這些年, 一個人, 風也過, 雨也過 有過淚, 有過錯, 還記得堅持什麼 真愛過, 才會懂, 會寂寞, 會回首 終有夢, 終有你, 在心中 朋友, 一生一起走, 那些日子遠長久 一句話, 一輩子, 一生情, 一杯酒 朋友不曾孤單過, 一聲朋友你會懂 還有傷, 還有痛, 還要走, 還有我 這些年 一個人 風也過 雨也走 有過淚 有過錯 還記得堅持什麼 真愛過 才會懂 會寂寞 會回首 終有夢 終有你...



During the early 1900's, a group of Black Americans led by Colonel Allen Allensworth and Professor William Payne, decided to pursue their dream of creating a community in California free of...
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I would say that a good sculpture is one that there is a lot of starting points for the viewers and when they see it they don’t think it is so other they can imagine it being something about them or...
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