To achieve great things, extraordinary people must surround and support you. For instance through Vanguard, an engineer society composed by student leaders. I held a workshop that introduced...
In Fall 2010 a young lady transferred to UC Berkeley with a major in rhetoric she immigrated to the US from Mexico at a very young age she was raised in south east los angeles by hard working parents...



Hello I am Clauida, from blog, and here we are, continuing with the ideas of communions. As you con see, this is a centerpiece, very original and beautiful, made with flowers...
Hi I'm Claudia, from blog, and today I am here with this tissue paper flower, a giant flower, and very pretty. It can be used to decorate birthdays and communions,...
agua de nieve en tus ojos de cielo yo quería ser la flor que acaricia tu pelo mucho quería pero más pudo el miedo hoy no hay golpe de timón que desate el enredo agua y sal agua y sal como el agua del...



Hola! seguro que tenéis por casa algún vaquero viejo que ya no utilizáis. Hoy vamos a utilizar un poquito de esa tela para hacer una de estos broches inspirados en las Camelias de Chanel. Vamos a...
Hi I'm Claudia, from blog. Today, as you can see, I'm here with these beautiful centerpieces. They are based on giant flowers that we've done before....
¡Hola! Hoy te voy a enseñar a hacer esta original flor de papel Los materiales que vamos a necesitar son: Hojas de colores recicladas, decoradas, el que tú prefieras Un trozo de cartón fino Regla y...
Hello. Last year I bought a treated lumber post, 3mm wire and some pots to make a flower pot tower to put in the garden. I did not make it then, because the ideas I had to attach the pieces of wire to...
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