Digite o token fornecido pelo aplicativo. Na tela principal, você pode ver toda a cobertura de notícias da plataforma. Enviar mensagens para um ou mais destinatários. O envio de mensagens para listas...



What do you do when you find a Geocaching.com Trackable? You have two options: move it to another cache or simply discover it. If you want to move the Trackable to another cache, you don’t have to...
We’ve had such an outstanding relationship for several years now. It’s been dynamic; they support our mission, which is to provide the assistance and support necessary to people with disabilities to...
Did you know that your app has a website? It improves your Search Engine Ranking and looks just a great as your app. Now watch this. You can change stuff right then and there. And it instantly changes...
Hello. Today I'm going to show you a very quick and simple way you can add depth to an image. This is kinda simple, because you just blur background and get object to see. So lets get started....



[ Music ] >> Deborah Somers, Director, Client Service EMEA, GMAC: Students are most successful in gradate school when they are capable of solving problems using quantitive data and...
Thank you for letting us make your app. Starting today it comes with a matching website full of secrets. You can easily change this website and it magically changes your app at the same time. This...
Hello. Today I'm going to show you how to make an avatar with youtube player. So I'm using it right now on my youtube channel. And if you want something similar just follow this...
You’ve heard all about it, but what is Instagram?   Instagram is a fast and fun way to share what’s happening in your life with friends, family, and acquaintances through a series of pictures. You...
you've seen it mobile phones are everywhere people just can't put them down... in the grocery store in line at the bank... you name it. If you look around right now you're...