500 years are passed, when Templars killed a girl She wore under her feet the sign of the cross, She was a trampler When she was passing away Her soul arriver to the Lord of All the Hells And, to Him,...
Let there be such Life on Earth , that 's not the best dream ever, is no place prisons and war, the Human returned to Health . Not the Health to dump bull kill the enemy and applauds the hall,...



Desperate and armed It's time to sail along Lets all go jump the bridge Lets all go jump the bridge We'll move together And push it too the end Let's spread this across the earth Let's spread this...
Karaganda region, Kazakhstan, 2 March 2016 7:30 am Moscow time on March 2, 2016 marked the end of the most unusual expedition on the ISS. Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and NASA astronaut Scott...
<3<3 Welcome to iRead Bedtime Stories Channel <3<3 Wally down to earth long ago when the planet became too polluted humans were forced to leave Earth on a luxury space ship...
I'm here in the M Gorbachev station obiting earth in the Solar, or Sol, system. As you may know, I've recently returned from a journey to the centre of the Galaxy to see the...
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There was a lot of traffic to and from space last week, with a splashdown and a launch happening within a day of each other. First, there was the return of the DRAGON capsule, which you might remember...
>>WEISS-MALIK: Hi, everyone. I'm not quite as famous as everybody else here, so instead of looking at my face, we're going to actually get to look at Google Earth and...
Welcome to space to ground, your weekly look at what’s happening on board ISS. I’m Nicole Cloutier-Lemasters. The space station crew has a new commander. NASA astronaut Steve Swanson took the reins...

