I`m not very good at singing songs but here's a try If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch You must first invent the universe Space is filled with a network of wormholes You might...
Hello, today I wanted to show you my Mater's Tall Tales Monster Truck Wrestling Playset. I got this on Craigslist, so I don't have the box, but it's got some pretty cool...
Est-ce que c'est en 3D ? Ah, Non. Je suis désolée ... Ok. Qu'est ce qu'on va voir ? Je pense qu'on va voir mon petit-ami prélever mon sang Mon petit-ami dans le film Il prélève mon sang et on...
[SPEAKING KOREAN] [KOREAN PATRIOTIC SONG] SHANE SMITH: Right after we launched VBS, people started saying, North Korea. Why don't you go to North Korea? Why? Because nobody knows anything about North...