone should just take an #human rights campaign store #makingprogresshappen #campagin #https://this-iswar.tumblr.com/ #Making the invisible visible #five year old drawing #childs drawing #films i want to see #kenneth justice #tagger #Movies to watch over and over #year book photo #seattlechildrenshospital #russellhouse #aboveandbeyondpics #TOP 77 SONGS OF THE 2000'S #You're the AT&T of people #color meme #gif warning #بي دي اف #_feature #KC135 #knee highs



አሁን በየቦታቸው ንስሐ ይገቡ ዘንድ ሰውን ሁሉ ያዛል። እነሆ፥ የመዳን ቀን አሁን ነው። ከሚመጣው ቍጣ እንድትሸሹ፣ ከሙሴ ሕግ እንድትሸሹ፣ ሽሹ ወደ መማፀኛ ከተማ። ወደ እሱ ሩጡ። ንሰሓ ማለት ተስፋ መቁረጥ ማለት ነው። ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር ውግያ ማቆም እና አቁሙ ድነትን ለማግኘት በራሳችሁ ሥራ፣ የእውነት ተስፋ...