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Te voy a decir todo lo que no te dije Por miedo que al decirlo puedas verme triste Sé bien que no te gustan las crudas despedidas Y crees que son parte inerte de la vida Te voy a decir todo si al...



It's Time to Change: Religion And We Have a Plan - Because you told me it's wrong. - It's not me, it's the Bible. - He's offending God, he's offending...
I think there's two ways to get to God. Through pain or through love. Mine was through pain. What I do for a living is one of the toughest sports in the business, UFC. All the intensity and...
COMENTARIO DEL P. ROBERT BARRON SOBRE LOS VALORES FAMILIARES EN LA BIBLIA Hoy la gente habla mucho de valores familiares, y en la Biblia podemos encontrar valores familiares, pero quizá no sean...