we talk every once in awhile about human sexuality courses in generally when this comes up the reason that comes up is that assume in the classes i had a proper something has been talk we talk...
♫ [Team Fortress intro music] ♫ I fear no man. But that thing... it scares me. (Masked breathing) No, I... I ain't, I ain't talking about that freak, alright? He's not here,...
Hola hoy dividiremos un video para subirlo a youtube usaremos el programa Avidemux 2.5 Abrimos un video en este caso un capitulo de death note mp4 En Format seleccionamos el formato original del audio...
[singing] BRAVEST WARRIORS!! [siren] We've got a Red Honk! I am Supreme Chancellor Gayle from the Moon of Glendale! We need help! Word up, Gayle! We're on our way! Woah, slow down....