- [Matthew] And here we have a wild baldo in his natural habitat. Ah, good specimen this one is, extra bald. Oh don't scare him away, he may have noticed us. - So let's face it, mother...
Here’s something to keep in mind, the next time you find yourself fancying a quick swim, to cool down after a hot day on the beach…10 sea creatures that are lurking below sharing the same waters....
This bizarre looking creature, the Axolotl or Mexican walking fish is renowned for its ability to grow new limbs and other body parts if they are damaged or severed. What's little known is...



NARRATOR: Randal Voss is sequencing the genome of salamanders. Though we share many of the same genes, the salamander genome is massive compared to our own—about 10 times as large. Voss's...



[drumroll] [heroic music] For just about every superhero or villain who’s graced the pages of a comic book or cineplex screen, nature has an answer. The animal world is full of inspiration when it...



These animals are really interesting their skin is used to make medicine for respiratory illnesses their meat is edible and has very high nutritional valor also it has the most advanced regeneration...
And Let's do this again...okay... this time we're gonna do the challenge right hopefully Before we do anything we wanna check our ID Where is it, did I pass it? Probably Oh okay, so 9...
This is the salamander or axolotl, depends how you want to pronounce. Whose scientific name is "Ambystoma mexicanum". It is a type of amphibious quite difficult to find in nature....



When you think about Action-RPGs and what you expect of them the list is generally fairly small. Oodles of monsters with maybe a boss or two sprinkled in; silly spells or attacks to crush them all;...



I've been studying embryonic heart development and for a number of years I've been using the Mexican Axolotl, which is this salamander you see here. Because it has a genetic mutation...