I'm Jim Leske, animal trainer with Expert Village. Today we're talking about border collies and herding. This is Tess. Border collies need a lot of physical stimulation. The reason...
I'm Jim Leske, I'm the animal trainer expert with expertvillage.com. Today we are talking about herding and border collies, specifically. Basically, I'm going to show you what...
I'm Jim Leske, animal trainer with Expert Village. Today we're talking about herding and a specific command. This specific command is called to me. There's a number of ways...
I'm Jim Leske and this is my good friend Tess here and today we're talking about herding and border collies specifically with Expert Village. Remember herding dogs especially need...
I'm Jim Leske, animal trainer with Expert Village. Today we're talking about herding. This specific command is called away me which you will be using to either get the flock out into...
[Sheepdogs barking (10 secs)] [Kiwi farmer's voice] The statue of a Huntaway dog recognises the immense contribution this dog has made to the farming district of Hunterville, and is a memorial...
I'm Jim Lesle, animal trainer with Expert Village. Today we're talking about border collies, all your herding dogs, not just border collies, almost every single one of them have very...
>>> Welcome to "Arizona Wildlife Views." I'm Jim Paxson. In tonight's show, we will learn how to read a stream. If that's not enough...



Okay, good morning, my name is Jim Leske. I'm an animal trainer with Expert Village and today we are talking about border collies and herding. Specifically, we are going to talk a little bit...