It's Time to Change: Education And We Have a Plan - That's the big answer to everything. Education. They say: "We need more money to education. We need more books, more...
I would tell all New Yorkers, before you buy any furniture, please make a thorough research and find out if that store in particular that you choose have a good review. I asked for a refund and they...
The biggest cause of debt in this country besides mortgages, student debt because there are no jobs out there for these people who trusted their country to be there for them. They basically did that...
>> Estoy aquí para inspirar a padres de nino sordos. Para educar padres sobre la sordera. Hola mi nombre es Stephanie. Tengo 22 anos de edad. : ) Soy hija de padres que hollen. Sorda...
Los humanistas procuramos que nuestra conducta sea lo más decente, justa y honrosa que podamos, sin esperar recompensa ni castigo en otra vida. Bueno, movámonos a nuestras relaciones sociales, de...
Alguien me preguntó si las máquinas tendrán emociones algún día... No, no lo harán. Por que no sirven a ningún propósito Te diré a que me refiero: Si una mujer tiene un accidente de tránsito, y sus...
Hi, my name is Shawn. I want to help you learn numbers. Let's count all the objects in my wagons. I have ONE(1) car. ONE(1) TWO(2) construction cones. ONE(1), TWO(2) THREE(3) drums. ONE(1), TWO(2),...