She waits by my side, Her smell reminds me of a time, I tried to stay, i tried to run, I keep falling again, I'm in love, And nothing completes me like you do. Like you do... All I wanted was...



I give you the teddy to put you in bed And here's an axe to chop off your head I give you a pill to cure your disease And here's a gun to put you to peace - put you to peace We chop each other half...
I drove past his house You walked out the door I wasn't surprised I know you've been there before I'm amazed I still even care I must have something left I don't know where I'm tired of being right...
VERSE ONE: Things never happen like I wish they could Only in my dreams I've never been willing to give up my heart Or let myself believe I have been waiting all of my life Just for tonight This time...



Ah itsumo to kawara nai yokei na fuan ha tsukue no oku ni kakushi te oko u Mado no soto mitsume te omoi fukeru 『koko kara nukede sou!!』 Uh!ore sama wa Real na SK8ER!! Studs to Vans de Hard Core na...



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Hi, I'm Julien Phipps And I'm running for election to the Vancity board you, I want to continue being part of a credit union that puts its people and community first. •...
well i'm reading it all works more lively this work unless you guys is the word that brings life to its rare so god created this world my world we're the love of god working hideous in...
Can generational sins and curses in my family bloodline affect me? Yes! Jesus paid the prices for sin and became a curse for us on the cross. Generational curses, for believers, have been broken when...
I have the Holy Spirit in me. Why do I need deliverance? Your question should be: what have I got to lose? We contend that every believer should go through deliverance ministry. If you try to cast out...