Caché C'est comme l'homme de la rue L'ordinaire, le témoin, le passant Caché En salle des pas perdus Il ne perd ni son train ni son temps Sur les plateaux de tournage d'une vie Y'a des rôles qui ne...
Greece is one of the main entry gates into Europe. We don't even have basic needs, sometimes we stay all day without eating food. You see, I sleep in the park. They seek safety in Europe, but...
Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play... Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to be the toughest little...
You know, my favorite part of being a dad is the movies I get to watch. I love sharing my favorite movies with my kids and when my daughter was four, we got to watch "The Wizard of Oz"...