propyl look at it did'nt excellent recitation into c_i_a_ prisons that are still missing now if you remember uh... oversight foundation and that they had done some research and found out there...
>> REAGAN: I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have live here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally. >> OBAMA:...
so now we go to bricks anxious who's going to do a good jagger calling out the g_o_p_ congressman marsha blackburn so senators if they don't like one in the next step uh... about uh......
the steps of constructed by bill toomey online these days in a free product not sending dot com like on friday we've gotten and and come up and i think really interesting piece in c_n_n_ that...
there's a new trend in intelligent and that is to absolutely destroyed of republican closer come on i like this new trend in lawrence o'donnell act is one of its practitioners these...