Just the number of people illustrates what an exciting day this is. And on this exciting day, I’m going to reiterate the obvious. And that is we at the University of Louisville are very proud, very...



Hi, my name is Dr. Steve Lim. I have been practicing dentistry since 1998 and I am a board certified Prosthodontist. A Prosthodontist is someone who takes an additional 3 years of training after...
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I think the public healthdental hygienist is the next step. In private practice you maynot see the underserved population the way that I see itin the school systems. We can take the skills...



Dental Hygienist Salary As a Dental Hygienist you can expect to enjoy a good salary and good job opportunities that will enable you to have a comfortable living while working in a field that allows...
The Dental Assisting program is really an exciting program, it's super fun Dental Assisting classes are very hands-on we do have the science and the biology background in the anatomy and the...



My name is Shahrzad Dashti, I’m a fifth year final year student at Manchester. I was torn between Manchester and the other universities I’d had offers from. I was really lucky, I had a choice of four...



I was given a doctor's kit when I was five years old, and when my grandfather was in the hospital I thought, even at the innocent age of five, I could help my grandfather so I went to the...



Introduction: Hello and welcome everybody to another segment of LiveExpertInterviews.TV. My name is Steve Young and thank you so much for joining us. Today we are talking about a very important topic...
Tell me about that tooth! I got skills They're multiplyin' And I'm gainin' motor control 'Cause the teachin' you're supplyin'...