You must use the Force You must use the Force (repeat ad nauseam) You must use the Force Time ago, far, far away Long time ago, far, far away Kiss a Wookiee, kick a droid! Fly the Falcon through an...
Západní zbrojní společnost Jak jde přenos energie? Už dobře, musel sem to restartovat Myslim, že to někdo sabotoval. Doufam, že ne. Co se děje? Pohyb u terminálu! Deme! Kontakt! Rozdělte se! Nalákej...
Converted with - ass to srt converter online! Oi, sou eu, Destin bem-vindos de volta ao Smarter Every Day.Você provavelmente observou que os gatos quase sempre caem de pé.A...
So you thought it was the end of the story. You thought that one single event that one single moment was enough for him to stand amongst the greats. Sleep. 'I don’t sleep.' You thought that was it....