Forest by night Dancing shadows Witches burn fire It is beltane Sanctissime colere beltane Sanctissime colere satanas Fullmoon so pale Like bones of dead Skeleton exhumed To feast with dark ones...
Aus tiefstem Herzen wünscht ich mir, die Nacht würd nicht vorübergehn, heut Nacht Bei meiner Seele schwör ich dir, d ass diese Nacht die Nacht der Nächte ist Wenn der Tag erwacht mit seiner Macht,...
Merry meet again, and welcome back to the Friends of Rupert show! Thanks so much for joining us for our "Celebrate Beltane" episode; we're so glad you're here! On...
(Magickal Harp Sound) Now, let’s do some more singing! This next song is the Round and Round Song, and this time I’ll bet you can guess that for Beltane! Do you remember your part? It goes like this:...
I’m a Friend of Rupert! You’re a Friend of Rupert! We’re ALL Friends of Rupert. Yea!!! (Clapping) (Laughing) As long as we’re singing, and we’re celebrating a Sabbat, how about if we sing the “Count...