Toddammit Twitter is full of today's enlightened youths. Well YouTube, you know they say out of the mouths of babes and I recently stumbled upon the Internet sage that is Jaden Smith not Jada...
Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '99 "WEAR SUNSCREEN!" If I could offer you only one tip for the future, "sunscreen" would be it. The long-term benefits...
Revolution on Represent 107.3 FM. My name is Tarek Now listeners you may remember not too long ago we had a spoken word artist by the name of Suli Breaks. Came down dropped a live session and alot of...
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We live our lives pursuing happiness "out there" as if it is a commodity. We have become slaves to our own desires and craving. Happiness...
Hi, my name's Zach Eastman, I'm the student rep on the Durham College Board of Governors, and I'm in the Business Administration program at Durham College. I originally heard...
feeding your mind positive thoughtssega is uh... and gals out there on the internet friends uh... sunday afternoon and i just want to share is something that uh... i'd has had a revelation in...
DON'T LOOK FOR ME by SEAL_69 I was a dream...But I touched you. Indeed. And your body still feels the thrill. Of excitement. Don't try to find me. I don't exist anywhere - Just...
So if I was being told that there is this immensely loving, powerful God that knows everything, I think one of my first questions would be "when can we hang out?" It sounds like...
The following video contains the voices of real people from around the world, expressing their opinions using the ScatterRadio app. ScatterRadio. Be Heard. Reddit has an awesome thread going about...
Rest In Natural Great Peace This Exhausted Mind, Beaten Helplessly By Karma And Neurotic Thoughts. Like The Relentless Fury Of The Pounding Waves In The Infinite Ocean Of Samsara. Rest In Natural...