I'm getting sick and tired of wasting all my time And trying to read between your lines It's hard to see yourself when the mirror's cracked Why don't you try to see the...



Preposterous. Man is preposterous, ok? and essentially if you sit back and say "well..." "So he is, what are we going to do with him?" We can't do a fucking...
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[music] [chanting] The tablet and ceremonies of Port Pan Algonquin, belonged to the I'hin Mound-Builders, who were the little people considered to be sacred. They were the descendants of...
it really should not be a surprise anyone that if you cannot show the evidence that someone should not go to jail I do not have a heart for people who do evil but If I was put on trial my tune would...
Warning! The following program features graphic footage of political animal attacks and cultural corruption. Viewer discretion is advised. The modern age hits our world with a bang. Transforming the...
My family and I have been aware for some time that my peoples, spread far and wide throughout every continent and ocean in the world, were united to support me in the task to which I have now been...
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Friends!! The March of the Living has a worrying timeliness today, and it is painful to remember the victims of the holocaust. Perhaps too many of us thought that even...